Practical Solutions training
The “Practical Solutions Approach to Project Development” training program summarizes WSDOT’s planning and project development process and explains the Practical Solutions approach.
This training program includes:
- 9 courses
- Examples about identifying needs
- Assessing alternative strategies to address performance gaps
- Applying a practical set of solutions
- The importance of community engagement throughout the planning and project development process
An Overview of Practical Solutions - a visual explanation of Practical Solutions at WSDOT
Practical Solutions overview e-learning video provides content in the first course “WSDOT Practical Solutions Overview OLT” that is available for credit in the Learning Center for WSDOT staff.
Practical Solutions 201 - Multimodal Fundamentals eLearning Courses
The links below are videos of the content in the WSDOT Practical Solutions 201 courses that are available for credit in the Learning Center for WSDOT staff.
These 8 courses target project development staff, and provide modal-specific content, including recognizing that modes are fundamentally different, understanding modal funding, capacity, system-level needs, performance metrics, building teams, transportation’s role in land use and managing multimodal conflict. Please note video link below, length, and (Learning Center Course Name):
- Making the Case – 45 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal Making the Case, Module 1 OLT)
- Land Use – 30 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal Land Use, Module 2 OLT)
- Phases and Needs – 15 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal Phases and Needs, Module 3 OLT)
- Performance Basics – 30 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal Performance Basics, Module 4 OLT)
- Transit – 15 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal: Transit, Module 5 OLT)
- People Walking – 30 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal: Walking, Module 6 OLT)
- People Biking – 30 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal: Biking, Module 7 OLT)
- Freight – 15 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal: Freight Module 8 OLT)
- Conflicts and Hubs – 30 minutes (WSDOT PS 201: Multimodal Freight, Module 8 OLT)
Subject matter design tips
These planning and design tips focus on disciplines and modes that promote the Practical Solutions approach. Each tip sheet includes links to resources, including agency policy and guidance, as well as additional resources from industry experts. The user tips provide specific direction and advice for each topic.
- Active Transportation (PDF 51KB) (DOCX 52KB)
- Environmental (PDF 35KB) (DOCX 37KB)
- Equity Inclusion (PDF 46KB) (DOCX 48KB)
- Transportation demand management (PDF 50KB) (DOCX 52KB)
- Transit (PDF 288KB (DOCX 50KB)
- Transportation systems management and operations (PDF 53KB) (DOCX 50KB)
Additional resources
- State Sustainable Transportation Initiative webinars
- National Highway Institute webinars
- FHWA - Context Sensitive Solutions
- Pedestrian & BIC - Designing for Pedestrian Safety webinar series
- FHWA - Transportation Planning Capacity Building
- Smart Growth American - The Innovative DOT
- Transportation Asset Management video
- Active Transportation and Demand Management Program video
- Bridging the Divide: Connecting People to Opportunity video
- Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
LTAP offers courses directly targeting the training needs of local agencies receiving Federal funding and gathers information about other training. Practical Solutions training is available for external partners through LTAP.
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.