Hydraulics & hydrology training

Find our Hydraulics and Hydrology course offerings, trainings, and certification programs.

Trainings on this page

Hydraulics and Hydrology training modules (online)

Hydraulics Manual training workshop (in-class)

Highway Runoff Manual training workshops

  • WSDOT 2019 Highway Runoff Manual training workshop (4-day GoToWebinar)
  • WSDOT 2019 HRM update training (only for those who already have a 2014 HRM certificate number)      

2022 Fish Passage and Stream Restoration design training (online)

2024 Fish Passage Construction Inspector Training (online)

2023 Scour training (online)

MGSFlood Productivity training workshop for WSDOT projects (online)

StormShed3G training workshops

  • Stormshed3G beginner training workshop (online)
  • StormShed3G intermediate training (WSDOT internal training)
  • StormShed3G intermediate training (in-class)

Hydraulics and Hydrology training modules (online)

Use the table to access the hydraulics and hydrology training slides.

1Hydraulic Manual Policies (PDF 1.4MB)
2Hydraulics and Hydrology Methods (PDF 3.5MB)
3Pavement Drainage Design and Pipe Sizing (PDF 3.0MB)
4Hydrologic Processes and Large Woody Material (PDF 15MB)
5Fish Passage, Stream Design and Bridge Scour (PDF 9.8MB)
6How to use the Highway Runoff Manual and Hydraulics Manual (PDF 574KB)
7Introduction to the Hydraulic Report (PDF 742KB)
8Hydraulic Issues for Design-Build vs. Design-Bid-Build (PDF 1.5MB)
9Pipe Materials (PDF 1.9MB)
10Culvert and Ditch Design (PDF 2.5MB)

Additional training materials

Hydraulics Manual training workshop (in-class)

This two-day, in-class training is for WSDOT staff, consultants, and local agency staff involved in hydraulics, hydrologic, and stormwater design for WSDOT projects. This introductory training focuses on updated policies and procedures in the HM and steps through all chapters of the HM. Participants will gain an understanding of the difference between hydraulic and hydrology methods as well as perform miscellaneous example exercises. The training will also discuss topics and issues when creating a hydraulic report for a WSDOT project. This training is targeted at new stormwater and hydraulic designers.

Scheduled training dates: TBD
Registration: Not currently available

Highway Runoff Manual training workshops

The Highway Runoff Manual (HRM) is WSDOT’s primary source of stormwater planning and design requirements for highway-related work. The HRM training workshop is a certification course that is for WSDOT, local agencies, and consultants who do stormwater work on WSDOT Right of Way. It is targeted toward stormwater engineers, designers, and environmental professionals whose work on transportation-related stormwater issues requires use of WSDOT’s 2019 HRM.

As an obligation of WSDOT’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Stormwater general permit, this training is required for anyone that designs new stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) on WSDOT ROW, modifies an existing stormwater BMP on WSDOT ROW, or where a stormwater BMP is designed or modified and will be turned back to WSDOT for ownership. If you already have a 2014 HRM certificate number, there is a separate 2019 HRM update training so that you can receive your 2019 HRM certificate number.

Participants are required to attend every day of the training and pass the final exam to receive a 2019 HRM certificate of completion number. This certification number is valid until the next version of the HRM, which is expected in 2024. Any major HRM updates, supplements or trainings will be announced on the Highway Runoff Manual web page and through the HRM listserv.

WSDOT maintains a database of all professionals who have successfully completed the training. This database may be referred to by WSDOT when making future work assignments, when reviewing future requests for proposals, and it may be used in the proposal ranking criteria for future projects.

WSDOT 2019 Highway Runoff Manual training workshop (4-day GoToWebinar)

Scheduled training dates: TBD

Each attendee needs to register individually since this is a certification training. To obtain the HRM certificate of completion, please plan on attending every day for the 4-day sessions using a computer (as opposed to your smart phone) since we will be doing exercises together that will require measurements and calculations. We will be using GoToWebinar for this instructor led training. WSDOT may schedule additional sessions depending on the need.

There is no registration fee for this training.

Please contact Olivia Torres Stagner if you need any more information about the HRM training workshop.

WSDOT 2019 HRM update training (only for those who already have a 2014 HRM certificate number)

Please send an email to HRMTraining@wsdot.wa.gov with “Please send me the 2019 HRM update training link, my 2014 HRM certificate number is” in the subject line.

Please make sure to include your 2014 HRM certificate number in the subject line. Please also include your full name in the email so we can match your name with your HRM certificate number before sending you a reply email with the training link. If you forgot your 2014 HRM certificate number, please email Alex Nguyen.

There is no registration fee for this training.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2022 Fish Passage and Stream Restoration design training (online)

In partnership with the WDFW and the Tulalip Tribes, WSDOT has put together the 2022 Fish Passage and Stream Restoration design training. This training is intended to inform water resource practitioners on the purpose and process of fish passage barrier corrections as they relate to WSDOT roadway crossings.

Training overview

This training is composed of 16 separate video modules, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the purpose and process of fish passage projects delivered by WSDOT. Participants must watch all module videos before seeking certification for this training. Links to these module videos and their slides are provided below.


To receive a FPSRD certificate number, a participant is required to view all 16 module videos and pass a comprehensive exam.

Once a participant completes all training videos, they must send an email to Fish Passage training, verify they viewed the 16 modules, and request a link to the exam.

The exam consists of 50 questions with several from each of the modules. A score of at least 80% is required to pass. After successful completion of the exam, the participant will receive a 2022 FPSRD certificate number. This certificate number will be required starting April 30, 2023, by all authors of the Preliminary and Final Hydraulic Design (PHD/FHD) reports written for WSDOT projects.

Use the table to access the FPSRD training recorded modules and training slides.

Module videoSlides
Introduction: 2020 Fish Passage and Stream Restoration Design TrainingN/A
Program Status 2022(PDF 4.3MB)
Module 1: Treaty Rights & Tribal Natural Resources Management(PDF 886KB)
Module 2: WSDOT Fish Passage Program Background(PDF 2.7MB)
Module 3: Hydraulic Project Approvals(PDF 3.7MB)
Module 4: Hydraulic Design Process(PDF 10.6MB)
Module 5: Survey Field CollectionN/A
Module 6: Modeling with SRH-2D(PDF 2.8MB)
Module 7: Biological Considerations(PDF 2.2MB)
Module 8: Geomorphic Assessment for Stream Crossings(PDF 3.8MB
Module 9: Site and Reach Assessments, and Reference Reaches(PDF 4.4MB)
Module 10: Bankfull WidthN/A
Module 11:  Large Woody Material and Other Habitat features(PDF 7.1MB) 
Module 12: Streambed Design(PDF 2.11MB)
Module 13: PHD & FHD template(PDF 8.4MB)
Module 14: Flood Risk Assessment 2022(PDF 5.1MB) 
Module 15: Post-Project Monitoring and Lessons Learned for Successful Crossings(PDF 67.3MB)
Module 16: Fish Passage Construction 2022(PDF 17MB)

Additional training materials and resources

The resources listed here are intended to be used in conjunction with the training modules above. Please contact HQ Hydraulics to ensure you are using the most current version of these files for your project.

The fish passage and stream restoration design training (PDF 237KB) document summarizes audience questions and answers from the 2022 FPSRD training presented December 19-21, 2022.

The fish passage construction training (PDF 122KB) document summarizes audience questions and answers from the live WSDOT Fish Passage construction training that occurred on 1/13/22. These questions are relevant to Module 16.

The flood risk assessment (PDF 138KB) document summarizes answers to questions asked during the WSDOT Flood Risk Assessment workshop on 1/5/22. These questions are relevant to Module 14.

If you have any questions regarding any of the information in the modules, reference material or Q&A please send an email to Fish Passage training.

2024 Fish Passage Construction Inspector Training (online)

WSDOT developed the following modules to share knowledge and resources with site inspectors, contractors, and hydraulics oversight staff. This training is intended to improve the efficiency and quality of fish passage construction by discussing the bridge between design and construction; communicating the objectives of fish passage and stream restoration; providing accessible resources regarding construction practices and material inspection; and ultimately sharing lessons we have learned through our experience.

Use the table to access the training recorded modules.

Module video
Module 1: Introduction - From Design to Construction
Module 2: Preconstruction - Communications
Module 3: Preconstruction - Temporary Stream Diversions
Module 4: Preconstruction - Aggregates
Module 5: Preconstruction - Woody Material
Module 6: Construction - Means, Methods & Meetings
Module 7: Construction - Aggregates
Module 8: Construction - Complexity Features
Module 9: Construction - Woody Material
Module 10: Construction - Configuration & Structure
Module 11: Construction - Stormwater
Module 12: Construction - Landscape Architecture

2023 Scour training (online)

In partnership with Natural Waters, WSDOT has put together the 2023 Scour training to help ensure the long-term success and resiliency of our water crossing structures. This training is intended to inform stream engineers and designers how to properly evaluate scour and review scour analyses for WSDOT roadway crossings. 

Training overview

This training is composed of 11 separate video modules, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the purpose and process of scour analysis. Participants must watch all module videos before seeking certification for this training. Links to these module videos and their descriptions are provided below.


To receive a scour certificate number, a participant is required to:

Once a participant completes the required training material, they must send an email to WSDOT Scour training, verify they viewed the 11 WSDOT Scour training modules and the FHWA Bridge Scour workshop recordings, provide their two NHI course completion certificates, and request a link to the exam.

The exam consists of 50 questions which draw from the WSDOT modules and the other training materials. A score of at least 80% is required to pass. After successful completion of the exam, the participant will receive a 2023 scour certificate number. This certificate number will be required starting December 31, 2023, by all authors completing or reviewing the scour analysis portion of the Preliminary and Final Hydraulic Design (PHD/FHD) reports written for WSDOT projects. 

Use the table to access the scour training recorded modules and training slides.

Module videoSlidesQuestions & Answers
Module 1: Introduction to the 2023 Scour Certification Training(PDF 941KB)(PDF 142KB)
Module 2: WSDOT Scour Policies and Procedures(PDF 746KB)(PDF 169KB)
Module 3: Scour Overview(PDF 5.6MB)(PDF 549KB)
Module 4: Scour Definitions(PDF 7.1MB)(PDF 191KB)
Module 5: Sediment Sampling for Scour Analyses(PDF 8.4MB)(PDF 155KB)
Module 6: Long-term Degradation (ltd) and Stream Stability(PDF 5.8MB)(PDF 161KB)
Module 7: Contraction Scour(PDF 10.5MB)(PDF 183KB)
Module 8: Abutment Scour(PDF 10MB)(PDF 132KB)
Module 9: Pier Scour(PDF 8.9MB)(PDF 175KB)
Module 10: Scour Countermeasure(PDF 5MB)(PDF 150KB)
Module 11: Scour Analysis Review(PDF 721KB)(PDF 131KB)

Additional training materials and resources

The resources listed here are intended to be used in conjunction with the training modules above.

The importance of understanding where and what type of hydraulic characteristics need to be extracted from hydraulic model results for the use in a variety of scour equations is highlighted in Estimating bridge hydraulics and scour webinar. This is an overview of the various components used to estimate total scour at bridge foundations, including long-term degradation, contraction scour, pier scour and abutment scour.

The scour analysis and scour countermeasures (PDF 498KB) document provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the process of calculating scour in WSDOT projects. The questions are organized by component: total scour, scour countermeasures, streambed construction, and SMS/Hydraulic Toolbox.

The ten topics for successful scour analysis (PDF 3.7MB) provides some helpful tips on using HEC-18, SMS, and the Hydraulics Toolbox for scour analysis in WSDOT fish passage projects.

The bend scour template (XLSX 1.22MB) provides guidance for calculating bend scour on WSDOT fish passage projects.

The scour review checklist (XLSX 21KB) provides a list of elements examined in WSDOT scour analysis review.

MGSFlood productivity training workshop for WSDOT projects (online)

This training provides step-by-step instructions for stormwater modeling of flow control Best Management Practices (BMPs) and some runoff treatment BMPs for western Washington WSDOT projects. This training walks the participant through the setup and use of the continuous simulation model software MGSFlood. This training is targeted towards new and intermediate stormwater designers.

This training incorporates Highway Runoff Manual (HRM) stormwater policies and design checks into the stormwater modeling process. The training workshop really focusses more on how to do stormwater modeling for WSDOT projects and less on the “why”. The participant will also learn how to develop model inputs and how to read the model output to verify compliance with HRM stormwater policies.

Scheduled training dates: TBD
Registration: Not currently available

Additional training materials and resources

Please use the MGSFlood continuous simulation modeling software for this training if you want to do calculations as we work through the example problems. The training will not provide the participant with a license or copy of MGSFlood. WSDOT employees can download the MGSFlood software from the Software Center from their start menu. Other non-WSDOT participants can download a free trial version of the software from the MGSFlood website.

Please download a copy of the WSDOT Flow Control Inputs Spreadsheet (XLSX 67KB).

These below examples are only for WSDOT training purposes and should not be used for real world design.

StormShed3G training workshop

StormShed3G training workshop (online)

WSDOT uses StormShed3G to design conveyance systems including pipe, storm sewer and ditches. The class will give students general knowledge of the StormShed3G software and its capabilities along with hands on experience. Examples are used to teach students how to set up basins, design ditches and networks, as well as how to determine the correct design storm events. BMP design guidance from the HRM is included in the training material. The StormShed3G beginner training workshop will use GoToWebinar.  

Scheduled training dates: TBD
Registration: Register here for the StormShed3G beginner training workshop

Please note attendees using a WSDOT computer or WSDOT laptop need to contact WSDOT IT staff (360-705-7050) to get StormShed3G installed. WSDOT will not provide StormShed3G for non-WSDOT computers or non-WSDOT laptops. Attendees not using a WSDOT computer or WSDOT laptop will have to contact the software vendor at Engineous.com to purchase a copy of StormShed3G. It is strongly recommended, but not required to have StormShed3G for the training.

StormShed3G beginner training examples

Training material for the Western Stromshed3G beginner course (PDF 2.86MB)

StormShed3G intermediate training (WSDOT internal training)

One-day class for Eastern Washington.
Prerequisite: StormShed3G beginner course.

Registration: WSDOT internal Training. Learning Center course code TBD

Training overview

Students will go through several examples of runoff treatment and flow control BMP designs. Examples include:

  • Biofiltration Swales
  • Vegetative Filter Strips
  • Natural Dispersion
  • Long Duration Storms
  • Detention Ponds, Infiltration Ponds and Bioinfiltration Ponds
  • BMP design guidance from the HRM is included in the training material.

StormShed3G intermediate training (in-class)

One-day class for Eastern Washington.
Prerequisite: StormShed3G beginner course.

Scheduled training dates: TBD
Registration: Not currently available

StormShed3G intermediate beginner examples for Eastern Washington only

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.