Training for local agencies through LTAP

Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) classes & webinars currently available.

ROW Acquisition Training and More

September 24-26, 2024 Olympia 8:30-430

This three-day training, presented by Local Programs Right of Way and FHWA, focuses on the acquisition requirements under the Uniform Relocation Act (URA). There will also be training on Design-Build projects and managing consultants. Space for this training is limited and local agencies will be given priority registration.

Register for this class.

Title VI Training

July 18, 2024 Olympic Region-Olympia 10:00am-12:00pm 

July 24, 2024 South West Region-Kelso 10:00am-12:00pm

This class is invite only!!

The purpose of this training is to empower Local Public Agencies employees with Title VI information to become effective in performing their related-duties and/or enhance their existing understanding and skills.

The following topics will be covered during the training:

  •   Reporting, Supporting Documents, & Complaint Procedures
  •   Limited English Proficiency
  •   Environmental Justice
  •   Collecting and Analyzing Demographic Data
  •   Resources

Register for this class.

Bridge Inspection Techniques for Nonredundant Steel Tension Members (NSTM)

September 19, 2024 Tumwater 8:00am-5:00PM

This class is invite only!

This course is intended to supplement participant's existing knowledge with bridge inspection techniques by increasing their depth into the inspection of Non-Redundant Steel Tension Members (NSTMs). The course includes hands-on demonstrations of common nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods that inspectors may use during inspection of NSTMs, development of a NSTM bridge inspection plan procedure, and updated activities that maximize participant engagement throughout the course.

The first day of the training focuses on the definition of NSTMs, NSTM identification, properties of steel, weld types and quality, load-inducted fatigue, distortion induced fatigue, and fracture. Day two includes fatigue prone details, AASHTO fatigue categories along with hands-on exercises to identify fatigue details with three-dimensional models. Day two concludes with planning and executing an NSTM inspection with lessons covering hands-on access, field evaluation of findings, critical findings, and developing NSTM inspection procedures. Day three covers nondestructive testing methods with a description of ultrasonic, magnetic particle, and dye penetrant testing methods. Participants will also get hands-on experience conducting both magnetic and dye penetrant testing on real welds.

Register for this class.

Regional Road Maintenance Program-In Water Training

October 22,2024 Taylor Town 8:00am-4:00pm

October 23,2024 Taylor Town 8:00am-4:00pm 

Cost $175.00

Nathan Hardebeck of Clean Water Technologies will present this field training to provide attendees with hands on experience placing and using field BMPs to meet environmental requirements during routine maintenance work. 

Register for this class.

WSDOT Active Transportation Division’s Design Training for Safe, Walkable and Accessible Communities (workshops held June 21 & 22, 2023)

Presenter Ian Lockwood, Livable Transportation Engineer with Toole Design Group, covered walkability topics such as traffic calming on major streets, multi-modal level of service and safe system approach design techniques. The workshops were held in Olympia and Moses Lake.

Washington Transportation Professional Forum & Peer Exchange (April 30, 2024)

The Forum included the following topics: Rightsizing Roundabouts, Safe Streets and Roads for All-- Comprehensive Safety Action Plans, Setting Safe Speed Limits, Target Zero Update, and the MUTCD State Approval Process.
Copies of the presentations are available at:
The recorded webinar is available at:
(Sign-in required, but this information is only to access the recording.)

WSDOT Materials Quality Assurance Training (held Mar.2023)

Great training information covering many topics:  QA requirements, materials quality audits, ROM, QPL, ASA, RAM, lab info, quality systems, fabrications, SAMs & MATs-HMA, pavement mgt, E-ticketing & E-construction, and BABA.
The presentation is available at this link:
The recorded version of the training session is available on YouTube:

WSDOT Local Programs - Local Road Safety Plan Workshop  (held Feb.8, 2023)

Presentation and resources from the webinar available:
Also check out the updated resources from FHWA:  Local Road Safety Plans | FHWA (
and new FHWA LRSP Template:  Local Road Safety Plan Template (

WSDOT Contract Specification Writing training modules

The presentation is available at:
The recorded training session in available on YouTube:

Title VI Basics for Local Public Agencies

E-Learning from WSDOT Office of Equal Opportunity.  Self-paced workshop on the Title VI/Nondiscrimination responsibilities of local agencies.  The training provides videos and resources.  A link to request a certificate is at the completion of the training.  Title VI Basics for LPAs training slides (PDF 134KB)
For questions, please send an email to:

National Environmental Policy Act- WSDOT Local Programs NEPA Courses

YouTube videos of modules for an Overview; General Project Information; Air Quality and Critical Areas; Section 106 and Hazardous Material; Section 4(f) and Section 6(f); Noise, Stormwater and Environmental Justice; Endangered Species Act.  Reference guide for differences between the local and regional processes (PDF 163KB)


LTAP classes are open to employees of cities, counties, tribes, ports, transit agencies, WSDOT and other state agencies, consultants, contractors, and out-of-state public agencies.

For more information: Contact the LTAP Training Center by email at

Sign up to receive new information on upcoming webinars, and other news: LTAP training notices and class updates by email

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.