• Project

SR 520 I-5 Express Lanes Connection Project

Project overview

The SR 520/I-5 Express Lanes Connection Project will create a dedicated reversible transit and carpool connection between SR 520 and the I-5 Express Lanes, along with a reversible transit/carpool ramp at the I-5/Mercer Street interchange.

August 2021 - April 2025
Project status
$68 million
Project hotline

What to expect

This project is mostly complete. An update on the opening of the new HOV 3+/transit express lanes entrance at Mercer Street will be announced soon. As a reminder, the flyover ramp connecting SR 520 to the I-5 Express Lanes will open at the conclusion of the SR 520 Portage Bay Bridge and Roanoke Lid Project. Please check sr520construction.com for the latest updates.

Area map of SR 520/I-5 Express Lanes Connection Project in Seattle.