Active transportation services

We provide technical services and funding assistance to public agencies in support of active transportation for health, safety and economic development.

Active Transportation is a human-scale and often human-powered means of travel to get from one place to another, it includes walking, biking, using a mobility assistive device such as a wheelchair or walker, using micro-mobility devices, and using electric-assist devices such as e-bikes and e-foot scooters.

We work to focus state and federal funding from the Pedestrian and Bicycle program and the Safe Routes to School program towards projects in areas of the state with the highest need and potential for success.

Technical services

Technical services are intended to provide guidance and tools to public agencies to help plan, develop and implement successful projects. Available project development services include:

  • Community assessment field reviews to identify bicycle and pedestrian safety and mobility improvement options
  • Support local agencies in bicycle and pedestrian safety and mobility planning
  • Provide pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure best practice information
  • Support local agencies with bicycle and pedestrian data review and analysis
  • Safe Routes to School assistance can provide, in additional to the items listed above, support for the development of education or encouragement projects.

Other guidance and topics we assist with:

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.