Technical support & guidance

Get technical support and guidance for the design/drafting software used for including InRoads, MicroStation, and ProjectWise. Find user guides and tools to manage estimates and contract bid information.

General technical notes

CAE quick reference guide (PDF 52KB)
Creating and managing standard WSDOT CAE project PDF 103KB)
Glossary of CAE terms (PDF 123KB)

Legacy InRoads V8i technical notes

Getting started

InRoads GUIDs (PDF 90KB)
Lock files (PDF 110KB)
Updating a WSDOT project specific XIN (PDF 110KB)

Data import/export

Exporting Geometry to ASCII (PDF 119KB)
Exporting Geometry to LandXML (PDF 70KB)

Surface to LandXML file (PDF 55KB)
Surface to Trimble TIN model (PDF 57KB)


Feature styles (PDF 55KB)

Generating detention ponds (PDF 65KB)
Generating stormwater ponds using templates (PDF 473KB)

Preparing a surface for staking (PDF 108KB)
WSDOT staking report generator (PDF 101KB)

Updating surface features (PDF 119KB)


Alignments by Cogo Points (PDF 108KB)
Creating vertical alignments from Cogo Points (PDF 85KB)


Creating a roadway profile (PDF 63MB)
Freehand profile preferences (PDF 688MB)
Cross section planimetrics (PDF 86KB)
Printing cross-sections (PDF 145KB)
Cross section gradebook report (PDF 188KB)

Roadway design

Component display options (PDF 219KB)

Display templates in CAD (PDF 118KB)

End condition transitions (PDF 112KB)
Feature name overrides (PDF 169KB)
Manual superelevation entry (PDF 129KB)

Sawcut and widening to match existing cross slopes (PDF 219KB)
Sawcut and widen by template method (PDF 191KB)

WSDOT retaining wall templates (PDF 103KB)


Horizontal annotation preferences (PDF 119KB)
Drafting notes for milepost offset (PDF 188KB)

Legacy MicroStation V8i technical notes

Getting started

Text conversion to current standards (PDF 100KB)
The WSDOT menu (PDF 104KB)
Updating MicroStation data to current WSDOT standards (PDF 171KB)
WSDOT custom utilities (PDF 117KB)


Function key commands (PDF 53KB)
Measuring horiz distances in 3D files (PDF 101KB)
Special text characters (PDF 143KB)
Word wrap (PDF 178KB)
Working with Geographic Coordinate Systems (PDF 204KB)


AccuSnap (PDF 97KB)
Addendum clouds (PDF 998KB)
Creating a 3D PDF (PDF 156KB)
Creating custom tasks (PDF 913KB)
Custom tools (PDF 224KB)


3D clash detection (PDF 565KB)
Adjusting reference colors (PDF 97KB)
Advanced drag and drop (PDF 58KB)
Coincident referencing (PDF 161KB)

Custom user resources (PDF 94KB)
Entering bearings in Accudraw (PDF 52KB)

Labeling title blocks with tags (PDF 128KB)
Nested sheet references at WSDOT (PDF 106KB)
Optimizing references (PDF 281KB)

Placing yield lines (PDF 89KB)

ProjectWise and plan sheets (PDF 42KB)
Reference display overrides and new level display (PDF 204KB)
Replace title block with tagged title block (PDF 52KB)
WSDOT sheet batch printing (PDF 205KB)

Legacy Survey V8i technical notes

Renaming InRoads fieldbook points (PDF 213KB)

Field code lists
Field code list - by code (PDF 58KB)
Field code list - by level (PDF 58KB)

The latest field code reports are also available on internal WSDOT computers with CAE resources installed at: \Users\Public\CAE\Standards\WSDOT\Survey.
External computers with WSDOT CAE resources installed at: \WSDOT_1.3\Survey.

EBASE estimate and bid analysis system

This ultimate goal is to provide users with a quick, reliable, flexible and effective way to manage estimates and contract bid information. This application helps to eliminate duplicated effort and the need for side systems and databases with local offices. You will find user guides, tools and other helpful information for system users & region administrators.

Control section update - completed database updates

Control Section List  (XLSX 835KB)
Application of retail Sales Tax on WSDOT Construction Projects memorandum (PDF 614KB)
DOR Excise Tax Advisory Memorandum 3068.2009 (PDF 16KB)

How to use EBASE

Data Entry Guide (PDF 1.8MB)
Full EBASE Users Guide (PDF 11MB)
See more information on how to use EBASE (PDF 732KB)

Schedule training

If you are interested, training is available on request. Please call Tomi Hume-Pontius at 360-705-7456.

Self study training and individual sections

Training Course Student Workbook (PDF 621KB)
EBASE training exercises (PDF 575KB)
Groups tab setup/entry (PDF32KB)

Bid Tabs Pro / Plus

Bid Tabs Pro is software provided by a private company using Bid Tabulation data from EBASE.

It will analyze all Standard Bid Item and contractor bid data for contacts let by WSDOT. It makes this data available with a multitude of predefined query areas and creates reports or exports to excel the results based on those queries.

Great flexibility is built into this software. Queries can be by contractor, quantity, county, bid letting dates, and many others. This data is mostly used as a bid-based estimating source. This program is available to all WSDOT employees.

For installation contact Kari Beardslee or your Region IT representative.

* Non-WSDOT parties may obtain this software from Oman Systems*

Once the Bid Tabs Pro Program is loaded on your PC, automated updates of the weekly bid histories will be added by Omans systems every 2 weeks.

View What is Bid Tabs Pro? (PDF 39KB) to get an understanding of how this application will help during your project. Also see the Bid Tabs Pro User's Guide (PDF 1.6MB) to help navigate through the process.

Add on to Bid Tabs Pro - See the Bid Taps Pro Plus User's Guide (PDF 2.75KB)

See examples of starter estimates (XLS 24KB)

This Bid Tabs Pro quick help (PDF 844KB) document will give you tips and tricks on using the application.

These instructions will be helpful for a simple Bid Item search (PDF 546KB) in both the Unit Bid Analysis(UBA) application and in Bid Tab Pro (BTP).

Oman data errors

The most common cause for data reports returning incorrect item costs is obsolete Data.

The Oman Systems data tables are updated weekly with the most current Bid results. They are available for download at anytime. To view, download or update the Bid Tabs Pro software (PDF 1.1MB)

A known data error occurs when an Add-On description is present for the bid item.

The Oman Systems Data files only pick up the Add-on description from the first project in their database, it then applies that description to all bid items associated with the same Standard Item number.

  • The most noticeable of these incorrectly labeled items are the HMA items, such as HMA CL. 1/2 IN.
  • Shown below in figure 1, is an example of a project that actually had HMA CL. 1/2 IN. PG 58-22 entered and shown in the estimate, but the Oman data displays HMA 1/2 IN. PG 70-28.

With these items, the PG rating has a negligible effect on the overall cost of the HMA, the important factors to focus on for item cost are:

  • Quantity
  • Location
  • Conditions (Urban, Rural, time of year, etc.)


To ensure that the correct bid history is present for your estimate, limit your item reporting to EAST or WEST side Counties depending on project location.

To query counties across multiple Regions, you must setup a User Specified Region.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.