Computer aided engineering

Find technical support in the disciplines of WSDOT drafting, roadway design and construction, and survey application support. You will find guidance on CAE deliverables, standards, procedures, installation, technical assistance, and training for OpenRoads/InRoads, MicroStation, and ProjectWise.

Deliverable file formats

Official drafting and design applications and versions are listed below for WSDOT projects. As of March 2025, all new projects will be using OpenRoads/MicroStation with Connect standards. External partners need to verify the appropriate platform with the applicable WSDOT Project Manager. 

For Connect (v10.12+) platform projects

  • Bentley OpenRoads Designer CE 2022 Release 3 (v10.12.2.4)
  • Bentley MicroStation CE Update 17 (v10.17.02.061)

It is very important that all staff working on a WSDOT Connect project run the same version of OpenRoads Designer. Opening an older file with a newer version of OpenRoads may update the civil data schema. Once the schema is updated, opening the file in an older version typically prompts a message like "Newer Civil Data Found".  The file will be read only in the older version of OpenRoads. 

For legacy V8i projects

  • Bentley MicroStation V8i SS3 (v8.11.09.xx)
  • Power InRoads V8i SS2 (v8.11.07.xx)

Submit all deliverables in the official software version, using the correct CAE resources for Connect or V8i. Do not mix Connect and V8i resources/standards unless otherwise stated in a specific contract agreement.


The WSDOT ProjectWise page contains information on WSDOT ProjectWise access, managed workspace (for Connect+ projects), ProjectWise Explorer client download and setup for WSDOT, and training.

Standards and procedures

The Electronic Engineering Data Standards (EEDS) manual applies to Connect and later versions of Bentley products.  It defines WSDOT standards and procedures for preparing and delivering electronic engineering data created in the location survey, design, and construction phases of highway projects including support groups. These standards shall be used in the preparation and delivery of all electronic deliverables defined within and applies to projects delivered by WSDOT staff and external customers, unless otherwise approved by a WSDOT Project Development Engineer.

For legacy V8i projects, the 2017 EEDS is available via Electronic Engineering Data Standards under Related Publications.

Legacy V8i application / resources download and installation page

The V8i application & resource updates page contains legacy V8i software and resources installation.

Technical assistance

CAE technical notes and video are another good resource for learning about specific procedures and tasks. These are maintained in the WSDOT ProjectWise environment:

WSDOT Datasource:  WSDOT
Path to video library:  Documents/-CAE Training/WSDOT Video Library/

For legacy V8i, see Technotes under the Technical support & guidance page.


Connect training – OpenRoads Designer and MicroStation CE 17

WSDOT is currently utilizing training delivered by Bentley Systems. 

WSDOT GEC, external consultants, and interested parties should acquire Bentley training through their company. WSDOT requires all users on a Connect project to provide certificate of completion, Bentley transcript or a WSDOT learning assessment. Each Project Manager will be responsible for verification of Connect training.

WSDOT is using the below self-paced Bentley Learning Plans for OpenRoads Designer for the various disciplines.

00 - Roadway Design Modeling – Fundamentals
09 - Drainage Modeling 
11 - Utilities Modeling
12 - Survey

Legacy V8i training

All legacy MicroStation and InRoads training in the table below is self-study. The Class Descriptions provide the estimated time required to complete the course. If users have questions when working through the training contact your CAE Coordinators or HQ CAE HelpDesk

Google Chrome is the recommended browser for training downloads. Locate the desired training from the list below and click on the View/Download link. A small dialog will appear showing the download progress of the file. When complete, double click on the download dialog and a WinZip Self-Extractor will open. Do Not Change the default settings in the Self-Extractor. Click the Unzip button. When extraction is complete, close the WinZip Self-Extractor. 

The training manuals will be located at C:\Users\Public\cae\TrainingManuals on your computer. Using Windows Explorer, path to the location and open the training manual pdf. The training datasets have been placed in the folder locations provided in the manuals.

Course NameTitleDescriptionView / Download
MicroStation 101Entry Level DraftingMS101 Class Description MS101...
MicroStation 201Production Level DraftingMS201 Class Description MS201...
MicroStation 203Sheet Development with ProjectWiseMS203 Class DescriptionMS203...
InRoads 201Production Level DesignIR201 Class DescriptionIR201...
InRoads 202Survey Data ProcessingIR202 Class DescriptionIR202...
InRoads 203GeometricsIR203 Class DescriptionIR203...
InRoads 205ConstructionIR205 Class DescriptionIR205...
InRoads 251Intermediate Roadway DesignIR251 Class DescriptionIR251...
InRoads 311Intersection DesignIR311 Class DescriptionIR311...
WSDOT V8i CAE Environment OverviewIntro to WSDOT CAEClass DescriptionWSDOT CAE V8i Environment Overview


WSDOT legacy V8i training is available as information only.  WSDOT accepts no liability for its use or application. CAE support is available for WSDOT Employees and our external customers staff that are currently working on WSDOT projects.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.