Local bridge program call for projects
Open - Call for projects - Local Bridge Program - Applications due Friday, April 25, 2025
WSDOT is anticipating the availability of approximately $100 million for the Federal Local Bridge Program (FLBP). The purpose of the FLBP is to improve the condition of bridges through replacement, rehabilitation, and preventative maintenance. It also incentivizes agencies to use asset management strategies that provide cost-effective solutions to maximize the life expectancy of the structure.
General eligibility criteria
All local agency bridge owners are eligible to apply. Structures reported to the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and subject to the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) are eligible. Reportable structures are greater than 20 ft. in length and carry public vehicular traffic. Closed bridges are eligible if they have been closed for less than five years, and if open to vehicular traffic, would be NBI reportable. Structures meeting the eligibility criteria for each sub-category below may apply for funding.
1. Replacement and rehabilitation criteria
Replacement projects involve the total replacement of an existing structure with a new facility constructed in the same general traffic corridor. Rehabilitation projects involve major work required to restore the structural integrity and/or to correct major safety defects of a structure.
This category of projects is focused on local agency bridges that are in poor condition. Projects with structures in fair or good condition that improve resiliency against climate change risks and hazards will also be considered. Proposals are encouraged to incorporate and/or demonstrate the utilization of practical solutions throughout the life of the structure. This includes identifying the asset management strategies utilized to maximize the life expectancy of the structure. Specific criteria for eligibility and funding are as follows:
- Projects receive a maximum award amount of $25 million per structure.
- Structures eligible to apply for funding must meet one of the following criteria:
- Have a culvert, deck, superstructure, and/or substructure overall condition code of 4 or less
- Have an inventory rating factor of less than 0.30 and be load posted for all legal vehicles
- Have a waterway adequacy code of 2 or less, or overtopping likelihood of 5 or higher
- Improve climate resiliency, with adequate supporting documentation, such as a long-term study showing effects of climate change. - There are no local match requirements for federally eligible expenditures.
- Requests to bundle replacement and rehabilitation projects will be considered. Each structure must be submitted on its own application. Note in the submittal email which applications may be considered for bundling.
2. Preventative maintenance criteria
Preventative maintenance projects involve extending the service life of an existing structure. The primary activities for this category include steel bridge painting, scour mitigation, seismic retrofit, and deck resurfacing/repair. This includes identifying the asset management strategies utilized to maximize the life expectancy of the structure. Specific criteria for eligibility and funding are as follows:
- Maximum award will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Steel bridge painting for structures that have greater than 2% of total paint area in Condition State 4.
- Scour mitigation for structures that are calculated or assessed as scour critical, having a scour code of 3 or less OR having scour vulnerability code of C, D, or E. Bridges with a scour code or scour vulnerability code of U may be considered eligible with a scour condition code of 4 or less.
- Seismic retrofit on structures with study showing high seismic vulnerability.
- Deck resurfacing/repair on structures that have a total area of 2% or greater of patches, spalls, and delaminations in the deck surface (Condition State 2, 3 and 4).
- There are no local match requirements for federally eligible expenditures.
3. Bundled projects criteria
Local agency bridge owners can bundle several structures into one project application to perform specific preventative maintenance activities. Specific criteria for eligibility and funding are as follows:
- Maximum award will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Deck sealing and thin overlays for concrete decks with documented full depth cracking.
- Deck repair for timber decks or slabs for elements in Condition State 3 and 4.
- Expansion joint replacement for elements that are in Condition State 3.
- Concrete superstructure/substructure spall repair and patching for concrete elements that are in Condition State 3 and 4.
- Timber substructure repair for timber elements that are in Condition State 3 and 4.
- Other preventative maintenance or repair activities of a similar type on elements in Condition State 3 or 4.
- Local agencies are encouraged to partner with adjacent counties or cities.
- There are no local match requirements for federally eligible expenditures.
Selection process
Proposals will be reviewed to ensure that they are complete and eligible for funding based on the above requirements. The review will include the following:
Field review assessments with Local Agency Bridge Engineer will consider the current and historical bridge condition and planned work; including but not limited to:
- Replacement/Rehabilitation:
- Proposed structure type
- Route importance (NHS, functional class, detour)
- Planning level and construction cost estimate - Steel bridge painting:
- Existing structure type
- Route importance (NHS, functional class, detour)
- Paint history
- Maintenance (cleaning) history - Scour mitigation:
- Scour appraisal on file
- Scour history (inspection reports, soundings, countermeasures)
- Route importance (NHS, functional class, detour)
- Existing substructure design details - Seismic retrofit:
- Seismic analysis for the recommended retrofit
- Route importance (Federal Functional Class, NHS designation, detour length)
- Existing substructure design details - Deck resurfacing/repair:
- Review of deck condition history (Deck Overall code in the last 10 years)
- Route importance (NHS, functional class, detour)
- Scope of work: concrete repair with new overlay or full deck replacement
Local agency bridge program compliance, including but not limited to the following:
- Routine, NSTM, Underwater, and Special inspections performed on time
- Timely release of inspections into the National Bridge Inventory
- Completed and updated load ratings
- Load postings
- FHWA compliance visit findings
Performance and delivery status of current bridge projects
- Projects not yet started from previous call for projects
- Delivery of projects according to project timelines
Specific project awards may be made at any time prior to the bridge call closing based upon project readiness. If an agency has a qualified bridge project that is construction ready, it is in the best interest to apply early as it may be considered for an early award.
A prioritized list will be submitted to the WSDOT Local Programs Director by September 30, 2025. The proposed list will be presented to the Bridge Advisory Committee for review and comment.
Program requirements
Applicants are required to report a minimum of semi-annually on the status and expenditure plan of each project.
Submittal process
Submittals must be sent by e-mail (paper and CD submittals will not be accepted).
Project proposals must be received by midnight April 25, 2025.
Project applications
Project applications and supplemental documentation shall be submitted by email to hlpgrants@wsdot.wa.gov
Electronic copies of the following are to be included in the submittal:
- Latest inventory and inspection reports for structures considered for all project applications.
- Electronic photos (JPEG format) for all project applications.
- Electronic Bridge Project Application Form (PDF 880KB) – WSDOT Form 140-007. Form may require downloading and saving locally, and the use of Adobe Reader or other PDF software.
- Other documents as needed, may include any of the following: load rating summary sheet, load rating report, scour appraisal, scour plan of action, seismic evaluation, bridge plans for existing bridges, or preliminary bridge plans for new bridges.
- Other attachments or supplemental information pertinent to the project application.
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.