Fence and glare screen - FS
Fence and glare screen installation requirements.
Chain Link Fence with Eye Bolts (FS-1.1)
This plan shows the installation requirements for four and six foot high chain link fences with eye bolt assembly hardware.

This plan was formerly used as Chain Link Fence Types 3 and 4 (former Standard Plan L-20.10-02). To be consistent with industry standards, the eye bolt assembly has been replaced with a tension band assembly. This design continues to be offered to accommodate existing installations that are required to be maintained. Although new runs of this type may be placed, the design shown on Standard Plan L-20.10 is the current WSDOT standard and shall take precedence. If this plan is used, Standard Specifications section 8-12 and measurement and payment for "Chain Link Fence Type ______" would apply.
View Chain Link Fence with Eye Bolts plan sheet (PDF 77KB)
Download the Chain Link Fence with Eye Bolts WinZip file (ZIP 781KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg files)
Chain Link Fence with Top Rail (FS-2)
This plan shows the installation requirements for four and six foot high chain link fences with a top rail.

The top rail prevents the chain link fence fabric from sagging. It is usually placed around storage yards or similar locations where appearance is a consideration. However, fences with top rails cannot be used along highways where there is a possibility an errant vehicle could strike the fence. Although new runs of this type may be placed, the design shown on Standard Plan L-20.10 (PDF 25KB) is the current standard and should be preferred.
Note: Listed in the Special Provisions, under Control of Material, Section 1-06 "Buy America", the H-Column is no longer available.
View Chain Link Fence with Top Rail plan sheet (PDF 293KB)
View Contract Special Provision (PDF 13KB)
Download the Chain Link Fence with Top Rail WinZip file (ZIP 328KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg, and .doc files)
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Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.