Transit Coordination

This grant program provides financial assistance for coordinated transit-related projects. The program encourages joint planning and coordination by central Puget Sound transit systems to improve user experience and increase ridership while making the most effective use of tax dollars.

This grant is supported by state funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA) (100 percent). The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at

logo saying 'Funded by Washington's Climate Commitment Act,' with an image of the outline of Washington state


Notice of funding opportunity

The 2025-2027 Transit Coordination notice of funding opportunity (PDF 357KB) is now available.  At least two eligible transit agencies must jointly propose an application. Applications must clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each partnering agency. 

The application will open in the Grants Management System on April 2, 2025. Applications are due 3 p.m. May 1, 2025.

Available funding

The Legislature will determine the funding level in the 2025 legislative session.

Eligible applicants

Transit agencies located in a county or counties with a population of 700,000 or more that border Puget Sound (i.e., King County Metro, Everett Transit, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Pierce Transit).

At least two eligible transit agencies must jointly propose an application. Applications must clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each partnering agency.

Eligible projects

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Integrating marketing efforts.
  • Aligning fare structures.
  • Integrating service planning.
  • Coordinating long-range planning, including capital projects planning and implementation.
  • Integrating other administrative functions and internal business processes, as appropriate.
  • Integrating certain customer-focused tools and initiatives.

Match requirements

Applicants must provide matching funds in the amount of 10 percent of their total project cost. In-kind match for planning and coordination activities is eligible. Cash match is required for capital purchases (e. g., software) that support the implementation of planning activities.

Applicants may use any funding source other than competitive state public transportation grants as match.

Evaluation criteria

An independent review panel evaluates applications based on the following criteria:

Evaluation criteriaMax points
Impact on service20
Impact on customer service15
Impact on administration/efficiencies15
Joint planning/coordination15
Readiness to proceed15
Total points possible100

WSDOT will prioritize eligible projects that propose to promote the formation of joint partnerships between transit agencies or merge service delivery across agencies over applications that propose traditional project types. 


The Transit Coordination Grant table below shows two projects awarded $2 million from the 2023-2025 transportation budget. The 2024 supplemental budget awarded $290 thousand for two additional projects.

Lead organizationPartner organizationsProject descriptionProject areaAward
Central Puget Sound Regional Transit AuthorityCommunity Transit, Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, King County Metro, Pierce TransitORCA & ORCA LIFT enhancementsKing, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish$1,700,000
Jefferson TransitClallam Transit System, Jefferson CountyFacilitating access to the Washington State Ferry docks in Kingston and Bainbridge IslandClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap$90,000*
King County MetroCommunity Transit, Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit, Seattle Department of Transportation, Washington State FerriesFree youth transit pass regional campaignKing, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish$300,000
King County MetroCommunity Transit, Everett Transit, Kitsap Transit, Pierce Transit, City of Seattle, Sound Transit, Washington State FerriesExpansion of free youth transit pass regional campaignKing, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish$200,000*

*Indicates a project funded with 2024 supplemental funds.

Sign up for grant updates

To stay informed about WSDOT public transportation grants, you can register in GovDelivery.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.