Give 'em a brake

We don’t just participate in National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 21-25, 2025) - we dedicate the entire month of April to raising awareness. We share real stories about real people while urging the traveling public to slow down, stay alert and never drive impaired or distracted

Employees in work zones are spouses, parents, children, siblings and friends – and they all deserve to go home safe at the end of their shift. They aren’t nameless or faceless and they deserve our respect and extra attention. Their efforts, whether in maintenance or new construction, are crucial for keeping travelers safe and our economy moving forward. 

Unfortunately, many workers have faced close calls, serious injuries or death due to drivers' actions in work zones. Crews work mere inches from speeding traffic and workers often recount incidents where quick action prevented tragedy.

Work zone safety resources: 

National Work Zone Awareness Week

Every year, WSDOT joins DOTs nationwide in recognizing Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, which will take place April 21-25, 2025. By raising awareness, we aim to protect workers, first responders and travelers on Washington’s roadways.

Drivers generally don’t think they are at risk in work zones. They're wrong.

  • In 2024, Washington state had 1,607 work zone-related crashes recorded on state highways.
  • 596 people were injured in 2024 due to work zone-related crashes. That is increased from 572 people injured the year prior.
  • The most significant increase was in serious injury crashes, which rose by 36 percent from 2023 to 2024.
  • 96 percent of the people injured or killed in work zone collisions are drivers and their passengers.
  • The top three causes of work zone crashes are following too closely, speeding, and distracted/inattentive driving.

Work zone safety tips

We ask all drivers in work zones to:

  • Slow Down – drive the posted speeds, they’re there for your safety.
  • Be Kind – our workers are helping to keep you safe and improve the roadways.
  • Pay Attention – both to workers directing you and to surrounding traffic.
  • Stay Calm – expect delays, leave early or take an alternate route if possible; no meeting or appointment is worth risking someone’s life.

Work zone safety video

A chilling camera view of a crash

More about roadway safety via this video.

Sam Dawsons’s story (South Central Region) - 2023

Luke Rosman’s story (Eastern Region) - 2023

Since 1950, 61 Washington State Department of Transportation employees have lost their lives in work zone-related activities. Each spring, WSDOT holds a Worker’s Memorial to honor those fallen workers and remind everyone about the importance of work zone safety.

Friends and families of fallen WSDOT workers can RSVP to Jill Root at for a private reception by March 28, 2025. 

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.