Tribal Transit Mobility
The purpose of the Tribal Transit Mobility Grant program is to provide for the transportation needs of tribal communities.
This grant is supported by state funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA) (100 percent). The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at

The Legislature created this program as part of the Move Ahead Washington transportation funding package. Tribal Transit Mobility Grant funding is identified under the spending summary at up to $10 million per biennium for the next 16 years.
Tribal transit funds
WSDOT anticipates that approximately $10 million will be available for this application cycle.
WSDOT will submit a list of recommended projects for funding to the Legislature by September 1, 2024.
WSDOT strongly encourages applicants to the Tribal Transit Mobility Grant Program to also complete a duplicate application for the Consolidated Grant Program. This ensures your application will be evaluated for the greatest number of potential funding options.
Eligible applicants
Federally recognized tribes.
Eligible projects
Grants for federally recognized tribes may be for transit-related purposes.
New applicants may only propose two-year projects. Applicants that have already received WSDOT grant funding may propose two- or four-year projects. Examples of eligible project types include:
Vehicles and equipment
Projects that purchase assets such as vehicles, equipment, technology, and bus shelters.
Projects such as feasibility studies, coordination, or other planning activities that address the needs of applicants and the communities they serve. Examples may include but are not limited to transit feasibility studies, service planning, capital asset assessment, and zero-emission fleet transition planning.
Projects directly related to system operation and maintenance such as operating assistance for public transportation services, operating assistance for paratransit/special needs transportation services, and feeder-bus service for the intercity network. Building and vehicle maintenance costs are eligible operating expenses. This may also include training related to new transportation technologies and other transportation-related opportunities.
Mobility management
Projects focused on information services that help providers and passengers coordinate and understand available options. Mobility management also includes short-range planning, management activities, or activities for improving coordination among public transportation providers and other transportation services.
Small construction
Construction project requests up to $2.5 million per application, such as bus stop upgrades, a new facility roof, or a small park and ride.
Large construction projects and ferry vessel purchases are not eligible.
Match requirements
No match is required for the Tribal Transit Mobility Grant Program.
Evaluation criteria
WSDOT grants analysts will review submitted applications for completeness and eligibility before the applications are forwarded for evaluation.
WSDOT will convene a panel of subject-matter experts to evaluate and rank each application based on the extent that the proposed project:
- Establishes, preserves, or improves public transportation services.
- Addresses a recognized need within a community and reflects a community-led process of coordination and input.
- Defines specific performance measures the applicant will use to determine the project’s success.
- Connects to other transportation systems and/or modes.
- Appears to be feasible as described.
- Describes sufficient applicant experience managing transportation projects and grant awards.
- Describes sufficient financial capability and resources by the applicant to implement and carry out the project either within two (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2027) or four (July 1, 2027- June 30, 2029) years, depending on the length and scope of the proposed project.
- Contributes to the state’s effort to maintain the number of public transportation vehicles within their minimum useful life.
Important dates
May 21, 2024: WSDOT posts notice of funding opportunity.
June 18, 2024: Application available in the online Grants Management System (GMS)
June 19 - Aug. 1, 2024: WSDOT staff available for questions and technical assistance.
3 p.m. Aug. 1, 2024: Applications due in GMS.
Aug. 2 - Aug. 16, 2024: WSDOT reviews applications for fatal flaws and evaluators rank the projects.
Aug. 29, 2024: WSDOT sends award letters to grantees.
Sept. 1, 2024: WSDOT submits recommended funding list to Transportation Committee and Office of Financial Management.
July 1, 2025: 2025-2027 biennium begins.
Sign up for grant updates
To stay informed about WSDOT public transportation grants, you can register in GovDelivery.
The table below shows 15 new Tribal Transit Mobility projects funded for $4.2 million and awarded for the 2023-2025 biennium.
Organization | County/counties | Project title | Award |
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation | Yakima | Extended weekend fare-free service | $108,227 |
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation | Yakima | Purchase two ADA-equipped vehicles for rural services | $257,931 |
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation | Benton, Franklin | Hermiston to Tri-Cities route study | $87,400 |
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation | Walla Walla | Whistler expansion operations and maintenance | $406,238 |
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation | Walla Walla | Whistler expansion bus purchase | $551,000 |
Cowlitz Indian Tribe | Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis | Transit program operations for the second fiscal year of the 2023-2025 biennium | $341,800 |
Cowlitz Indian Tribe | Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis | Electric ADA van purchase | $142,500 |
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe | Clallam | Purchase and install bus shelters, bike lockers, and bike racks | $283,955 |
Lummi Indian Business Council | Whatcom | Replace two transit buses | $256,500 |
Makah Tribal Council | Clallam | Replace one cutaway bus | $171,000 |
Nisqually Indian Tribe | Thurston | Purchase three, 10-passenger, electric, ADA-accessible transit vans to provide rural mobility services | $242,250 |
Samish Nation | Island, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom | Elder's transportation project for demand-response service | $114,699 |
Samish Nation | Island, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom | Purchase of one, 12-passenger, ADA-accessible bus and one, 7-passenger, ADA-accessible van | $261,250 |
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe | King | Fund operating costs for Snoqualmie Valley Transit to serve Snoqualmie Tribal members and other members of the community | $539,446 |
Spokane Tribe of Indians | Stevens | Moccasin Express continued operations | $450,000 |
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.