Step 3: Submit your bid electronically

You can bid electronically through BidX, and submit electronic bonds using Surety 2000 or InsureVision.

Before you sign up for BidX please make sure:

  1. You are prequalified
  2. You submit a request to bid/order the bidding documents

To access, and for more information on BidX, please visit: or customer contact support at (888) 352-2439

To create your Digital ID for bidding you will need your Bidder ID. Your Bidder ID is the six-digit prequalification number on your Prequalified Bidding Rate letter. If you are not sure what your Bidder ID is, you may submit a request to

How does it work?

After getting prequalified, ordering the bidding documents, and creating a BidExpress account and digital ID for bidding, you can prepare your bids using the specialized bidding software provided by BidX. Bids are then securely uploaded as a fully encrypted file, and may be revised or withdrawn all the way up until the deadline for the receipt of the proposals. Bids cannot be downloaded by WSDOT until after the time set for receiving bids has passed, and are then opened on-screen during the public bid opening. Each time WSDOT issues an addendum, you will need to download an amendment from and import that amendment into your bid to update the bid file. You will be unable to submit your bid until you have imported all available amendments. In addition to your price proposal, you can submit all bids forms that are due by deadline for the receipt of the proposals. Note that bid forms due after bid opening have alternate submittal requirements. Training is available at

Can I submit my bid bond electronically as well?

Yes, provided you use one of the two previously approved firms: Surety 2000 or Tinubu. If you cannot use either company to obtain an electronic bond, you can submit a wet-signed original of your bond but it will have to be received at the physical location for bids prior to the bid deadline.

Why are some WSDOT contracts not available on BidX for electronic bidding? is currently designed to support WSDOT projects scheduled for bid opening in Olympia, WA. Demolition projects scheduled to open in Spokane and some emergency contracts are not available in our electronic bidding system at this time and must be submitted in paper copy pursuant to the project specifications.

I already have an account with, is that the same as BidX? is separate from WSDOT does not use You will need to set up an account with in order to bid electronically on WSDOT contracts.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.