Grant programs and awards

This is where you can learn about grant programs and awards that help public transportation providers across the state deliver projects that address access, efficiency and the environment.

We play a key role in the state and federal grant programs that provide more than $250 million per biennium to support community-based public transportation. Funds are provided to public agencies and to nonprofit and for-profit transportation service providers. Grant-funded projects include:

  • Services (e.g., transit; paratransit; transportation for the elderly, people with disabilities, and rural communities; commute trip reduction, transit pass programs)
  • Equipment (e.g., new buses, rideshare vehicles)
  • Infrastructure (e.g., transit centers, park and ride lots, transit signal priority systems, transit lanes)

Public transportation grant recipients

The following types of organizations qualify for at least some of WSDOT's public transportation grants: cities, counties, nonprofit agencies, private operators, senior centers, special districts (such as schools and ports), state agencies, transit agencies, and tribes.

WSDOT's role

  • Facilitates stakeholder and public engagement and grant policy development.
  • Manages competitive project selection and formula allocations.
  • Works with grantees to finalize project scope, budget, and grant agreements.
  • Works with grantees to develop performance measurement plans and report performance.
  • Monitors grantees for delivery and compliance with state and federal regulations through reporting, financial tracking and site visits.
  • Assists with vehicle purchases and vehicle inventories.
  • Provides training and technical assistance.
  • Reports to the public, Washington State Legislature, and the Federal Transit Administration.

Grant resources

Draft 2020-2023 State Management Plan for Federal Transit Administration Program (PDF 343KB)

Title VI tools:

  • The LEP Language Map App is maintained by the U.S. Department of Justice and can be used to identify limited English proficiency (LEP) populations by county. See page 6 of the instructions to use the tool.
  • EJSCREEN is maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency and can be used to identify various demographic variables, including race. Pair the “Report Widget” feature (see instructions page 31) and the Get 2014-2018 ACS report link (see instructions page 45) to create a report of the selected area with U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) data in PDF format.
  • The Washington Tracking Network’s Information by Location tool is maintained by the Washington State Department of Health and can be used to identify persons with disabilities populations.

Sign up for grant updates

To stay informed about WSDOT public transportation grants, you can register in GovDelivery

View information on the 21 transit-related projects we administer authorized by the multimodal portion of the Connecting Washington transportation funding package.

Consolidated grants provide funds for public transportation improvements within and between rural communities; tribal transportation; transportation services between cities; purchases of new buses and equipment; and public transportation services to seniors and people with disabilities.

This program supports projects that help people connect with fixed-route public transportation services, including buses, ferries, rail, water taxis, tribal transit and rideshares.

Green Transportation Capital grants provide funding to transit agencies for cost-effective capital projects that reduce the carbon intensity of the Washington transportation system.

Find information on Move Ahead Washington, the new state transportation funding package that provides $3 billion for public transportation over the next 16 years. Move Ahead Washington funding will add support to existing programs and lead to the development of new programs.

These competitive and transit formula grants sustain and expand services to people with disabilities, seniors, children, and people living in rural areas. The competitive grants cannot be applied for independently. WSDOT awards these grants as part of the Consolidated Grant program.

The Public Transit Rideshare grant program—formerly the Vanpool Investment Program—supports rideshare programs at transit agencies across Washington.

The Regional Mobility Grant Program supports local efforts to improve connectivity between counties and regional population centers and reduce transportation delay. This program includes four eligible project types: vehicle and equipment purchases, capital construction, operations, and transportation demand management.

The Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) provides funding to assist with the design and implementation of training and technical-assistance projects and other support services for transportation operators in non-urbanized areas.

State Buses and Bus Facilities grants provide funding to transit agencies for replacement, expansion, rehabilitation, and purchase of transit rolling stock; construction, modification, or rehabilitation of transit facilities; and funding to adapt to technological change or innovation through retrofitting of transit rolling stock and facilities.

This grant program provides financial assistance for coordinated transit-related projects. The program encourages joint planning and coordination by central Puget Sound transit systems to improve user experience and increase ridership while making the most effective use of tax dollars.

These grants provide funding to support operating and capital expenses of transit agencies in Washington state.

Commute trip reduction grants are for local jurisdictions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep the busiest commute routes flowing. Local jurisdictions work with employers, who develop and manage their own programs based on locally adopted goals.

This intercity bus service connects rural communities to major transportation hubs and urban centers; fills gaps in the public transportation network; and makes travel more accessible, reliable and convenient.

The purpose of the Tribal Transit Mobility Grant program is to provide for the transportation needs of tribal communities.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.