Change orders over $500,000

Find change orders for our projects that are $500,000 or greater in cost.

When changes must take place in order to build the project as planned, we issue a change order to modify the original contract. This order directs the contractor how to handle the change, and also modifies the contract cost, plans and specifications as necessary. Oftentimes, these costs are included in the risk reserves for the project.

Change orders over $500,000: memorandum and reporting requirements (PDF 259KB)

Listed below are change orders for WSDOT projects costing over $500,000 since July 1, 2013.

State RouteProject TitleContract No.PinChange Order No.Date
SR 520 & I-5SR 520/I-5 to Montlake - I/C and Bridge Replacement (PDF 182KB)9775852001P00702/24/2025
SR 10 et al.SR 10 et al., Kittitas and Yakima Co & SE WA Centerline Rumblestrips (PDF 782KB)9845500000J, 509016T, 500000E, 500000G00102/03/2025
I-5I-5 Yesler Way to Northgate Way Vic. Pavement, Deck, Joints, and Drainage (PDF 136KB)XE3452100520J, 100522T, 100522Y, 100524P, 100524Y, 100524W, 100526R, L10030700701/22/2025
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 2MB)9015852001L14201/15/2025
SR 17 et al.SR 17 et al., NCR Seal 2022 (PDF 149KB)9778201701K, 202801K, 201700N, 217000B, 200009N00401/14/2025
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 134KB)9551100549B02312/12/2024
I-5NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 121KB)9622100521W, 100521X062R112/10/2024
I-5I-5, Mounts Rd to Steilacoom-DuPont Rd - Corridor Improvements (PDF 177KB)9743C00504T, 300504T02111/26/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 71KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F01810/23/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 102KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F01210/23/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 171KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00710/23/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 140KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00910/23/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 182KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00810/23/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 69KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00510/23/2024
SR 167I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 67KB)9540316707T03609/25/2024
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 147KB)9551100549B02209/23/2024
SR 167I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 59KB)9540316707T03509/12/2024
SR 167I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 474KB)9540316707T03209/10/2024
I-5I-5, SB 205 to Ridgefield Interchange - Replace Deteriorated Concrete (PDF 1.4MB)XE3544400524R00109/10/2024
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge & Approaches - Bridge Decks & Soffit Sealer (PDF 146KB)XE3516152099B00109/03/2024
I-5I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound (PDF 162KB)9157300509S, 300556P00208/02/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 197KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00307/15/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 194KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00407/15/2024
US 101 & SR 109US 101/SR 109, Grays Harbor/Jefferson/Clallam - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 196KB)9567300002F, 310198R, 310936F, 310169F00107/15/2024
SR 520 & I-5SR 520/I-5 to Montlake - I/C and Bridge Replacement (PDF 174KB)9775852001P00307/10/2024
SR 10 et al.SR 10 et al, Kittitas & Yakima Co & SE WA Rumble Strips (PDF 74KB)9845500000E, 500000G, 500000J, 509016T0026/26/2024
I-5I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound (PDF 185KB)9157300509S, 300556P0406/11/2024
US 101 & SR 116US 101 & SR 116, North Olympic Peninsula - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 1.2MB)9847310199P, 310104E, 310105D, 311677F0026/4/2024
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 147KB)9551100549B0205/21/2024
SR 16 & SR 160SR 16 & SR 160, Kitsap County Fish Passage Barriers - Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 777KB)9902301698C004R34/25/2024
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 177KB)9551100549B0154/11/2024
US 395NSC Spokane River to Columbia (PDF 164KB)9587600015B, 600015C, 600015D, 600015E0494/10/2024
I-5NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 93KB)9622100521W, 100521X05403/14/2024
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 132KB)9551100549B00903/11/2024
US 12US 12, Nine Mill Hill to Frenchtown Vic - Build New Highway (PDF 164KB)9406501213X02603/05/2024
I-90I-90, Floating Bridges Anchor Cable Replacement (PDF 132KB)9705109024S, 109024T01002/20/2024
US 395NSC Spokane River to Columbia (PDF 14.3MB)9587600015B, 600015C, 600015D, 600015E03602/08/2024
SR 167I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 1.7MB)9540316707T01701/30/2024
SR 520/I-5I-5 Mercer St to SR 520 Portage Bay I-5 Interchange Improvements (PDF 150KB)9674852005E06201/23/2024
I-5NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 46MB)9622100521W, 100521X050R101/17/2024
US 2US 2, Stevens Pass East - Paving (PDF 252KB)9806200207W00812/20/2023
I-405I-405, NE 132nd Street Interchange Project (PDF 756KB)9573140567B, 140525C, 140525D02412/19/2023
SR 167I-5 to SR 509 New Expressway Project (PDF 177KB)9540316707T02512/13/2023
SR 302SR 302, E of Elgin Clifton Rd to SR 16 - Remove Fish Barrier (PDF 182KB)9446330201B, 330227A03712/13/2023
SR 99 & SR 519Alaskan Way Viaduct - Replacement South Access Surface Streets (PDF 485KB)9662809936E05311/06/2023
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 209KB)9551100549B008R109/05/2023
I-5I-5, NB Marine View Drive to SR 529 – Corridor & I/C Improvements Project (PDF 169KB)9551100549B007R109/05/2023
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 170KB)9015852001L15509/05/2023
I-5Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound HOV (PDF 186KB)9157300509S, 300556P04309/05/2023
I-5 & I-205Concrete Panel Replacement and Joint Rehabilitation (PDF 265KB)9841400524C, 420523C, 420523B00606/14/2023
I-5Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound HOV (PDF 212KB)9157300509S, 300556P00905/24/2023
I-5Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound HOV (PDF 189KB)9157300509S, 300556P059R105/02/2023
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 6MB)9015852001L14405/02/2023
US 395NSC Spokane River to Columbia - Shared Use Path (PDF 151KB)9552600015F02604/19/2023
I-90Floating Bridges Anchor Cable Replacement (PDF 161KB)9705109024T, 109024S008 R104/05/2023
I-5NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 141KB)9622100521W, 100521X03304/04/2023
US 195Old BNRR Bridge to Jct SR 271 PCCP Rehabilitation (PDF 106KB)9779619505B, 619599A00303/07/2023
SR 506SR 506, 1.5 Miles N Of Frontage Rd to I-5 Emergency Bridge Repair (PDF 271KB)9795450621E00512/05/2022
I-5I-5 Dike Access W, Br MP 22.7 & BNRR Br Painting (PDF 643KB)9805400519R, 400519Q00111/09/2022
I-5I-5, SB S Spokane St to I-90 W-S Ramp Deck Overlay (PDF 117KB)9611100516H, 109004W01110/27/2022
I-5I-5, SB S Spokane St to I-90 W-S Ramp Deck Overlay (PDF 1.4MB)9611100516H, 109004W01009/20/2022
SR 513SR 513, Montlake Bridge Mechanical Rehab & Deck Replace & Joint (PDF 120KB)9680151301B, 151301C, 151312B00509/15/2022
I-90I-90, Eastgate to SR 900 Corrididor Improvements (PDF 86KB)9429109052P04409/15/2022
I-405I-405, NE 132nd Street Interchange Project (PDF 445KB)9573140567B, 140525C, 140525D006 R108/22/2022
US 395US 395, NSC Spokane River to Columbia (PDF 169KB)9587600015B, 600015C, 600015D, 600015E02008/04/2022
SR 290SR 290, Barker Rd BNSF Grade Separation Spokane County - MP 12.5 (PDF 8.2MB)9623 003 R106/28/2022
I-5I-5, Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road - Southbound (PDF 5.5MB)9157300509S, 300556P02705/12/2022
SR 9SR 9, SR 204 Intersection Improvements (Stage 2) (PDF 4.8MB)9656100910K01502/23/2022
I-5I-5, NB Seneca St Vic to SR 520 Mobility Improvements (PDF 122KB)9622100521W, 100521X00402/16/2022
US 395US 395, NSC Sprague Ave to Spokane River Phase 1 (PDF 2.8MB)9600600015M00302/16/2022
I-405I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 167KB)9242140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F00202/16/2022
I-405I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 1.7MB)9242140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F03408/19/2021
SR 509SR 509, I-5 to 24th Ave S. - New Expressway Project (PDF 1.3MB)9424150907E00508/18/2021
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 196KB)9015852001L01308/16/2021
SR 202SR 202, Evans Creek & Patterson Creek Fish Passage (PDF 792KB)9269120215A, 120215C706/15/2021
 Lewis and Clark Bridge, Superstructure Painter (PDF 1.6MB)7895443313P01005/24/2021
I-405I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 111KB)9242140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F03605/14/2021
I-405I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll (PDF 1.5MB)9242140504B, 140504N, 140500T, 840541F1803/01/2021
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 640KB)9015852001L07703/01/2021
I-90I-90 / 468th Avenue Southeast to West Summit Rd EB - Rehab (PDF 783KB)9036509012S, 509013M, 509013T, 509015I,
509015J, 509016L
I-405I-405, Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express (PDF 1.26MB)9242140500T, 140504B, 140504N, 840541F1512/30/2020
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 1.5MB)9015852001L07612/29/2020
 Lacamas Creek Bridge Replacement (PDF 1.7MB)9419450607A00112/29/2020
SR 99SR 99, AWV Demolition Decommissioning & Surface Street (PDF 2.2MB)9127809939X4412/28/2020
 Bagley and Siebert Creeks-Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 2.07MB)9516310104F, 310198G01011/10/2020
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lk Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 2.1MB)9015852001L06809/30/2020
SR 520SR 520, Montlake to Lake Washington I/C and Bridge (PDF 189KB)9015852001L6409/02/2020
I-82I-82, South Union Gap Interchange - Construct Ramps (PDF 1.7MB)9247508209U2808/31/2020
I-82I-82, South Union Gap Interchange - Construct Ramps (PDF 473KB)9247508209U2408/03/2020
SR 305SR 305 / Agate Pass Bridge Painting (PDF 322KB)9409330524A1108/03/2020
SR 20SR 20, Deception Pass and Canoe Pass Bridges Paint (PDF 377KB)9344102026K, 102026L, 102026M00606/23/2020
SR 530SR 530 / Trafton Creek & Schoolyard Creek - Fish Passage (PDF 1.7MB)9143153026A, 153026B0046/19/2020
I-5I-5, Steilacoom-Dupont Rd to Thorne Lane Corridor (PDF 308KB)9133300502T, 300503T14 R106/18/2020
I-90I-90, Two-Way Transit & HOV Operation, Stage 3 (PDF 1.8MB)8662109040R167 R406/04/2020
SR 305SR 305 / Agate Pass Bridge Painting (PDF 1.2MB)9409330524A905/18/2020
SR 99SR 99 / AWV Demolition Decommissioning & Surface Street Project (PDF 959KB)9127809939X3105/14/2020
SR 530SR 530, Trafton Creek & Schoolyard Creek - Fish Passage (PDF 2.6MB)9143153026A, 153026B605/14/2020
SR 99SR 99 / AWV Demolition Decommissioning & North Surface Street (PDF 1.1MB)9127809939X1405/14/2020
SR 99SR 99 / AWV Demolition Decommissioning & Surface Street Project (PDF 1.4MB)9127809939X02705/04/2020
SR 202SR 202, Little Bear Creek Fish Barrier Removal (PDF 1.4MB)8865120200D22R103/16/2020
I-5I-5 Steilacoom-DuPont Rd to Thorne Lane - Corridor (PDF 241KB)9133300502T, 300503T1903/03/2020
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design-Build Project (PDF 7.2MB)7999809936E20602/24/2020
US 101US 101, West Jefferson County Remove Fish Barriers (PDF 1.8MB)9398310155G, 310198D, 310199J202/20/2020
SR 99SR 99, George Washington Bridge Painting & Paving (PDF 358KB)9168109946C, 109946D2102/13/2020
SR 20SR 20, Deception Pass and Canoe Pass Bridges (PDF 1.3MB9344102026K, 102026L, 102026M501/29/2020
US 101US 101, N of SR 107 Stabilize Slope (PDF 3.3MB)9430310121G201/08/2020
SR 99SR 99 / AWV Demo., Decom., and Surface Street Project (PDF 2MB)9127809936X2901/07/2020
I-90I-90, 468th Ave SE to W Summit Rd Concrete, Deck (PDF 1MB)9036509012S, 509013M, 509013T, 509015I, 509015J, 509016L4412/26/2019
I-5I-5, NB MLK Jr Way to NE Ravenna Bridge, Pavement Repair & More (PDF 889 KB)8952100512T, 100515B, 100516G, 100519B, 100522C, 100516E, 100515C2812/26/2019
SR 99SR 99, AWV-Replacement South (PDF 359KB)9160809936E89R212/26/2019
I-5M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 2.8MB)8607300509M288R106/13/2019
US 101Coffee Creek - Remove Fish Barrier (PDF 1.09MB)9018310195H306/06/2019
I-90468th Ave SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 1.5MB)9036509012S, 509013M, 509013T, 509015I, 509015J, 509016L3506/05/2019
SR 99SR 99, AWV Demolition, Decommissioning, and Surface St Project (PDF 7.8MB)9127809939X404/22/2019
SR 99SR 99, AWV Demolition, Decommissioning, and Surface St Project (PDF 5MB)9127809939X1109/10/2019
I-90Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 1.37MB)9151109024M, 109024N2205/15/2019
SR 99SR 99, AWV Replacement South Access Connection (PDF 2.9MB)9160809936E8406/20/2019
I-90468th Ave. SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 444KB)9036509012S
I-90468th Ave. SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 696KB)9036509012S
I-90468th Ave. SE to W Summit Rd. Rehab. Conc/Deck (PDF 190KB)9036509012S
 Hood Canal Bridge Special Repair - Gear Boxes (PDF 184KB)8968310439C1104/16/2018
I-90I-90/Adams Co Line to Spokane Co Line - Paving (PDF 159KB)8977609023T, 609024B311/01/2017
 Tacoma Amtrak Cascades Station (PDF 9.7MB)8895730310A6306/30/2017
 Tacoma Amtrak Cascades Station (PDF 505KB)8895730310A6706/19/2017
SR 522SR 522, Snohomish River bridge to US 2 Vic (PDF 650KB)8128152234E18802/02/2017
I-5I-5 NB MLK Jr Way to Ravenna Bridge Pavement Repair & More (PDF 636KB)8952100512T
I-5I-5/I-205 to North Fork Lewis River Bridge (PDF 2MB)8918400516C312/14/2016
I-5I-5 Steilacoom-DuPont Rd to Thorne Lane - Corridor (PDF 244KB)9133300503T
I-5I-5/SR 16 Interchange - Construct HOV Connections (PDF 1.2MB)8818300566A00110/25/2016
I-405 / SR 167I-405/SR167 Interchange Direct Connector Project (PDF 943KB)8811140504K
SR 14SR 14, 6th St to Bingen (PDF 1.4MB)8766401416P
SR 99SR 99, George Washington Memorial BR, Painting Stage 1 (PDF 174KB)8727109947B1106/06/2017
SR 99SR 99/AWV Demolition, Decommissioning, and Surface St Project (PDF 9.7MB)9127809939X00111/05/2018
SR 99SR 99, AWV Replacement North Access Connection (PDF 8.7MB)8549809936E12505/08/2016
SR 99SR 99, AWV Replacement NA Connection (PDF 4.3MB)8549809936E16907/21/2016
SR 99SR 99, AWV Replacement North Access Connection (PDF 5.1MB)8549809936E13305/11/2016
SR 99SR 99, AWV Replacement South Access Connection (PDF 16MB)9160809936E02211/27/2018
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 542KB)7999809936E15712/21/2016
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.5MB)7999809936E203R101/22/2019
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 5MB)7999809936E17203/14/2018
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 300KB)7999809936E10902/23/2015
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 8.7MB)7999809936E14505/31/2016
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.3MB)7999809936E13605/20/2016
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.2MB)7999809936E14005/20/2016
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.7MB)7999809936E11310/15/2015
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 4.3MB)7999809936E8803/19/2015
SR 395NSC-BNSF Railway Structures/Realignment (PDF 1.9MB)8496600004A1405/14/2015
SR 530SR 530/Skaglund Hill Vic to C-Post Rd Vic (PDF 4.8MB)8630153036E403/05/2015
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 284KB)7999809936E074R111/26/2014
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1.3MB)7999809936E10603/04/2015
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 1MB)7999809936E11411/23/2015
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 881KB)7999809936E12811/23/2015
I-90I-90, Two-Way Transit & HOV Operations Stage 3 (PDF 459KB)8662109040R7402/03/2017
I-90I-90, Two-Way Transit & HOV Operations (PDF 224KB)8662109040R8911/02/2017
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 597KB)8127509090C06509/16/2013
I-90I-90, Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 559KB)9151109024M
I-90I-90, Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 559KB)9151109024M
I-90I-90, Floating Bridges Replace Anchor Cables (PDF 187KB)9151109024M
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C (PDF 244KB)8127509090C16408/21/2017
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Wall 7 Vic. Final Agreement (PDF 1.3MB)8127509090C11804/09/2015
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - East End Tie-In to 2A (PDF 1.2MB)8127509090C116 & 11704/09/2015
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 3.5MB)8625852004B19412/27/2018
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 2MB)8625852004B10103/31/2017
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 3.9MB)8625852004B7212/19/2016
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 251KB)8625852004B13512/19/2016
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 498KB)8625852004B13806/11/2018
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 730KB)8625852004B01304/24/2015
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 400KB)8625852004B02807/17/2015
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 1.3MB)8625852004B11509/19/2016
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 1MB)8625852004B08107/06/2016
SR 520SR 520 West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 460KB)8625852004B06802/01/2016
SR 520SR 520 Pontoon Construction Design-Build (PDF 5MB)7826852003A10107/17/2013
SR 520SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 729KB)8066852004B23002/13/2017
SR 520SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 560KB)8066852004B19511/21/2016
SR 520SR 520/I-5 to Medina-Evergreen Point Floating (PDF 463KB)8066852004B10807/26/2013
SR 520SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.3MB)8066852004B20007/18/2016
SR 520SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 477KB)8066852004B20805/05/2016
SR 520SR 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 489KB)8066852004B20706/20/2016
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 911KB)8127509090C04907/26/2013
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 778KB)8127509090C05908/06/2013
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 620KB)8127509090C10710/15/2014
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 385KB)8127509090C10810/15/2014
I-90I-90/Keechelus Dam to Stampede Pass Phase 2A (PDF 10.5MB)87155090900712/07/2015
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 885KB)8066852004B6812/11/2015
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 9.7MB)8066852004B19105/18/2015
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.8MB)8066852004B19002/11/2015
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 404KB)8066852004B12311/14/2013
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.3MB)8066852004B18012/31/2014
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 391KB)8066852004B12811/21/2013
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 710KB)8127509090C7412/10/2013
I-90I-90/Snowshed to Keechelus Dam Phase 1C - Replace Snowshed and Add Lanes (PDF 1.2MB)8127509090C7303/20/2014
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 2.3MB)8066852004B12212/31/2013
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 487KB)8066852004B12112/31/2013
SR 520SR 520, Floating Bridge and Landings Project (PDF 1.8MB)8066852004B14203/27/2014
SR 520SR 520 Pontoon Construction Design-Build Project (PDF 1.8MB)7826852003A11112/26/2013
SR 167SR 167 Puyallup River Bridge - Bridge Replacement - Truss Repair (PDF 3.9MB)8513316725A201/24/2014
SR 520SR 520, West Connection Bridge (PDF 294KB)8432852004B401/14/2014
SR 520SR 520, West Connection Bridge (PDF 3.6MB)8432852004B905/29/2014
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 301KB)7999809936E9406/04/2014
SR 99SR 99, Bored Tunnel Alternative Design (PDF 357KB)7999809936E7308/08/2014
SR 520SR 520, Eastside Transit & HOV Project (PDF 365KB)7963852021A11603/21/2018
SR 520SR 520, Eastside Transit & HOV Project (PDF 4.4MB)7963852021A9410/13/2014
SR 520SR 520, West Approach Bridge North Project (PDF 7.6MB)8625852004B11610/23/2017
SR 433SR 433, Lewis and Clark Bridge Superstructure Painter (PDF 319KB)7895443313P811/24/2014
SR 104SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 551KB)8677310439A2707/12/2017
SR 104SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 730KB)8677310439A2612/15/2016
SR 104SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 505KB)8677310439A2510/05/2016
SR 104SR 104, Hood Canal Bridge (PDF 568KB)8677310439A1512/03/2015
I-5I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 990KB)8670300509N20101/16/2018
I-5I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 1MB)8670300509N3608/19/2015
I-5I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 337KB)8670300509N4308/19/2015
I-5I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 236KB)8670300509N30311/13/2018
I-5I-5 Portland Ave to Port of Tacoma Road (PDF 236KB)8670300509N31502/21/2019
I-5I-5, M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 729KB)8607300509M020R104/10/2015
I-5I-5, M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 823KB)8607300509M180R112/28/2016
I-5I-5, M St to Portland Ave - HOV (PDF 540KB)8607300509M910/23/2014
I-5I-5, Mellen Street to Blakeslee Junction - Stage 2 (PDF 401KB)8473400511W14611/08/2017


Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.