Environmental guidance

Resources for environmental and transportation professionals, organized by discipline.

Discipline guidance

Find guidance on these environmental discipline pages to support your project documentation and delivery. Find resources on each of the following pages in the:

  • ‘Scoping’ tab - to help identify the scope of environmental work needed for your project.
  • ‘Preliminary design’ tab - to help analyze how proposed projects would impact resources in the area and look for ways to avoid and minimize impacts.
  • ‘Final design’ tab - to help finalize permit applications and modify permits and approvals.
  • ‘Tools, templates, & links’ tab - as a library of all resources available in the other tabs.
  • ‘Contacts’ tab - to help connect you with the right subject matter expert.

Environmental Policy

WSDOT Agency Policy P 1018 (PDF 107KB) outlines how to include environmental considerations in the agency's operations and decisions.  It explains how to track and meet environmental commitments, follow laws and regulations, and comply with permits and agreements.  Environmental Policy is also expressed in the Environmental Manual.  

Find an environmental expert

Our environmental experts can be found by selecting an environmental discipline from the list above and selecting the “contacts” tab.       

Environmental Services Office Subject Matter Experts can be found in our Environmental Subject Matter Experts Contacts (PDF 98KB).

The Environmental Services Office Director is Ahmer Nizam

Find an Environmental Manager in your WSDOT region or modal office in our Environmental Managers contact list (PDF 123KB).

Non-compliance events

Use the environmental compliance assurance policy (ECAP) if you have a non-compliance event, during:

Commitment Tracking System (CTS)

Use the Commitment Tracking System to manage environmental commitments. Find how-to instructions in the CTS help menu. Find related policies in our Environmental Manual Chapters 490, 590, and 600. Contact Brian Podobnik, Brian.Podobnik@wsdot.wa.gov for help accessing and using CTS.

Chronic Environmental Deficiencies (CEDs)

View the CED webpage to learn more about the program. If your project is a CED, please contact Jenni Dykstra and see the Environmental Manual Chapter 300 Project scoping and programming (PDF 329KB).

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.