Training for local agencies through LTAP

Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) classes & webinars currently available.


WSDOT CN: Inspecting Bridge Construction-

March 24-25, 2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Lacey-from 8:00-12:00

This course is designed to provide the construction inspector their duties performed in the field such as provides an overview of structural elements of bridges, covers critical phases of bridge construction, Identifies key areas of inspection, information on collecting required material samples, safety procedures on a job site, Identifies required documentation and Gives you a comprehensive course manual containing outlines of the duties of an inspector and references to critical specifications.

Register for this class.

WSDOT CN: Construction Inspection Documentation

March 4-5, 2025 Virtual 8:00-12:00

Purpose of course: 
1.    Provides an overview of the required documentation and forms the field inspector will need during the construction of transportation projects 
2.    Discusses the handling of contractor submittals 
3.    Provides information on proper documentation procedures 
4.    Discusses proper source document preparation 
5.    Gives you a comprehensive course manual containing outlines of the duties of an inspector and references to critical specifications.

Register for this class.

WSDOT CN: Materials Documentation 

March 6,2025 Virtual 8:00-12:00

This course will focus on the approval and field acceptance process of highway construction materials by following the stewardship agreement we have with FHWA. This course will cover all of the required construction documentation, from contractor submittals to the project office, field inspector’s verification of materials, material acceptance practices to material certification at project closure.

Register for this class.

WSDOT Sign Installation Inspection

February 12,2025 Virtual from 8:00am-12:00pm

This course will provide an overview of the Standard Plans and Standard Specification requirements for installation of roadside signs. Sign structure requirements will also be covered. 

Register for this class.

WSDOT Sign Installation Inspection

February 12,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Wenatchee-from 8:00am-12:00pm

This course will provide an overview of the Standard Plans and Standard Specification requirements for installation of roadside signs. Sign structure requirements will also be covered. 

Register for this class.

WSDOT CN: Drainage Inspection for Inspectors

Option 1: February 13,2025 Virtual 8:00am-3:00pm

Option 2: February 20,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Seattle-from 8:00am-3:00pm

This course provides an overview of the proper drainage installation, covers surveying of drainage structures, identifies key areas of inspection, includes information on collecting required material samples, covers safety procedures during the installation, inspection and testing of a drainage structure, identifies required documentation, gives you a comprehensive course manual containing outlines of the duties of an inspector and references to critical specifications.

Bridge Condition Inspection Updates (BCIU)

February 25-26,2025 Virtual 8:00-5:00

This 2-day course will provide information for local agency bridge program personnel based on the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). Participants will discuss the latest Bridge Inspection Manual, BridgeWorks.Net bridge inspection software, bridge file records, bridge funding and other important bridge program issues.  Questions and concerns brought to the workshop will be discussed and resolved.  

Register for this class.

WSDOT CN: Excavation & Embankment Inspection

Option 1: February 19,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Seattle-from 8:00am-3:00pm

Option2: February 26,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Wenatchee-from 8:00am-3:00pm

This course provides an overview of the duties of a grade inspector and defines clearing and grubbing limits. It also covers environmental issues, demonstrate proper staking procedures, identify proper methods of compaction and gives an overview of the moisture-density gauge used in determining compaction, includes information on collecting required material samples, Covers safety procedures during the installation and inspection of earthwork, Identifies required documentation, and gives you a comprehensive course manual containing outlines of the duties of an inspector and references to critical specifications.

Register for this class.

WSDOT Hot Mix Asphalt Placement 

February 25,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Wenatchee-from 8:00am-3:00pm

March 18,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in-person Spokane -from 8:00am-3:00pm

Purpose of course provides an overview of equipment used in placing HMA; Identifies the duties of an inspector prior to paving, covers the key areas of inspection during placement; Covers safety procedures for working around a paving operation; identifies postproduction duties and gives you a comprehensive course manual containing outlines of the duties of an inspector and references to critical specifications and testing procedures.

Register for this class.

WSDOT CN: Bituminous Surface Treatment Inspection

February 27,2025 Hybrid Virtual or in person in Wenatchee – from 8:00-12:00 

The purpose of this course is to provide guidance for the design and construction of chip seal applications, design criteria for utilization of the correct application process, to identify key areas of the best construction practices for chip seal projects, and includes information on collecting material samples. We will also cover safety procedures and proper traffic control during the project.

Register for this class.

Advancing Implementation of the Safe System Approach

March 12,2025 Vancouver- from 9:00-4:30

March 13,2025 Federal Way - from 9:00-4:30

Description: To advance implementation of the Safe System Approach (SSA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed three new resources for measuring and prioritizing the SSA - the Safe System Roadway Design Hierarchy, the Safe System Project-Based Alignment Framework, and the Safe System Policy-Based Alignment Framework. The hierarchy and frameworks were developed through extensive research of national and international best practices. They were introduced, applied, and refined through a series of focus groups and eight pilot workshops. Practitioners may use the Safe System Project-based Alignment Framework to assess roadway locations and potential improvements through a SSA lens. Complimentary to the Framework, users may leverage the Safe System Roadway Design Hierarchy as a tiered approach to selecting countermeasures and solutions that both align with the SSA and help to reduce serious and fatal injuries. 

The goal of this workshop is to introduce participants to the Safe System Roadway Design Hierarchy and both Safe System alignment frameworks and discuss how they may be utilized to assess Safe System alignment in both infrastructure projects and agency policies. Particular focus will be on the application of the Safe System Project-Based Alignment Framework to demonstrate how this resource can be used to help prioritize safety countermeasures and strategies through a SSA lens.

Register for this class.

Title VI Ask your questions

May 8,2025 Virtual- from 10:00-12:00

September 11,2025 Virtual - from 10:00-12:00

The purpose of these sessions is for the Western Region Local Public Agencies to ask questions related to Title VI, contracts, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, and the American Disability Act.  

Register for this class.

WSDOT CN Electrical Illumination-Signals &ITS Inspection

March 13,2025 Virtual- from 8:00-12:00

This course is designed to familiarize the participant with procedures for construction of highway lighting, traffic signal systems & ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems). This course will also familiarize the inspector with materials, special provisions, standard plans & regional plans used to construct the systems. 

Register for this class.

WSDOT Active Transportation Division’s Design Training for Safe, Walkable and Accessible Communities (workshops held June 21 & 22, 2023)

Presenter Ian Lockwood, Livable Transportation Engineer with Toole Design Group, covered walkability topics such as traffic calming on major streets, multi-modal level of service and safe system approach design techniques. The workshops were held in Olympia and Moses Lake.

Washington Transportation Professional Forum & Peer Exchange (January 8, 2025)

The Forum included the following topics: Rightsizing Roundabouts, Safe Streets and Roads for All-- Comprehensive Safety Action Plans, Setting Safe Speed Limits, Target Zero Update, and the MUTCD State Approval Process.

WSDOT Materials Quality Assurance Training (held Mar.2023)

Great training information covering many topics:  QA requirements, materials quality audits, ROM, QPL, ASA, RAM, lab info, quality systems, fabrications, SAMs & MATs-HMA, pavement mgt, E-ticketing & E-construction, and BABA.

WSDOT Local Programs - Local Road Safety Plan Workshop  (held Feb.8, 2023)

Title VI Basics for Local Public Agencies

E-Learning from WSDOT Office of Equal Opportunity.  Self-paced workshop on the Title VI/Nondiscrimination responsibilities of local agencies.  The training provides videos and resources.  A link to request a certificate is at the completion of the training.  Title VI Basics for LPAs training slides (PDF 134KB)
For questions, please send an email to:

National Environmental Policy Act- WSDOT Local Programs NEPA Courses

YouTube videos of modules for an Overview; General Project Information; Air Quality and Critical Areas; Section 106 and Hazardous Material; Section 4(f) and Section 6(f); Noise, Stormwater and Environmental Justice; Endangered Species Act.  Reference guide for differences between the local and regional processes (PDF 163KB)

LTAP classes are open to employees of cities, counties, tribes, ports, transit agencies, WSDOT and other state agencies, consultants, contractors, and out-of-state public agencies.

For more information: Contact the LTAP Training Center by email at

Sign up to receive new information on upcoming webinars, and other news: LTAP training notices and class updates by email

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.