Buy a transponder
Learn how to buy a transponder for a commercial vehicle, a tool that allows the vehicles to be electronically screened and lets eligible drivers bypass weigh stations.

Commercial vehicle drivers or carriers with a gross vehicle weight of 16,000 lbs or more can buy a transponder to be electronically screened as the commercial vehicle approaches a weigh station. E-screening allows safe and legal carriers to bypass weigh stations after checking criteria such as the legal weight/height, safety rating and registration information.
Transponders are registered to a VIN and the e-screening system uses the commercial vehicle information from the registration/cab card.
- The commercial vehicle registration/cab card must be current.
- An active USDOT number must be provided (Carrier Responsible for Safety).
- All required taxes and fees must be paid.
Buy a transponder
Step one: Get a transponder application
To get a transponder application, you can either:
- Download a transponder application (PDF 128KB).
- Email or call Transponder Administration at 888-877-8567 to ask for a faxed, mailed, or emailed application.
Step two: Mail in your application with a check
- Complete the application.
- You can use one application to purchase multiple transponders mailed to the same address.
- Send a check or money order to WSDOT for the total cost of the transponder(s) purchased.
- (Optional) Register the transponder(s) by including a copy of the registration/cab card for each commercial vehicle.
- We are unable to accept credit cards or any form of electronic payment.
Send checks or money order to:
Washington State Department of Transportation
Attn: Cashier
310 Maple Park Avenue SE
PO Box 47305
Olympia WA 98504-7305
After your application and payment are processed, we mail out transponders and you should typically receive your order in the mail within 7-10 business days of the check clearing. The transponder is registered if it has a license plate sticker attached or you’ve received a list of assigned transponders and plates with your order. Applications without registration/cab cards will have transponders mailed unassigned.
We charge a one-time $35 fee per transponder.
- When you receive the transponder, it belongs to you. You own the transponder.
- There are no additional fees for using a transponder in Washington.
Battery life
- Transponders have a 3 to 5-year average battery life (depending on use).
- Transponders do not have replaceable batteries.
- Once the transponder stops working, you will need to purchase a new transponder.
- Do not return non-working WSDOT issued transponders to us.
- Follow your regional guidelines for lithium ion batteries when disposing a transponder.
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.