Local Project Report (LPR)

The Local Project Reporting (LPR) database is a tool for measuring project performance and delivery that aligns with the requirements established by the Washington State Legislature and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reporting requirements.

Accessing the LPR database

LPR Database - We have uploaded all projects requiring a project report into the database. All agencies with projects requiring a report must use the LPR database to submit a report to us.

To access the LPR database for the first time:

1. Send an account request e-mail with your agency and project information to:

  • Finance & Administration Manager
  • Local Programs IT Systems Specialist

2. An e-mail will be returned with an Account Name and Password for your agency login.

3. Log onto the LPR database using the Account Name and Password exactly as it appears in the return e-mail.

Timeline and due dates

LPRs are due by the end of the reporting month and must be entered by the following dates:

  • June 30
  • December 31

Note: All LPRs are locked at the end of each reporting period. Any updates must be entered before the end of the reporting month. Reporting must continue until a project is closed by Local Programs.

For questions please contact: Finance and Administration Manager

Programs requiring reporting

Local Project Reporting (LPR) instructions

Login: LPR Database

Instructions for main menu options

  • Select a project from the drop down list – The list includes all the projects within your agency that currently require a LPR. Click on the down arrow in the drop-down box to access your list of projects. Highlight the project you want to update.

    NOTE: Only projects funded from one of the programs listed above have a reporting requirement. If the project you want to update does not appear in the drop down list, contact the Finance & Administration Manager.

  • Go to the latest LPR for the project below – After you highlight the project you want to update, click the gray button for the latest LPR. This will bring you to the screen with the last information submitted for the project.
  • Edit LPR – To begin updating the information on the LPR, click on the Edit LPR button. You can begin updating the information on the report. To navigate through the fields, use the tab key, tab to go forward, shift tab to go backwards or you can also use the mouse.
  • Save LPR – After updating the LPR, click on the Save LPR button to save all the changes. An agency may return at any time prior to the close of a reporting period to modify their LPR’s.

    Note: Do not click on the Logout button prior to clicking the Save LPR button or all the changes will be lost.

    Tip: To help protect against lost data, it is suggested that your changes be saved every 10-15 minutes. If further editing is required after a save, the Edit LPR button must be clicked again.

  • Find LPR – To update another of your agency’s LPR’s click on the Find LPR button. This will bring you back to the screen with the drop down menu listing of projects.
  • Logout – If you do not want to save any changes and just want to leave the LPR database, click on the Logout button.

Editing LPR form instructions

  • June or December will automatically be highlighted for the month being updated.
  • Agency - Completed by Local Programs based on who receives the grant funds.
  • Project Title – Completed by Local Programs based on the title on the grant application or legislation.
  • Project Number – Completed by Local Programs based on the federal or state number assigned to the project when funding is authorized.
  • Project Description – This is the project’s scope of work.
  • PIN & WO – Completed by Local Programs for internal purposes are the PIN (legislative identification number) and WO (work order number).
  • Contractor – Completed by local agency. Identify the contractor who was awarded the contract.
  • Recent Progress – Completed by local agency. Provide an update on the progress of the project over the past reporting period.
  • Schedule, Scope, and Cost Changes – Completed by local agency. Explain the reasons for any schedule, scope or cost changes.
  • Project Milestones - Completed by local agency.
  • Cashflow Expenditure - Completed by local agency.

All bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects and all other projects over $2 million must submit an updated scope, schedule and budget to Local Programs for review. You can update this information on the LPR by using the “Schedule, Scope and Cost Change” section. Depending on the circumstances and nature of the project, you may be contacted for further clarification of your proposed changes.

Safe Routes and Bike/Ped Safety project only
This section should only be completed if your project received funding from the Safe Routes to School or Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety programs.

Funding provided for educational efforts such as teaching children about bicycling and walking safety skills, the health effects of walking and biking, the impact to the environment, the broad range of transportation choices and events and activities to promote walking and biking to school safely.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the education program is planned to be completed.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year the education program was completed.
  • Amount – Provide the amount of funding from the grant that was for the education program.

Project Milestones
This section identifies the milestones that are required to provide program oversight and progress, report to the Governor’s office, legislature, FHWA and WSDOT executives.

There are three date fields provided for each milestone as follows;

  • Scheduled - This date will be entered by Local Programs based upon schedule information provided by the agency. The dates shown in this field are calendar quarter/year and are used to measure progress toward meeting delivery expectations for the project.
  • Proposed – This date reflects changes proposed to the scheduled milestones by the agency. The dates are entered as month/year, when accepted the data is converted to quarter/year in the scheduled field. The agency is to enter the proposed dates and include text in the Schedule, Scope and Cost Change box. You may be contacted for additional information by Local Programs before a decision is made to accept the proposed changes.
  • Attained – This date reflects the actual date that the milestone was achieved. The dates are entered as month/year. For activities that were completed prior to the project being funded enter “achieved” in this field.

Project Added to Local Agency TIP
This is the date that the project was included in the agencies Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as required by RCW 35.77.010 and RCW 36.81.121

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to add the project to the six year TIP.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year the project was added to the agency TIP.

Project Added to Regional TIP
All Regionally Significant and Federal Aid projects must be included in the regional (MPO/RTPO) Transportation Improvement Program. Contact the appropriate planning organization and visit the STIP website for additional information.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to add the project to the regional TIP.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year the project was added to the regional TIP.

Project Added to STIP
The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program is a summation of the regional TIPs and includes all regionally significant and federal aid projects. For more information visit the STIP website.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency expects approval to be received that the project was amended into the STIP.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year the project was amended into the STIP.

Project Definition/Begin PE (agreement signed)
Submittal of project prospectus, funding agreement, etc. that identifies the purpose of the project, scope of work and funding estimate. For projects that include PE it is assumed that PE will start within the same calendar quarter.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the funding package is planned to be submitted to Local Programs for authorization.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year the project was authorized and/or design started.

NEPA Kick Off
The National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) require that an appropriate level of environmental assessment be prepared for all transportation projects. For state funded projects concurrence with Executive Order 05-05 is also required. Depending on the project, these can take the form of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or another document of lesser scale documented categorically exempt (DCE).

The NEPA kick-off date is the date that Local Programs environmental staff will engage in the NEPA process for the project.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to request Local Programs environmental staff involvement in the project.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year Local Programs staff involvement started.

Environmental Docs Approved
This milestone is the date that the NEPA processes including ESA consultations are complete.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to receive environmental approval.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year the environmental documents were approved by the regulatory agencies.

Right of way Start
Begin of right of way acquisition activities including preparation of appraisals, acquisition of real property and securing easements.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to start right of way activities.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year Local Programs staff involvement started.

Right of way Complete (certification)
Often projects require the acquisition of right of way or property rights. Right of way certification is the point in time that the right of way acquisition requirements are met and the process completed pursuant to the Uniform Relocation Act.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to complete acquisition of the right of way.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year right of way was certified.

Geometric/30% Design
At this milestone the major decisions for the design of the project include design criteria to be applied should be resolved. See the Deliverable Expectations Matrix at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/fulltext/design/DEMIntro.pdf (PDF 985KB) for additional detail.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency anticipates completion of 30% design.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year 30% design was achieved.

General Plan/60% Design Complete
Upon reaching 60% design all key project elements and features that drive the project outcome and costs should be defined. The type, size and location of key elements and features fixed. See the Deliverable Expectations Matrix at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/fulltext/design/DEMIntro.pdf (PDF 985 KB) for additional detail.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency anticipates completion of 60% design.
  • Attained – Provide the actual month and year 60% design was achieved.

The date the agency schedules to publicly advertise a project for bids from contractors. When a project is advertised, it has a completed set of plans and specifications, along with a construction cost estimate.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency plans to advertise the project.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year the project was advertised.

Contract Awarded
The date the contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the agency anticipates award of the contract.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year the contract was awarded.

Substantially Complete
This is the date when the public has free and unobstructed use of the facility. In some cases, the facility will be open, but minor work items may remain to be completed.

  • Proposed – Provide the month and year the construction project is planned to be open to traffic/operationally complete.
  • Attained – Provide the month and year the project is open to traffic/operationally complete.

Cash Flow (expenditures reimbursed by WSDOT by reporting month – in $1000s)
The cash flow section equals the total amount of expenses of project funds administered by WSDOT that the agency expects to be reimbursed for by WSDOT for each reporting period, throughout the current biennium, as well as totals for project reimbursements for previous periods, the next biennium, and for future biennia beyond that. (the total prior expenditures, plus the actual expenses for the current biennium to date, plus the expected future reimbursements for the current biennium, plus all future reimbursements for subsequent biennia, should equal the total funds administered by WSDOT for the project.)

  • Estimated – Provide the estimated expenditures the agency expects to be reimbursed for by reporting period based on the project’s current schedule. The amount that the agency plans on spending that is put into the estimated column will be moved over to the planned column each reporting month, leaving the estimated line open for future updates. After the end of each quarter, the amount that the agency has actually been reimbursed for during the past quarter will be placed in the actual column and this number will also appear in the planned column.

Note: All funding is provided on a reimbursement basis only. Expenditures are not eligible for reimbursement until after funding is authorized and costs are incurred. Agencies are encouraged to bill WSDOT monthly.


Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.