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139 results
SR 21 and SR 260, 2025 Eastern Region Chip Seal
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3609
Submittal due:
Requires bituminous surface treatment, pavement repair excavation, crack sealing, hot mix asphalt (HMA) for pavement repair and prelevel, joint seal at bridge ends, shoulder finishing, guideposts, pavement markings, erosion control, traffic control and other work. Involves 36 items and 36 working…
US 2, Coles Corner Vicinity - Paving
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3610
Submittal due:
Requires shoulder finishing, pavement repair, bridge deck repair, crack sealing, planing bituminous pavement, removing existing asphalt overlay, hot mix asphalt (HMA), erosion control and water pollution control, pavement markings, traffic control and other work. Involves 51 items and 55 working…
I-5, Gravelly-Thorne Connector Shared Use Path
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3611
Submittal due:
Requires grading, asphalt paving, stormwater facilities, retaining walls, a new pedestrian bridge, signing, illumination, signal improvements, traffic control, roadside restoration and other work. Involves 174 items and 370 workings days. Work class 6 or 20.
Notice of bid opportunity - Intercity Bus Dungeness Line
Publication date:
Submittal due:
The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26. Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract for WSDOT to provide intercity bus transportation…
US 12, Howell Grade Rd to Garfield-Asotin Co. Line-Paving
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3608
Submittal due:
Full depth reclamation, paving with hot mix asphalt (HMA), installing guardrail, replacing striping and rumble strips, shoulder finishing, fog sealing, delineation, traffic control and other work. 35 working days. Involves 37 items. work CL 1 or 4.
SR 18, EB C St SW Vic to Green River Paving & Joint Replacement
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3605
Submittal due:
Grinding and inlaying hot mix asphalt (HMA), updating traffic loops, pavement markings, joint work on Bridge 18/9, temporary erosion control, traffic control and other work. 65 working days. Involves 52 items. Work class 4.
US 2 et al, NCR Guardrail Updates 2025
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3606
Submittal due:
Removing asphalt concrete pavement, removing guardrail, quarry spalls, reinforced concrete culvert pipe, crushed surfacing base course, commercial hot mix asphalt, cement concrete, traffic curb and gutter, beam guardrail components, precast concrete barrier, project temporary traffic control and…
Notice of bid opportunity - Transportation Equipment Fund (TEF) Tank Monitoring
Publication date:
Submittal due:
The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26. Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract for WSDOT to purchase.
TEF has 125…
TEF has 125…
SR 518, Tukwila International Boulevard Station (TIBS) Bus Rapid Transit Project
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3492
Submittal due:
The SR 518, Tukwila International Boulevard Station (TIBS) Bus Rapid Transit (Project) will create a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) station on SR 518 between mileposts 2.49 and 2.91, to connect the existing Tukwila International Boulevard Link light rail station and communities to the south of SR 518…
2025 CRISI Rural Rail Rehabilitation CW Branch - PCC
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3602
Submittal due:
Removing sidewalk, curb and gutter, crossings, turnouts, rail, ties, cleanup and disposal of legacy material and roadway excavation, paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, pavement markings, culverts, ballast distribution, ties, replacing rail with OTM, rail joints, surface line and dress, undercutting…
SR 26, 1st Ave Roundabout
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3601
Submittal due:
Improvements at the intersection of SR 26 and 1st Avenue in Adams County, roadway excavation including haul, crushed surfacing base course, textured and pigmented cement concrete pavement, roundabout cement concrete curb and gutter, illumination system, traffic control and other work. Involves 83…
SR 20, W Fakkema Rd Intersection Improvements
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3599
Submittal due:
Installing one compact roundabout, traffic islands, scupper curbing, paving, pavement markings, pavement repair, sign removal/installation, drainage, illumination installation, traffic control and other work. Involves 54 items and 16 working days. Work class 4.
I-5, SB Nooksack River to Blaine Paving
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3600
Submittal due:
Removing guardrail and guardrail anchor, removing miscellaneous traffic items, pavement repair, shoulder fog sealing, sealing existing bridge joint, planing bituminous pavement, hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving, beam guardrail installation and replacement, removing and restoring high tension cable…
SR 9, Marsh Road to 2nd Street Vic - Widening & Bridge Painting
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3596
Submittal due:
Constructing two new south bound lanes and two new south bound bridges, cleaning and painting the metal surfaces of the bridge, illumination, traffic signals, ITS, signing, retaining walls, stormwater facilities, drainage, planing bituminous pavement, hot mix asphalt paving, pavement markings,…
US 395, NSC Sprague Ave to Spokane River - Stage 3
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3595
Submittal due:
New Bridges No. 395/407W and No. 395/407E, three sign bridges, cantilever sign structure, hot mix asphalt paving, signing, curbing and demolition of WSDOT property within the city limits of Spokane. Abatement of asbestos materials, removal and disposal of buildings and contents, fence removal,…
US 2, Sexton Creek to Pilchuck River - Fish Passage
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3597
Submittal due:
Clearing and grubbing, filling the existing culvert, roadway/structure excavation and restoring the existing roadway and stream channel, constructing a precast reinforced concrete three-sided structure, constructing a steel arch structure, constructing wing walls, removing existing drainpipes,…
Notice of bid opportunity - Medical Invoicing Review Services
Publication date:
Submittal due:
Notice - This ad is currently closed.
The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26.
Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26.
Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, WSDOT intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an…
I-5 et al, NWR South 23-25 Pavement Repair
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3592
Submittal due:
Requires crack sealing, pavement repair, ITS, erosion control, traffic control and other work. 120 working days. Involves 24 items. Work class 4 or 2 & 5.
US 2 ET AL, NWR North 23-25, Crack Seal & Pavement Repair
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3593
Submittal due:
Requires crack sealing, pavement repair, traffic control and other work. 144 working days. Involves 22 items. Class 4.
SR 104, Lyon Creek Fish Passage
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3594
Submittal due:
Removal of the existing culvert and other obstructions and replacing with a fish passable structure. 67 working days. Involves 160 items. Work class 1.
SR 99, Alaskan Way S & S Washington St Ballast Island Marker
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3590
Submittal due:
Installing a new landscape marker, clearing and grubbing, structure excavation, roadside restoration, temporary erosion control, traffic control and other work. Involves 22 items and 50 working days. Work class 6.
SR 17, Cunningham Rd - Roundabout
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3591
Submittal due:
Requires removing asphalt concrete pavement, common borrow, drainage, pigmented cement concrete pavement, hot mix asphalt, erosion control, roadside planting, roundabout features, pavement markings and other work. 59 working days. Involves 78 items. Work class 1 & 2 or 4 & 5.
SR 27, Corridor Pedestrian Bicycle Crossing Improvements (small works roster)
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3588
Submittal due:
Installing a hybrid pedestrian/bicycle crossing consisting of hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving, crushed surfacing top course (CSTC), cement concrete curb, relocating illumination poles, pedestrian signal system components, sidewalk, curb ramp, pavement markings, traffic control and other work. Involves…
SR 304, Bremerton Ferry Terminal Slip 2 Dolphin Replacements
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3589
Submittal due:
Requires removing and replacing the existing Slip 2 right outer 6-pile steel dolphin and Slip 2 left outer 6-pile steel dolphin and other work. 155 working days. Involves 28 items. Work class 6.
US 97, Lateral A Intersection - Intersection Improvements
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3587
Submittal due:
Lateral A intersection with a two lane roundabout, paving with hot mix asphalt pavement, installing truck apron and splitter islands with cement concrete, mountable cement concrete curb and gutters, shared use paths, illumination, delineation, landscaping, signing, traffic control and other work.…
SR 129, Asotin Pedestrian Improvements (small works roster)
Publication date:
Contract number: QR4274
Submittal due:
Improvement of pedestrian facilities on SR 129 in the City of Asotin, Asotin County, MP 36.27 to MP 36.50. Improvements will include the construction of bulb-outs to reduce crossing length, perpendicular and single direction ramps with detectable warning surfaces, installation of Rectangular Rapid…
I-90, EB East Channel Bridge Modular Assembly Joints
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3584
Submittal due:
Removing and replacing two modular expansion joints, pavement markings, temporary erosion and water pollution control, temporary traffic control and other work. 30 working days. Involves 42 items. Work class 6.
Kingston Ferry Terminal Trestle Seismic Retrofit
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3577
Submittal due:
Improvement of the Kingston Ferry Terminal by replacing the bulkhead, replacing the Slip 2 trestle approach, seismic retrofit of Slip 1 and tie-in trestle, concrete pile repairs, and other work. Involves 64 items and 280 working days. Work class 6.
Bagley Creek Bridge - Bridge Scour
Publication date:
Contract number: XE3576
Submittal due:
Improvement of SR 542 in Whatcom County, MP 49.12 to MP 49.18, Bagley Creek Bridge; Bridge Scour by repairing a scour hole at Br. No. 542/42 with concrete, moving existing streambed rocks to prevent future scour, roadside restoration, temporary erosion and water pollution control, temporary traffic…
2024 Rail, Freight and Ports Division General Engineering Consulting Services
Publication date:
Submittal due:
Notice - This ad is currently closed.
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide 2024 Rail, Freight and Ports Div. General Engineering Consulting Services. One (1) agreement may be…
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) solicits interest from consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide 2024 Rail, Freight and Ports Div. General Engineering Consulting Services. One (1) agreement may be…
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.