Curbs, sidewalks and driveways / Geometric design - GD
These drawing provide the necessary details for fabrication and construction.
Precast Traffic Curb (GD-1)
This drawing provides the necessary details to fabricate a Precast Traffic Curb. The Precast Traffic Curb shown in this plan is no longer suitable on WSDOT projects.

The height to width ratio of these curb faces exceeds AASHTO recommendations and Design Manual requirements for the shape of a mountable curb.
At present, cities and counties have the option of using this older curb design if federal funding is not an issue.
View Precast Traffic Curb plan sheet (PDF 247KB)
View Contract Special Provision (PDF 18KB)
Download the Precast Traffic Curb WinZip file (ZIP 92KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg, and .doc files)
Block Traffic Curb (GD-2)
This drawing provides the necessary details to fabricate Block Traffic Curb. The Precast Traffic Curb shown in this plan is no longer suitable on WSDOT projects.

The height to width ratio of these curb faces exceeds AASHTO recommendations and Design Manual requirements for the shape of a mountable curb.
At present, cities and counties have the option of using this older curb design if federal funding is not an issue.
View Block Traffic Curb plan sheet (PDF 163KB)
View Contract Special Provision (PDF 19KB)
Download the Block Traffic Curb WinZip file (ZIP 46KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg, and .doc files)
Dual-Faced PCC Curb Retrofit Details (GD-12)
This cast-in-place cement concrete curb can be used on existing paved roadways. The design is an adaptation of the Dual-Faced Cement Concrete Traffic Curb shown in the Standard Plans.

The retrofit curb does not require extensive removal of the existing pavement. The existing pavement is saw cut and only the material within the two cuts is removed. This curb is particularly useful when the underlying pavement is Portland Cement Concrete. Dowel bars are installed in the concrete pavement to provide anchorage for the curb. Dual-faced curbs are used to separate traffic flows (predominantly opposing directions). This six inch high vertical faced curb is not mountable and is best used to inhibit mid-block left turns and to provide some degree of protection in refuge separations on low speed streets.

View Dual-Faced PCC Curb Retrofit Details plan sheet (PDF 506KB)
View Contract Special Provision (PDF 11KB)
Download the Dual-Faced PCC Curb Retrofit Details WinZip file (ZIP 419KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg, and .doc files)
Sidewalk Ramp Retrofit Details (GD-14)
This drawing provides the necessary details to construct an HMA ramp from the end of a raised sidewalk down to an asphalt shoulder.

Many older sidewalks, particularly on bridges, were terminated with an abrupt vertical end. Accessible routes were not a consideration in the decades preceding the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Now these pedestrian routes require ramps to be accessible to all users. An added benefit of the sidewalk ramp retrofit is the mitigation of the sheer curb edge which might cause damage to an errant vehicle. The sloped cement concrete curb not only provides a clean edge for the installation of the asphalt ramp, but also provides enhanced delineation during the hours of darkness.
View Sidewalk Ramp Retrofit Details plan sheet (PDF 217KB)
View Contract Special Provisions (PDF 14KB)
Download the Sidewalk Ramp Retrofit Details WinZip file (ZIP 58KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg, and .doc files)
Curb and Gutter (GD-24)
This drawing depicts providing a 6" cast-in-place cement concrete curb for a cement concrete intersection. Curbs are anchored to the pavement with reinforcing steel (stirrups) as per the drawing.
Curbs are useful to control drainage, delineate roadway edge as well as pedestrian walkways to name a few uses.
Vertical curbs should not be used along facilities with a posted speed greater than 45 mph.
View Curb and Gutter plan sheet (PDF 247KB)
Download the Curb and Gutter WinZip file (ZIP 92KB)
(WinZip file contains the following file formats: .dgn, .dwg, and .doc files)
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Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.