Workplace safety

We are committed to strive for safe workplace environments including the reduction of workplace injuries. Each one of us contributes and is responsible for the safety of the agency and its employees.

Building a safety culture requires focus on procedures and processes, as well as the attitudes and behaviors of all employees. Many employees have already adopted this culture on their own and have taken the initiative to identify hazards and their appropriate solutions.

Why safety?

Going beyond the prevention and elimination of injuries and illnesses in the workplace, we focus on WHAT following safety policies and procedures can do for you and its importance of WHY you do it.

Safety and health services

The Office of Human Resources and Safety assists the department to achieve its goal of creating a workplace where safety is a way of life by a variety of safety and health services. At WSDOT, we believe that every accident is preventable, and we incorporate this philosophy into every project and task through a combination of ongoing training programs, design, and use of system tools that require us to recognize and control hazards and personal accountability.

Five simple things you can do

Protect yourself and your coworkers from injury by following safety policies and procedures and these simple guidelines.

1. Pre-plan your work

Consider the hazards involved with the task you're about to perform then determine how best to reduce the risk of injury.

2. Keep yourself healthy

A healthy body is better able to withstand the stress put on the muscles, tendons, and joints. It is important to stay fit, perform stretches, and maintain the correct posture for every task.

3. Take time to perform the task safely

Slow down! It is important to take your time and perform tasks safely. Cutting corners and taking risks causes injuries.

4. Ask for help

We're all in this together. If you need help with a task...ask for it! If you have a safety concern, report it!

5. Don't do it

You have the power to STOP before performing an unsafe activity. Always use the appropriate safety gear and personal protection equipment.

Take 2 for safety

Watch a video to learn more about taking 2 for safety.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.