Safe Routes to School Program call for projects
Find information about the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, requirements, application process, review criteria, support documents and a link to the application.
General information
Program purpose
- Enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk, roll, and bicycle to school.
- Make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing form of transportation, encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age.
- Facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools.
Estimated available funding amount
Funding source
Federal and State
Applications due date
June 7, 2024 (11:59 p.m.)
Eligible project types
- Pedestrian/bicyclist safety infrastructure improvements within two miles of a school (typically, also includes preliminary engineering, and right of way).
- Education/Encouragement Only projects.
- Development/Design-Only projects that will result in a ready-to-construct pedestrian or bicyclist improvement project within two miles of a school (may include community outreach and tactical urbanism). Up to 5% of available program funding.
Projects are to serve students in kindergarten to 12th grade.
Eligible applicants
All public agencies in Washington, including tribal governments (lead agency should be the owner/operator of the transportation facilities where improvements are focused), and nonprofit entities responsible for the administration of transportation safety education and encouragement programs
Safe Routes to School Program contacts
Charlotte Claybrooke, Active Transportation Program Manager, 360-790-5231 or WSDOT Region Local Programs Engineers
Other contacts
Briana Weisgerber, Active Transportation Programs Engineer, 564-669-4552,
Chris Hawkins, Active Transportation Planner, 360-705-7385,
Match is not required.
Funds will be available for the 2025-2027 biennium beginning July 2025. These are not “cash-up-front” programs. Eligible program funds are made available only through reimbursement – upfront funding is not available. Costs incurred prior to WSDOT project approval are not eligible for reimbursement.
This call for projects is in preparation for the 2025 state legislative session to appropriate funding for the programs in the 2025-27 state budget. Awards will be subject to available funding. Projects selected are expected to begin work in the first year of the 2025-27 biennium and will be held to the schedules provided in the applications. Applicants that received a PBP or SRTS project award in 2023 or 2025 are eligible for funding; when evaluating applications WSDOT considers past delivery of previous awards to a jurisdiction or tribe.
Informational webinars, workshop, and trainings
Overview Webinar
This webinar, recorded on March 11, 2024, provides general information about both programs.
The workshop, recorded on April 15, 2024, walks applicants through the application process.
Active Transportation Programs Design Guide Trainings
These three 30-minute trainings cover project design information that is specific to these funding programs. They are virtual, and each provide information about a different section of the guide. The slides and recordings for the first two are available here.
Active Transportation Programs Design Guide Webinar Training Session 1
Active Transportation Programs Design Guide Webinar Training Session 2
Active Transportation Programs Design Guide Webinar Training Session 3
Additional Active Transportation Design Guide trainings available upon request, contact Briana Weisgerber.
Most applications will consist of 3 to 4 elements: Online Survey Monkey Application, Detailed Project Cost Estimate, Plan Sheet View and Cross-Section View documents as well as a tribal consultation documentation memo. Projects involving WSDOT ROW or tribal lands have additional requirements, that must be submitted as attachments to an email. The following section provides details for each application element.
Survey Monkey applications (required for all applications)
The general application information must be done online using Survey Monkey. It includes a link to an online mapping tool. The cost estimate, plan sheets and project cross sections will be uploaded into the Survey Monkey Application. The online application has multiple choice options for the types of treatments that will be included in the project. Infrastructure treatments listed as eligible for funding are defined in the Active Transportation Programs Design Guide. The same online application is being used for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Program. Applicants that choose to submit requests for multiple projects must complete a separate online application for each project proposed.
Helpful hints
- Complete the project plan sheet, cost estimate, and this Word version of the application (docx 51kb) to prepare responses before answering the questions in Survey Monkey. This will facilitate your completion of the application.
- Applicants will not get a copy of the submitted survey so completing a Word version will provide you with a record of your online application responses.
- Survey Monkey will allow you to copy/paste text from an outside document.
- Survey Monkey may limit the applicant’s ability to return and continue answering unfinished applications if the survey is closed before it is complete.
Project cost estimate (required for all applications)
A project cost estimate must be uploaded into the Survey Monkey Application. All applications for development/design-only, education and encouragement or infrastructure projects must include a project cost estimate consistent with the guidance of the Local Agency Guidelines Manual. The cost estimate for infrastructure projects must be determined assuming that the project is design-bid-build and not constructed by the workforce of the applicant agency. Local agencies may use their own cost estimate format. If a template would be helpful, here are links to optional budget templates that can be used for the different project types:
- Infrastructure projects (xlsx 74.7kb)
- Education/Encouragement Only projects (xlsx 18.6kb)
- PBP or SRTS Development/Design Only projects (xlsx 19.2kb) (Do not use for Infrastructure/Construction applications)
Plan sheets and project cross sections (required for infrastructure project applications)
For infrastructure project applications, plan sheet and cross sections must be uploaded into the Survey Monkey Application. Project submissions that best meet the dimensions and design features included in the Active Transportation Design Guide will tend to rank more favorably during the competitive grant application review. Agencies that wish to use specialized designs that exceed the active transportation intent of the designs provided in this guide may also score well in the grant application review. Applicants wishing to use guidance or standards that vary from the guide must provide alternate standard drawings, sample plans, or other examples with their applications. Provide materials that show:
- Plan view (overhead view) of location and proposed treatments
- Existing and proposed cross-sections
The Example Plan Sheets and Cross-Section Document (pdf 4,618kb) provides examples and descriptions.
Note: Please do not submit plan views or cross-sections for SRTS Education/Encouragement-Only and PBP or SRTS Development/Design-Only projects.
Tribal consultation documentation memo
This program is funded in part with money from the Climate Commitment Account. All applicants are required to conduct early, meaningful, and individual consultation with any affected federally recognized tribe on all funding decisions that may impact tribal resources. The application form includes a place to upload a memo that documents the consultation details. See the WSDOT Grant Application Tribal Consultation Guidance for more information.
Due date
Submit the general application information in Survey Monkey. Word documents or other format versions of the application will not be accepted. If the project is in WSDOT Rights of Way or on tribal land send required attachments by e-mail to All application materials must be received no later than midnight on June 7, 2024. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Applicants are invited to include an image(s) of the location, but that is not a requirement. Only the Survey Monkey application, the project cost estimate, the project plan sheets, cross-sections and image(s) of the location will be accepted for review. Do NOT send other documents such as letters of support; they will not be reviewed or considered in the evaluation process.
Note: With the exception of projects on WSDOT Rights of Way or on Tribal Land, proposed projects should not involve road segments owned/managed by multiple jurisdictions.
Special instruction for projects on a state route or within WSDOT rights of way
Local agencies and Tribes that have prioritized a location for a proposed project that is on or adjacent to a State Route, crosses a State Route, or is within WSDOT Rights of Way must follow these special instructions for their applications. Projects on state routes shall consider Complete Streets elements, be consistent with the WSDOT Design Manual, have already undergone WSDOT practical solutions evaluations and have full WSDOT region support. They must be coordinated through the appropriate WSDOT regional office. The project schedule should be given additional time to accommodate WSDOT collaboration. An e-mail or letter confirming project concurrence by the Regional Administrator, or their designee is required. Contact your area’s Region Local Programs Engineer to start this process.
Special instruction for projects on tribal land
Proposed projects passing through federally recognized tribal lands must include an e-mail or letter confirming formal support by a tribal resolution from that tribe. This is in addition to the tribal consultation documentation memo indicated above.
Special instructions for project development/design only projects
Development/design-only projects are intended to engage with communities to address known active transportation needs in locations that require significant planning analysis before Preliminary Engineering (PE) is initiated. These are not PE only projects, however they are not just exploratory, as there is an expectation that development/design-only projects will complete a design for pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities to prepare near-shovel ready projects for future funding. Preference will be given to projects that propose getting to 60% design. Not all design elements would need to reach 60% design, but it is recommended that central elements necessary to address the need and purpose of the project (moving active travelers of all ages and abilities along and across a major arterial, for example) achieve this benchmark. The exploratory nature of these projects will likely identify elements that are of high interest to the community and relate to the primary need/purpose of the project. Such elements can be designed at lower levels, though applicants are advised not to propose less than 30% design for any given element. Provide a project area map uploaded into the Survey Monkey Application that circles the vicinity to be considered for this project. More information about this project type is available at this link Requirements and Guiding Principles for Development/Design Only Projects (pdf 143kb)
Program requirements
Projects must address the program purpose and be consistent with the program guidance and standards presented in the reference below. Agencies that are awarded funding must:
- Report semi-annually on the status of the project
- Comply with funding source (state or federal) requirements
- Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Implement consistent branding and funding acknowledgements specific to the source of funds awarded on all communications including, signage, invitations, webpages and other media-related or public outreach products.
- Include the project in the local Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)*
*If receiving federal funding from any source, the project must also be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Federal law requires all federally funded projects be included in the STIP. State funded projects that are deemed regionally significant by the MPO/RTPO/County lead agency must be included in the STIP. If a project falls under the above requirements, local agencies with projects selected for funding will be responsible for including the project in the STIP prior to the obligation of funding.
Approved design guidance
Treatments specifically designed to improve the safety and mobility of bicyclists and pedestrians that are identified in other peer reviewed design guidance from nationally recognized engineering studies (example, NCHRP) or adopted standards will be considered. Proposed improvements shall be compatible with Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) – Washington State Modifications, Washington State adopted version of the MUTCD, have interim MUTCD approval, or be accepted under MUTCD experimental status. Note: An updated version of the MUTCD was released by FHWA in 2023. It has not been adopted for Washington State as of the time of this call for projects.
Project titles
The project title should be no more than 200 characters. It will be utilized throughout the life of the project. Examples include:
- Johnson Rd and H, J, L, and M Streets Sidewalks and Curb Extension SRTS Project
- Smith Rd & Johnson Rd Roundabout PBP Project
- 10th St and Central Ave Development/Design PBP Project
Inappropriate uses of funding
- Recurring costs such as salary for an adult crossing guard (salary for a SRTS Coordinator is acceptable)
- Pavement resurfacing or pavement preservation (unless part of a road diet/reconfiguration)
- Widening or adding travel lanes, increasing posted speed, or other motor vehicle related changes that could negatively affect pedestrian and bicyclist safety and mobility
- School bus safety projects or improvements to school bus stops
- Portable enforcement equipment
- Gifts or stipends
Application review process
This is a competitive program. This review process and the criteria below describe how projects will be prioritized for funding recommendations.
- WSDOT staff will conduct a quantitative assessment of the applications based on the review criteria below using the applicant’s responses, WSDOT 2014-2023 crash data, US Census data, school data, and WSDOT local project search data.
- For the “mobility with consideration for equity” review criteria:
- Projects for cities/towns or census designated places within county or tribal jurisdictions that have a population of 10,000 or less will be compared to other projects that serve similar size communities.
- Projects for agencies that serve populations greater than 10,000 will likewise be compared with each other.
- Application review committee members will evaluate the applications and make recommendations.
- WSDOT staff will conduct electronic or on-site project review meetings with the highest-ranking applicants. These meetings will address reviewer comments and may include practical solutions considerations.
- WSDOT will prioritize applications so that at least 35% of those above the estimated available funding threshold will serve high equity need populations.
- The final prioritized list of projects will be submitted to the Governor’s office and the legislature by December 1, 2024.
- The legislature and Governor will make the final decisions on program funding during the 2025 Legislative session. WSDOT will then issue award letters to projects selected for funding; project activities may begin on or after July 1, 2025.
Review criteria summary
Infrastructure projects (for more information about these criteria see the Infrastructure Scoring Rubric (pdf 195kb)
- Safety (Need and Project Effectiveness) – Up to 40% of consideration
- Equity (Highest Equity Need Census Tract and Community Engagement) – Up to 25% of consideration
- Mobility with Consideration for Equity – Up to 10% of consideration
- Deliverability/Other – Up to 10% of consideration
- Value – Up to 10% of consideration
- Geographic Diversity – Up to 5% of consideration
Note: Review for project effectiveness under Safety, will focus on how the proposed treatment(s) address the need for low stress linear facilities and crossings rather than the number or variety of treatments proposed. For treatment or project effectiveness questions or support, contact:
Briana Weisgerber, Active Transportation Programs Engineer
Development/Design-Only projects (for more information about these criteria see the Development/Design-Only Scoring Rubric (pdf 136kb)
- Safety (Need) – Up to 25% of consideration
- Project Quality – Up to 20% of consideration
- Equity – Up to 20% of consideration
- Mobility with Considerations for Equity – Up to 10% of consideration
- Deliverability/Other – Up to 10% of consideration
- Value - Up to 10% of consideration
- Geographic Diversity – Up to 5% of consideration
Education/Encouragement only projects
- Safety (Need) - Up to 25% of consideration
- Project Quality - Up to 20% of consideration, Quality and detail provided in the proposed budget as well as potential effectiveness of the education or encouragement activities
- Equity - Up to 20% of consideration
- Deliverability/Other - Up to 10% of consideration
- Value - Up to 10% of consideration, potential number of children reached
- Geographic Diversity - Up to 5% of consideration
Award announcement date
Expected in June 2025
Other resources for project development decisions
- Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Report Card
- Sandy Williams Connecting Communities Equity Analysis Tool
- WSDOT Community Collaboration Resource Guide
- Development/Design Only Project Guide (pdf 143kb)
- Speed Management: The use of engineering, traffic control, and road design to induce drivers to travel at target speeds. This often includes treatments to lower motorist speeds along linear road segments or during turning movements at intersections where pedestrians and bicyclists are expected. The Washington State Injury Minimization and Speed Management Policy Elements and Implementation Recommendations published in 2020 provide more information.
- Level of Traffic Stress: A relative, but objective measure of the systemic safety of transportation facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists. Roadways are assigned a score based on roadway characteristics including posted speed, the number of vehicles using the road, the number of vehicle travel lanes, and the presence of dedicated modal facilities like bike lanes and sidewalks. It is typically presented on a scale of 1 to 4. Plan for Level of Traffic Stress document provide more information.
- Road Characteristics/Features: These include the basic components of a road including width, number of lanes, posted speed, traffic volume, traffic separators, various user type facilities, traffic control devices, and intersection/crossing frequency.
- Route Directness: A measure of how far out of direction a pedestrian or cyclist is expected to travel to reach their destination. The Washington State Multimodal Permeability Pilot Report published in 2021 provides more information.
- Safe System Approach: A method to eliminate fatal and serious injuries for all road users using a holistic view of the road system that first anticipates human mistakes and second aims to keep the crash impact transfer of force to the human body at survivable levels. The 2019 Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan provides more information in Appendix K.
- Temporary Project Development Treatments/Reconfigurations (Tactical Urbanism): Temporary improvements intended to determine the operational effectiveness of potential permanent treatments as part of a project development process. They may include the use of temporary paint, removable signs, curbs and/or other physical barriers such as planters. They offer a quick way to test and refine potential solutions to planning/project development challenges and to build local resident awareness, understanding, and support.
Funding sources
The Safe Routes to School Program is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at The SRTS program is also supported by the multimodal transportation account-state appropriation and the motor vehicle account – federal appropriation, which is part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.