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66 results
Anacortes/San Juan Islands Schedule Update
What to know about the updated spring sailing schedule
Vehicle reservations for the spring season are available as of Jan. 29. The
Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth 2-Boat Schedule Update
To provide more reliable service for Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth route customers, WSF is updating the two-boat schedule. WSF will also identify service options for unscheduled service using an additional ferry, sometimes called a "bonus boat" or “ghost boat,” based on vessel and crew
Frequent Transit Service Study
In its 2022 session, the Legislature directed WSDOT to conduct a study about statewide transit service benchmarks. The initial report proposed a definition of frequent fixed-route transit and documented how many people in Washington live within a half-mile walk of frequent fixed-route transit
Heritage Connectivity Trails – Phase 1 Project
The Heritage Connectivity Trails – Phase 1 Study will develop multi-use path connectivity options for pedestrians, bicyclists, non-motorized rolling, and equestrian travel in key, priority locations and areas of concern identified by the Yakama Nation, local communities, and WSDOT. The HCT
I-5 Bridgeport Way Pre-Design Study
WSDOT is relocating the signal pole and utility cabinet at the intersection of Bridgeport Way and the I-5 northbound off and on ramps. The existing signal system requires frequent and extensive maintenance repairs. While planning for these improvements, the pre-design study conducted a complete
I-5 Fort Lewis Weigh Station Study
The Fort Lewis Weigh Station located along northbound Interstate 5 near DuPont in Pierce County is in need of updating. Freight traffic in the area experiences recurring congestion and delay due to high volumes from both freight and commuter traffic. The weigh station was
I-5 Operations and Demand Analysis
The Northwest Region Mount Baker Area is leading this effort to address several mobility challenges along segments of the I-5 corridor within the urban area of Bellingham (MP 250 to MP 258). Congestion occurs regularly during peak travel at the I-5 interchanges and on the connecting regional
I-5 Skagit Transportation Study - complete January 2025
I-5 between Mount Vernon and Burlington is a north – south portion of the interstate transportation network in Skagit County, powering the economy and providing a vital link to local businesses and regional markets by connecting people to jobs, goods and each other. To plan for future growth and
I-5 Study
The I-5 Master Plan is now coordinating with the Cascadia High-Speed Rail study to address the future transportation needs of Western Washington communities. The
I-5 Tumwater to Mounts Road Corridor Planning and Environmental Linkages Study
The "Planning and Environmental Linkages Study" (PEL study) built upon the goals and strategies outlined in the original 2020 Corridor Study. This PEL Study represents a collaborative and integrated approach to transportation decision-making that:
- Considers environmental,
I-5 Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Study
I-5 creates a barrier to wildlife, hampering their east/west movements and leading to the death of many animals that attempt to cross it. Recent studies indicate that I-5, with daily traffic volumes between 38,000 and 68,000 vehicles across both study sites, is a large enough barrier to cause
Lower Snake River Dams Transportation Study
The Snake River from Clarkston to Pasco contains four dams (Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite). There has been much interest in removal of these dams for the benefit of salmon, steelhead, Pacific lamprey, bull trout, sturgeon and other native fish species. While there
North Lewis County Industrial Access Transportation Study
To keep people and goods moving throughout western Washington State, the Washington State Department of Transportation is working with local stakeholders and government leaders to conduct a study to assess existing environmental and traffic conditions and reviewing new
Public Transportation Unmet Needs Study
In 2022, WSDOT reviewed state and regional transportation plans, interviewed 30 people made up of transportation riders, providers, and advocates, and developed an economic model to answer the following two questions:
- What is the unmet need for public transportation in the state
South Pierce Multimodal Connectivity Study
WSDOT, in collaboration with community partners, studied a large area of south Pierce County, identifying potential projects and policies to reduce fatal and serious injury crash potential, improve travel conditions for all travelers, and provide greater system connectivity and resilience.
SR 105 West Harriman Street Signal - Roundabout Pre-Design Study
The pre-design study looked at the signalized intersection on SR 105, South Boone Street, at West Harriman Street. The aging traffic signal at this intersection was last replaced in 1982 and is in need of replacement. The pre-design study conducted stakeholder and public outreach to examine
SR 112 Clallam Bay Pre-Design Study
State Route 112 at Weel Road and Eagle Crest Way is just south of Clallam Bay. This study will make recommendations for improvements at the intersection. The study will engage local stakeholders and the community to identify these improvements. Recommendations made as a result of this study will
SR 141 Bingen to White Salmon - Paving Project Complete Streets Pre-design Study
Public engagement events
We hosted our first open house for the project on July 25, 2024. We’ll host another open house this spring to present the proposed plans and timeline.
Following the completion of the Complete Streets pre-design study, paving work along SR 141
SR 142 - Safety and Accessibility Study
Currently, pedestrian access along State Route 142 is limited for people who walk, bike or roll alongside the highway. With input from community members, elected officials and stakeholders, we will develop a plan to improve accessibility for all modes in the community of Klickitat.
SR 155-SR 155 Spur Active Transportation Access Planning Study
This study will work with community partners to evaluate design options to connect multi-modal access and tie in pedestrian and bicycle facilities between two other projects planned on SR 155/SR 155 Spur. An open house was held in November 2023 to share information about the
SR 16 - Tacoma Narrows Bridge to SR 3 Congestion Study
The study identifies corridor strategies and solutions to address congestion and traffic operations along State Route 16 between the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and Gorst, as well as portions of SR 3 and SR 304 in Pierce and Kitsap counties.
SR 160 Long Lake Road SE Planning Study
A study was completed of SR 160 between Phillips Road and Mayvolt Road Southeast/Lake Valley Road Southeast in Kitsap County. The study identified intersection control strategies that have the potential to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes at the intersection of SR 160
SR 162 Center Turn Lane Planning and Pre-design study
SR 162 is an important north-south link through east Pierce County. It moves people and goods and connects the cities of Sumner and Orting, and the Orting Valley. This study will use data to develop recommendations that will help improve safety, access, and mobility. During the study, WSDOT will
SR 162 Orville Road Pre-design Study
Information about the study, the recommended roundabout and feedback WSDOT received during the online open house is now available for
SR 162 Sumner to Orting Corridor Planning Study
State Route 162 is an important north-south link through the Orting Valley community and the surrounding area of southeast Pierce County. The area experiences a high level of growth and development resulting in peak hour congestion that places demands on the highway system. The study
SR 167 Master Plan
The Puget Sound region is thriving and attracting large population and employment growth. This growth increases strain on our transportation infrastructure and services, resulting in increased traffic congestion and increased needs for maintenance and preservation. There is a need to move people
SR 20 - Discovery Road & Kearney Street Intersection Roundabouts Pre-Design Study
SR 20 Skagit O'Brian Reach Feasibility Study
The SR 20 Skagit River O’Brian Reach Feasibility Study area is located along SR 20 near Rockport at milepost 101. This section of SR 20 experiences frequent embankment erosion and flooding and has required repeated emergency repairs following floods in the Skagit River. The purpose of the study
SR 202 - E Lake Sammamish Parkway to 244th Ave NE - Corridor Planning Study
State Route 202 is an important east-west link for King County communities like Woodinville, Redmond, Sammamish, Fall City and North Bend. Thanks to growth and development, traffic on SR 202 has increased in the last decade, contributing to longer travel times for commuters and freight.
SR 202 Corridor Studies
We are conducting two corridor studies along SR 202. One study will focus on safety concerns between 244th Ave. NE to 324th Ave. SE, and the second study will cover community needs between 324 Ave. SE and SR 203 in Fall City.
Both studies will document strategies to improve
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.