• Contract

SR 129, Asotin Pedestrian Improvements (small works roster)

Contract summary

Improvement of pedestrian facilities on SR 129 in the City of Asotin, Asotin County, MP 36.27 to MP 36.50. Improvements will include the construction of bulb-outs to reduce crossing length, perpendicular and single direction ramps with detectable warning surfaces, installation of Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFB), crosswalk and stop bar striping. Involves 32 items and 25 working days. Work class 1 or 17.

Public Works
Publication Date
Contract status
Contract ID
Asotin County
Submittal due date and time
Estimated value
$300,000 - $350,000
Funding source
A state funded contract with a 5% condition of award public works small business enterprise goal and a 2% condition of award veteran-owned business goal.
Alejandro Sanguino
Project Engineer