Unit bid analysis

Find Unit Bid Analysis (UBA) history data including a list of projects a bid item was used. Also find the Low, Second and Third bidder information for those projects and the quantity and measurement data.

The Unit Bid Analysis provides a good starting point for determining bid item costs. Each project is different and there are many factors to consider to develop an accurate letting estimate using historical bid prices. Some of these factors include:

  • Geographical context (urban/rural)
  • Quantity - generally the unit price for large quantities of a given material will be less than for small quantities
  • Availability
  • Scheduling
  • Site constraints
  • Bidding environment

Materials unit price history report

The materials unit price history "graph" report has been discontinued.
Access the searchable database or use the Unit Bid Analysis tool quick help guide (PDF 156KB)

To ensure you use current bid data, new projects are added to the database at award of contract. Award typically occurs within one week of bid opening.

All queries ran against the database may either be printed as a report or saved in excel format.

Note: All query results are returned by ad date.

WSDOT estimators

For in depth analysis of bid data, please use the Bid Tabs Pro (Oman Systems) application. This application is level playing field and is available to all WSDOT employees. For installation, contact your Region IT representative or Headquarters IT Help Desk.


Queries can be by contractor, quantity, county, bid letting dates, and many others. This data is mostly used as a cost estimating source.

“FIND” - limit your searches to only one word at a time. Multiple word searches will return false results.

Once a project has been awarded, the basic project information is recorded in a document called "State Highway Contracts".

This document contains all contracts from 4000 to 8000 (XLS 696KB) and details project identifiers, description of the work done and awarded bid information.

Standard items

Research standard items and descriptions that may be part of a contract.

Current standard items

English standard item table (PDF 530KB)
Alphabetic standard item listing (XLSX 86KB)

Current standard items and data

English standard item data (XLSX 104KB)
Standard units of measure (PDF 91KB)

Description for the item use

Item use description (PDF 65KB)

See the Standard Specifications and Standard Plans for guidance concerning the use of these items in WSDOT projects.

Starter estimates

The estimates available here have been submitted by each Region as good "typical" examples of a project type.

Each example is comprised of standard & non-standard bid items that may be contained in a typical estimate for the type of project each of these examples represent.

These estimates are presented here for you to use as starter estimate templates. Examples available for project types:

  • Guardrail
  • Signals (new)
  • Structures / Bridges
  • Safety
  • Signing
  • BST
  • Fish Passage
  • Paving

View or copy the types of contracts for different types of projects (XLSX 811KB)

Sign specification

Sign specification was developed relying on experienced user input from participants statewide. The main development concerns were to provide users with a program that easy to use and flexible enough to cover the diverse needs of all Regions statewide. Please see the disclaimer (PDF 14KB) and other important information about warranty, assumption of risk and indemnification.

WSDOT users

Please contact your workstation support for installation.
Requirements for SignSpecs Version 2.0:

  • Windows 2007
  • Enable macros in excel properties
  • All files must be saved in XLSM format

Version 2.0 has limited compatibility and Microsoft 2003 objects (i.e textboxes) are not transferable to 2007 and will not work with Office 360.

Download version 2.x
Version 2.0 and 2.0.1 for Office

Trouble with the install?

See Sign Specifications User's Guide (PDF 1.5MB)

Sign Specifications worksheet template (XLSX 58KB)

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.