Apply for a grant

You can find funding opportunities and information on applying for your public transportation grant using our grants-at-a-glance table. This table identifies the name of the grant, application opening date and due dates, award date, and application method.

Below you'll find information for prospective applicants for state and federal grants administered by WSDOT's Public Transportation Division. Grants are funded on a biennial (two-year) basis, though some grant programs may fund projects on a four-year cycle. The following types of organizations qualify for at least some of WSDOT's public transportation grants: cities, counties, nonprofit agencies, private operators, senior centers, special districts (such as schools and ports), state agencies, transit agencies, and tribes.

Grant-funded projects include:

  • Services such as transit; paratransit; transportation for the elderly, people with disabilities, and rural communities; commute trip reduction; and transit-pass programs.
  • Vehicles and equipment such as new buses, rideshare vehicles, and supporting equipment.
  • Infrastructure such as transit centers, park and ride lots, transit-signal-priority systems, and transit lanes.

The Grants Management System is a one-stop hub for public transportation grant applications, invoicing, and more. If the application method shown in the grants-at-a-glance table is in the Grants Management System, you will need to register for system access. Contact the help desk at PTDGMSSupport@wsdot.wa.govor 360-705-7711 for more information on registering for or navigating the Grants Management System.

Grant opportunities

State Buses and Bus Facilities

We're accepting applications for the State Buses and Bus Facilities Grant Program. For more information see the notice of funding opportunity (PDF 354KB).

State Buses and Bus Facilities grants provide funding to transit agencies for replacement, expansion, rehabilitation, and purchase of transit rolling stock; construction, modification, or rehabilitation of transit facilities; and funding to adapt to technological change or innovation through retrofitting of transit rolling stock and facilities.

Last biennium we awarded $38 million in State Buses and Bus Facilities grants. The Legislature will determine the funding level for the 2025-2027 biennium in the 2025 legislative session.

The application is open in the Grants Management System. Applications are due 3 p.m., Nov. 7, 2024.

Green Transportation Capital

We're accepting applications for the Green Transportation Capital Grant Program. For more information see the notice of funding opportunity (PDF 360KB).

Green Transportation Capital grants provide funding to transit agencies for cost-effective capital projects that reduce the carbon intensity of the Washington transportation system.

Historically, we've awarded between $12 million and $50 million in state-funded Green Transportation Capital Grants each biennium. The Legislature will determine the funding level for the 2025-2027 biennium in the 2025 legislative session.

The application is open in the Grants Management System. Applications are due 3 p.m., Sept. 12, 2024.

Consolidated Grant

We're accepting applications for the Consolidated Grant Program. For more information see the notice of funding opportunity (PDF 368KB)

Consolidated grants provide funds for public transportation improvements within and between rural communities; tribal transportation; transportation services between cities; purchases of new buses and equipment; and public transportation services to seniors and people with disabilities.

Eligible project types are operating, mobility management, capital, and planning.

Eligible applicants are nonprofits, tribes, public transit agencies, and local agencies in Washington state.

The application is open in the Grants Management System. Applications are due 3 p.m., Sept. 17, 2024.


We will post information here and on the webpages listed in the table below when grant opportunities become available. Applications will only be available between the application opening date and the due date. Applications may be completed using the Grants Management System or through coordination with WSDOT, depending on the grant program. More information is available by contacting our grants team.

Sign up for grant updates

To stay informed about WSDOT public transportation grants, you can register for updates by selecting “Public Transportation Grants” under “Funding” in the GovDelivery menu.

Grants at a glance

These tables provide an overview of key dates and application methods for the grants currently administered by WSDOT's Public Transportation Division. We will update the tables when grant programs are updated, added or completed.

Competitive grants

Grant program

Application open date

Application due date

Approximate award date

Application method

Regional Mobility 2025-2027February 2024 (pre application)March 5, 2024 (pre application)June 2025Grants Management System
Consolidated 2025-2027 (includes Paratransit/Special Needs, and Rural Mobility competitive grants)June 2024September 2024May 2025Grants Management System
Tribal Transit Mobility 2025-2027**June 2024August 2024May 2025Grants Management System
Green Transportation Capital 2025-2027July 2024September 2024June 2025Grants Management System
State Buses and Bus Facilities 2025-2027September 2024November 2024June 2025Grants Management System
Public Transit Rideshare 2025-2027December 2024January 2025June 2025Grants Management System
Rural Transit Assistance 2025-2027February 2025March 2025April 2025Grants Management System
Transit Coordination 2025-2027April 2025May 2025May - June 2025Grants Management System
Zero-emissions Access Program 2025-2027***April 2025May 2025June 2025Grants Management System

** Tribal transit funds will be awarded through the Consolidated Grant process for the 2025-2027 biennium. Interested tribal applicants must apply through the Consolidated Grant program.

*** This program is not funded beyond June 30, 2025. Dates shown above are for planning purposes if the program is funded in future biennia.

Discretionary grants

Grant program

Application open date

Application due date

Approximate award dateApplication method
Discretionary – Bus and Bus Facilities – 5339(b) federal fiscal year 2024January 2024April 2024June 2024Coordination with WSDOT
Discretionary – Low or No Emissions – 5339(c) federal fiscal year 2024January 2024April 2024June 2024Coordination with WSDOT

Formula grants

Grant programApplication open dateApplication due dateApproximate award dateApplication method
Rural Mobility 2024-2025 - formulaNot applicableNot applicableJuly 2024*Not applicable (formula distribution)
Transit Support Grant 2025-2027Not applicableNot applicableMay - June 2025Not applicable (formula distribution)
Paratransit/Special Needs 2025-2027 - formulaNot applicableNot applicableJune 2025Not applicable (formula distribution)
Commute Trip Reduction 2025-2027Not applicableNot applicableJune
(odd years)*
Not applicable (formula distribution)

* Award date for state funds depends on the passage of the transportation budget.

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.