SR 520 & I-5 | SR 520/I-5 to Montlake - I/C and Bridge Replacement (PDF 182KB) | 9775 | 852001P | 007 | 02/24/2025 |
SR 10 et al. | SR 10 et al., Kittitas and Yakima Co & SE WA Centerline Rumblestrips (PDF 782KB) | 9845 | 500000J, 509016T, 500000E, 500000G | 001 | 02/03/2025 |
I-5 | I-5 Yesler Way to Northgate Way Vic. Pavement, Deck, Joints, and Drainage (PDF 136KB) | XE3452 | 100520J, 100522T, 100522Y, 100524P, 100524Y, 100524W, 100526R, L100307 | 007 | 01/22/2025 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 2MB) | 9015 | 852001L | 142 | 01/15/2025 |
SR 17 et al. | SR 17 et al., NCR Seal 2022 (PDF 149KB) | 9778 | 201701K, 202801K, 201700N, 217000B, 200009N | 004 | 01/14/2025 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 134KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 023 | 12/12/2024 |
I-5 | NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 121KB) | 9622 | 100521W, 100521X | 062R1 | 12/10/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, Mounts Rd to Steilacoom-DuPont Rd - Corridor Improvements (PDF 177KB) | 9743 | C00504T, 300504T | 021 | 11/26/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 71KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 018 | 10/23/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 102KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 012 | 10/23/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 171KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 007 | 10/23/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 140KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 009 | 10/23/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 182KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 008 | 10/23/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 69KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 005 | 10/23/2024 |
SR 167 | I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 67KB) | 9540 | 316707T | 036 | 09/25/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 147KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 022 | 09/23/2024 |
SR 167 | I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 59KB) | 9540 | 316707T | 035 | 09/12/2024 |
SR 167 | I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 474KB) | 9540 | 316707T | 032 | 09/10/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, SB 205 to Ridgefield Interchange - Replace Deteriorated Concrete (PDF 1.4MB) | XE3544 | 400524R | 001 | 09/10/2024 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge & Approaches - Bridge Decks & Soffit Sealer (PDF 146KB) | XE3516 | 152099B | 001 | 09/03/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound (PDF 162KB) | 9157 | 300509S, 300556P | 002 | 08/02/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 197KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 003 | 07/15/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 194KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 004 | 07/15/2024 |
US 101 & SR 109 | US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 196KB) | 9567 | 300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F | 001 | 07/15/2024 |
SR 520 & I-5 | SR 520/I-5 to Montlake - I/C and Bridge Replacement (PDF 174KB) | 9775 | 852001P | 003 | 07/10/2024 |
SR 10 et al. | SR 10 et al, Kittitas & Yakima Co & SE WA Rumble Strips (PDF 74KB) | 9845 | 500000E, 500000G, 500000J, 509016T | 002 | 6/26/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound (PDF 185KB) | 9157 | 300509S, 300556P | 040 | 6/11/2024 |
US 101 & SR 116 | US 101 & SR 116, North Olympic Peninsula - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 1.2MB) | 9847 | 310199P, 310104E, 310105D, 311677F | 002 | 6/4/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 147KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 020 | 5/21/2024 |
SR 16 & SR 160 | SR 16 & SR 160, Kitsap County Fish Passage Barriers - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 777KB) | 9902 | 301698C | 004R3 | 4/25/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 177KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 015 | 4/11/2024 |
US 395 | NSC Spokane River to Columbia (PDF 164KB) | 9587 | 600015B, 600015C, 600015D, 600015E | 049 | 4/10/2024 |
I-5 | NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 93KB) | 9622 | 100521W, 100521X | 054 | 03/14/2024 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 132KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 009 | 03/11/2024 |
US 12 | US 12, Nine Mill Hill to Frenchtown Vic - Build New Highway (PDF 164KB) | 9406 | 501213X | 026 | 03/05/2024 |
I-90 | I-90, Floating Bridges Anchor Cable Replacement (PDF 132KB) | 9705 | 109024S, 109024T | 010 | 02/20/2024 |
US 395 | NSC Spokane River to Columbia (PDF 14.3MB) | 9587 | 600015B, 600015C, 600015D, 600015E | 036 | 02/08/2024 |
SR 167 | I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 1.7MB) | 9540 | 316707T | 017 | 01/30/2024 |
SR 520/I-5 | I-5 Mercer St to SR 520 Portage Bay I-5 Interchange Improvements (PDF 150KB) | 9674 | 852005E | 062 | 01/23/2024 |
I-5 | NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 46MB) | 9622 | 100521W, 100521X | 050R1 | 01/17/2024 |
US 2 | US 2, Stevens Pass East - Paving (PDF 252KB) | 9806 | 200207W | 008 | 12/20/2023 |
I-405 | I-405, NE 132nd Street Interchange Project (PDF 756KB) | 9573 | 140567B, 140525C, 140525D | 024 | 12/19/2023 |
SR 167 | I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 177KB) | 9540 | 316707T | 025 | 12/13/2023 |
SR 302 | SR 302, E of Elgin Clifton Rd to SR 16 - Remove Fish Barrier (PDF 182KB) | 9446 | 330201B, 330227A | 037 | 12/13/2023 |
SR 99 & SR 519 | Alaskan Way Viaduct - Replacement South Access Surface Streets (PDF 485KB) | 9662 | 809936E | 053 | 11/06/2023 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 209KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 008R1 | 09/05/2023 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 169KB) | 9551 | 100549B | 007R1 | 09/05/2023 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 170KB) | 9015 | 852001L | 155 | 09/05/2023 |
I-5 | Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound HOV (PDF 186KB) | 9157 | 300509S, 300556P | 043 | 09/05/2023 |
I-5 & I-205 | Concrete Panel Replacement and Joint Rehabilitation (PDF 265KB) | 9841 | 400524C, 420523C, 420523B | 006 | 06/14/2023 |
I-5 | Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound HOV (PDF 212KB) | 9157 | 300509S, 300556P | 009 | 05/24/2023 |
I-5 | Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound HOV (PDF 189KB) | 9157 | 300509S, 300556P | 059R1 | 05/02/2023 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 6MB) | 9015 | 852001L | 144 | 05/02/2023 |
US 395 | NSC Spokane River to Columbia - Shared Use Path (PDF 151KB) | 9552 | 600015F | 026 | 04/19/2023 |
I-90 | Floating Bridges Anchor Cable Replacement (PDF 161KB) | 9705 | 109024T, 109024S | 008 R1 | 04/05/2023 |
I-5 | NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 141KB) | 9622 | 100521W, 100521X | 033 | 04/04/2023 |
US 195 | Old BNRR Bridge to Jct SR 271 PCCP Rehabilitation (PDF 106KB) | 9779 | 619505B, 619599A | 003 | 03/07/2023 |
SR 506 | SR 506, 1.5 Miles N Of Frontage Rd to I-5 Emergency Bridge Repair (PDF 271KB) | 9795 | 450621E | 005 | 12/05/2022 |
I-5 | I-5 Dike Access W, Br MP 22.7 & BNRR Br Painting (PDF 643KB) | 9805 | 400519R, 400519Q | 001 | 11/09/2022 |
I-5 | I-5, SB S Spokane St to I-90 W-S Ramp Deck Overlay (PDF 117KB) | 9611 | 100516H, 109004W | 011 | 10/27/2022 |
I-5 | I-5, SB S Spokane St to I-90 W-S Ramp Deck Overlay (PDF 1.4MB) | 9611 | 100516H, 109004W | 010 | 09/20/2022 |
SR 513 | SR 513, Montlake Bridge Mechanical Rehab & Deck Replace & Joint (PDF 120KB) | 9680 | 151301B, 151301C, 151312B | 005 | 09/15/2022 |
I-90 | I-90, Eastgate to SR 900 Corrididor Improvements (PDF 86KB) | 9429 | 109052P | 044 | 09/15/2022 |
I-405 | I-405, NE 132nd Street Interchange Project (PDF 445KB) | 9573 | 140567B, 140525C, 140525D | 006 R1 | 08/22/2022 |
US 395 | US 395, NSC Spokane River to Columbia (PDF 169KB) | 9587 | 600015B, 600015C, 600015D, 600015E | 020 | 08/04/2022 |
SR 290 | SR 290, Barker Rd BNSF Grade Separation Spokane County - MP 12.5 (PDF 8.2MB) | 9623 | | 003 R1 | 06/28/2022 |
I-5 | I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound (PDF 5.5MB) | 9157 | 300509S, 300556P | 027 | 05/12/2022 |
SR 9 | SR 9, SR 204 Intersection Improvements (Stage 2) (PDF 4.8MB) | 9656 | 100910K | 015 | 02/23/2022 |
I-5 | I-5, NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 122KB) | 9622 | 100521W, 100521X | 004 | 02/16/2022 |
US 395 | US 395, NSC Sprague Ave to Spokane River Phase 1 (PDF 2.8MB) | 9600 | 600015M | 003 | 02/16/2022 |
I-405 | I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 167KB) | 9242 | 140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F | 002 | 02/16/2022 |
I-405 | I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 1.7MB) | 9242 | 140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F | 034 | 08/19/2021 |
SR 509 | SR 509, I-5 to 24th Ave S. - New Expressway Project (PDF 1.3MB) | 9424 | 150907E | 005 | 08/18/2021 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 196KB) | 9015 | 852001L | 013 | 08/16/2021 |
SR 202 | SR 202, Evans Creek & Patterson Creek Fish Passage (PDF 792KB) | 9269 | 120215A, 120215C | 7 | 06/15/2021 |
| Lewis and Clark Bridge, Superstructure Painter (PDF 1.6MB) | 7895 | 443313P | 010 | 05/24/2021 |
I-405 | I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 111KB) | 9242 | 140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F | 036 | 05/14/2021 |
I-405 | I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 1.5MB) | 9242 | 140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F | 18 | 03/01/2021 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 640KB) | 9015 | 852001L | 077 | 03/01/2021 |
I-90 | I-90 / 468th Avenue Southeast to West Summit Rd EB - Rehab (PDF 783KB) | 9036 | 509012S, 509013M, 509013T, 509015I, 509015J, 509016L | 54 | 01/06/2021 |
I-405 | I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express (PDF 1.26MB) | 9242 | 140500T, 140504B, 140504N, 840541F | 15 | 12/30/2020 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 1.5MB) | 9015 | 852001L | 076 | 12/29/2020 |
| Lacamas Creek Bridge Replacement (PDF 1.7MB) | 9419 | 450607A | 001 | 12/29/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Demolition Decommissioning & Surface Street (PDF 2.2MB) | 9127 | 809939X | 44 | 12/28/2020 |
| Bagley and Siebert Creeks-Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 2.07MB) | 9516 | 310104F, 310198G | 010 | 11/10/2020 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lk Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 2.1MB) | 9015 | 852001L | 068 | 09/30/2020 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 189KB) | 9015 | 852001L | 64 | 09/02/2020 |
I-82 | I-82, South Union Gap Interchange - Construct Ramps (PDF 1.7MB) | 9247 | 508209U | 28 | 08/31/2020 |
I-82 | I-82, South Union Gap Interchange - Construct Ramps (PDF 473KB) | 9247 | 508209U | 24 | 08/03/2020 |
SR 305 | SR 305 / Agate Pass Bridge Painting (PDF 322KB) | 9409 | 330524A | 11 | 08/03/2020 |
SR 20 | SR 20, Deception Pass and Canoe Pass Bridges Paint (PDF 377KB) | 9344 | 102026K, 102026L, 102026M | 006 | 06/23/2020 |
SR 530 | SR 530 / Trafton Creek & Schoolyard Creek - Fish Passage (PDF 1.7MB) | 9143 | 153026A, 153026B | 004 | 6/19/2020 |
I-5 | I-5, Steilacoom-Dupont Rd to Thorne Lane Corridor (PDF 308KB) | 9133 | 300502T, 300503T | 14 R1 | 06/18/2020 |
I-90 | I-90, Two-Way Transit & HOV Operation, Stage 3 (PDF 1.8MB) | 8662 | 109040R | 167 R4 | 06/04/2020 |
SR 305 | SR 305 / Agate Pass Bridge Painting (PDF 1.2MB) | 9409 | 330524A | 9 | 05/18/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99 / AWV Demolition Decommissioning & Surface Street Project (PDF 959KB) | 9127 | 809939X | 31 | 05/14/2020 |
SR 530 | SR 530, Trafton Creek & Schoolyard Creek - Fish Passage (PDF 2.6MB) | 9143 | 153026A, 153026B | 6 | 05/14/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99 / AWV Demolition Decommissioning & North Surface Street (PDF 1.1MB) | 9127 | 809939X | 14 | 05/14/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99 / AWV Demolition Decommissioning & Surface Street Project (PDF 1.4MB) | 9127 | 809939X | 027 | 05/04/2020 |
SR 202 | SR 202, Little Bear Creek Fish Barrier Removal (PDF 1.4MB) | 8865 | 120200D | 22R1 | 03/16/2020 |
I-5 | I-5 Steilacoom-DuPont Rd to Thorne Lane - Corridor (PDF 241KB) | 9133 | 300502T, 300503T | 19 | 03/03/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design-Build Project (PDF 7.2MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 206 | 02/24/2020 |
US 101 | US 101, West Jefferson County Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 1.8MB) | 9398 | 310155G, 310198D, 310199J | 2 | 02/20/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99, George Washington Bridge Painting & Paving (PDF 358KB) | 9168 | 109946C, 109946D | 21 | 02/13/2020 |
SR 20 | SR 20, Deception Pass and Canoe Pass Bridges (PDF 1.3MB | 9344 | 102026K, 102026L, 102026M | 5 | 01/29/2020 |
US 101 | US 101, N of SR 107 Stabilize Slope (PDF 3.3MB) | 9430 | 310121G | 2 | 01/08/2020 |
SR 99 | SR 99 / AWV Demo., Decom., and Surface Street Project (PDF 2MB) | 9127 | 809936X | 29 | 01/07/2020 |
I-90 | I-90, 468th Ave SE to W Summit Rd Concrete, Deck (PDF 1MB) | 9036 | 509012S, 509013M, 509013T, 509015I, 509015J, 509016L | 44 | 12/26/2019 |
I-5 | I-5, NB MLK Jr Way to NE Ravenna Bridge, Pavement Repair & More (PDF 889 KB) | 8952 | 100512T, 100515B, 100516G, 100519B, 100522C, 100516E, 100515C | 28 | 12/26/2019 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV-Replacement South (PDF 359KB) | 9160 | 809936E | 89R2 | 12/26/2019 |
I-5 | M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 2.8MB) | 8607 | 300509M | 288R1 | 06/13/2019 |
US 101 | Coffee Creek - Remove Fish Barrier (PDF 1.09MB) | 9018 | 310195H | 3 | 06/06/2019 |
I-90 | 468th Ave SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 1.5MB) | 9036 | 509012S, 509013M, 509013T, 509015I, 509015J, 509016L | 35 | 06/05/2019 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Demolition, Decommissioning, and Surface St Project (PDF 7.8MB) | 9127 | 809939X | 4 | 04/22/2019 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Demolition, Decommissioning, and Surface St Project (PDF 5MB) | 9127 | 809939X | 11 | 09/10/2019 |
I-90 | Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 1.37MB) | 9151 | 109024M, 109024N | 22 | 05/15/2019 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Replacement South Access Connection (PDF 2.9MB) | 9160 | 809936E | 84 | 06/20/2019 |
I-90 | 468th Ave. SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 444KB) | 9036 | 509012S 509013M 509013T 509015I 509015J 509016L | 32 | 03/22/2019 |
I-90 | 468th Ave. SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 696KB) | 9036 | 509012S 509013M 509013T 509015I 509015J 509016L | 22 | 05/08/2018 |
I-90 | 468th Ave. SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 190KB) | 9036 | 509012S 509013M 509013T 509015I 509015J 509016L | 29 | 10/29/2018 |
| Hood Canal Bridge Special Repair - Gear Boxes (PDF 184KB) | 8968 | 310439C | 11 | 04/16/2018 |
I-90 | I-90/Adams Co Line to Spokane Co Line - Paving (PDF 159KB) | 8977 | 609023T, 609024B | 3 | 11/01/2017 |
| Tacoma Amtrak Cascades Station (PDF 9.7MB) | 8895 | 730310A | 63 | 06/30/2017 |
| Tacoma Amtrak Cascades Station (PDF 505KB) | 8895 | 730310A | 67 | 06/19/2017 |
SR 522 | SR 522, Snohomish River bridge to US 2 Vic (PDF 650KB) | 8128 | 152234E | 188 | 02/02/2017 |
I-5 | I-5 NB MLK Jr Way to Ravenna Bridge Pavement Repair & More (PDF 636KB) | 8952 | 100512T 100515B 100516G 100519B 100522C 100516E 100515C | 18 | 04/19/2019 |
I-5 | I-5/I-205 to North Fork Lewis River Bridge (PDF 2MB) | 8918 | 400516C | 3 | 12/14/2016 |
I-5 | I-5 Steilacoom-DuPont Rd to Thorne Lane - Corridor (PDF 244KB) | 9133 | 300503T 300502T | 5 | 11/13/2018 |
I-5 | I-5/SR 16 Interchange - Construct HOV Connections (PDF 1.2MB) | 8818 | 300566A | 001 | 10/25/2016 |
I-405 / SR 167 | I-405/SR167 Interchange Direct Connector Project (PDF 943KB) | 8811 | 140504K 116721B | 01R2 | 12/21/2016 |
SR 14 | SR 14, 6th St to Bingen (PDF 1.4MB) | 8766 | 401416P 401415B | 14 | 10/07/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, George Washington Memorial BR, Painting Stage 1 (PDF 174KB) | 8727 | 109947B | 11 | 06/06/2017 |
SR 99 | SR 99/AWV Demolition, Decommissioning, and Surface St Project (PDF 9.7MB) | 9127 | 809939X | 001 | 11/05/2018 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Replacement North Access Connection (PDF 8.7MB) | 8549 | 809936E | 125 | 05/08/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Replacement NA Connection (PDF 4.3MB) | 8549 | 809936E | 169 | 07/21/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Replacement North Access Connection (PDF 5.1MB) | 8549 | 809936E | 133 | 05/11/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, AWV Replacement South Access Connection (PDF 16MB) | 9160 | 809936E | 022 | 11/27/2018 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 542KB) | 7999 | 809936E | 157 | 12/21/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.5MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 203R1 | 01/22/2019 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 5MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 172 | 03/14/2018 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 300KB) | 7999 | 809936E | 109 | 02/23/2015 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 8.7MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 145 | 05/31/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.3MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 136 | 05/20/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.2MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 140 | 05/20/2016 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.7MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 113 | 10/15/2015 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 4.3MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 88 | 03/19/2015 |
SR 395 | NSC-BNSF Railway Structures/Realignment (PDF 1.9MB) | 8496 | 600004A | 14 | 05/14/2015 |
SR 530 | SR 530/Skaglund Hill Vic to C-Post Rd Vic (PDF 4.8MB) | 8630 | 153036E | 4 | 03/05/2015 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 284KB) | 7999 | 809936E | 074R1 | 11/26/2014 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.3MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 106 | 03/04/2015 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1MB) | 7999 | 809936E | 114 | 11/23/2015 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 881KB) | 7999 | 809936E | 128 | 11/23/2015 |
I-90 | I-90, Two-Way Transit & HOV Operations Stage 3 (PDF 459KB) | 8662 | 109040R | 74 | 02/03/2017 |
I-90 | I-90, Two-Way Transit & HOV Operations (PDF 224KB) | 8662 | 109040R | 89 | 11/02/2017 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 597KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 065 | 09/16/2013 |
I-90 | I-90, Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 559KB) | 9151 | 109024M 109024N | 21 | 04/17/2019 |
I-90 | I-90, Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 559KB) | 9151 | 109024M 109024N | 14 | 02/06/2019 |
I-90 | I-90, Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 187KB) | 9151 | 109024M 109024N | 7R1 | 10/08/2018 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C (PDF 244KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 164 | 08/21/2017 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Wall 7 Vic. Final Agreement (PDF 1.3MB) | 8127 | 509090C | 118 | 04/09/2015 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - East End Tie-In to 2A (PDF 1.2MB) | 8127 | 509090C | 116 & 117 | 04/09/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 3.5MB) | 8625 | 852004B | 194 | 12/27/2018 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 2MB) | 8625 | 852004B | 101 | 03/31/2017 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 3.9MB) | 8625 | 852004B | 72 | 12/19/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 251KB) | 8625 | 852004B | 135 | 12/19/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 498KB) | 8625 | 852004B | 138 | 06/11/2018 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 730KB) | 8625 | 852004B | 013 | 04/24/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 400KB) | 8625 | 852004B | 028 | 07/17/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 1.3MB) | 8625 | 852004B | 115 | 09/19/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 1MB) | 8625 | 852004B | 081 | 07/06/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 460KB) | 8625 | 852004B | 068 | 02/01/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Pontoon Construction Design-Build (PDF 5MB) | 7826 | 852003A | 101 | 07/17/2013 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 729KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 230 | 02/13/2017 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 560KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 195 | 11/21/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520/I-5 to Medina-Evergreen Point Floating (PDF 463KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 108 | 07/26/2013 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.3MB) | 8066 | 852004B | 200 | 07/18/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 477KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 208 | 05/05/2016 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 489KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 207 | 06/20/2016 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 911KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 049 | 07/26/2013 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 778KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 059 | 08/06/2013 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 620KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 107 | 10/15/2014 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 385KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 108 | 10/15/2014 |
I-90 | I-90/Keechelus Dam to Stampede Pass Phase 2A (PDF 10.5MB) | 8715 | 5090900 | 7 | 12/07/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 885KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 68 | 12/11/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 9.7MB) | 8066 | 852004B | 191 | 05/18/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.8MB) | 8066 | 852004B | 190 | 02/11/2015 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 404KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 123 | 11/14/2013 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.3MB) | 8066 | 852004B | 180 | 12/31/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 391KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 128 | 11/21/2013 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 710KB) | 8127 | 509090C | 74 | 12/10/2013 |
I-90 | I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 1.2MB) | 8127 | 509090C | 73 | 03/20/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.3MB) | 8066 | 852004B | 122 | 12/31/2013 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 487KB) | 8066 | 852004B | 121 | 12/31/2013 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 1.8MB) | 8066 | 852004B | 142 | 03/27/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520 Pontoon Construction Design-Build Project (PDF 1.8MB) | 7826 | 852003A | 111 | 12/26/2013 |
SR 167 | SR 167 Puyallup River Bridge - Bridge Replacement - Truss Repair (PDF 3.9MB) | 8513 | 316725A | 2 | 01/24/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520, West Connection Bridge (PDF 294KB) | 8432 | 852004B | 4 | 01/14/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520, West Connection Bridge (PDF 3.6MB) | 8432 | 852004B | 9 | 05/29/2014 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 301KB) | 7999 | 809936E | 94 | 06/04/2014 |
SR 99 | SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 357KB) | 7999 | 809936E | 73 | 08/08/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Eastside Transit & HOV Project (PDF 365KB) | 7963 | 852021A | 116 | 03/21/2018 |
SR 520 | SR 520, Eastside Transit & HOV Project (PDF 4.4MB) | 7963 | 852021A | 94 | 10/13/2014 |
SR 520 | SR 520, West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 7.6MB) | 8625 | 852004B | 116 | 10/23/2017 |
SR 433 | SR 433, Lewis and Clark Bridge Superstructure Painter (PDF 319KB) | 7895 | 443313P | 8 | 11/24/2014 |
SR 104 | SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 551KB) | 8677 | 310439A | 27 | 07/12/2017 |
SR 104 | SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 730KB) | 8677 | 310439A | 26 | 12/15/2016 |
SR 104 | SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 505KB) | 8677 | 310439A | 25 | 10/05/2016 |
SR 104 | SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 568KB) | 8677 | 310439A | 15 | 12/03/2015 |
I-5 | I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 990KB) | 8670 | 300509N | 201 | 01/16/2018 |
I-5 | I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 1MB) | 8670 | 300509N | 36 | 08/19/2015 |
I-5 | I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 337KB) | 8670 | 300509N | 43 | 08/19/2015 |
I-5 | I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 236KB) | 8670 | 300509N | 303 | 11/13/2018 |
I-5 | I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 236KB) | 8670 | 300509N | 315 | 02/21/2019 |
I-5 | I-5, M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 729KB) | 8607 | 300509M | 020R1 | 04/10/2015 |
I-5 | I-5, M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 823KB) | 8607 | 300509M | 180R1 | 12/28/2016 |
I-5 | I-5, M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 540KB) | 8607 | 300509M | 9 | 10/23/2014 |
I-5 | I-5, Mellen Street to Blakeslee Junction - Stage 2 (PDF 401KB) | 8473 | 400511W | 146 | 11/08/2017 |