Pilots & aircraft

WSDOT Aviation aims to provide information and service to all pilots in Washington state to fly safely.

WSDOT Aviation developed the Washington State Airport Guide as a quick guide to help pilots find out information about all of the state's airports to help with flight planning.

The Aviation License Plate is available through the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) online, or by visiting your local vehicle licensing office

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also known as drones, encompass the family of remote-operated aircraft and rotorcraft weighing less than 55 pounds. The guidance on this page provides basic rules and links to regulatory information required to safely operate your drone in Washington state.

There are three steps to register your aircraft with the Federal government and the State of Washington.

Learn about Senate Bill 5414, which eliminates pilot and mechanic registration in Washington state. 

Programs and information that may benefit pilots in Washington state.

All aircraft in Washington state must register with WSDOT Aviation and is required by Washington State law.

Find out how to register your commercial drone, information about the State UAS Coordinator, and learn more about WSDOT's drone program.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.