
Discover more about our agency performance and progress as well as how we measure it.

Take a look at how we measure biking and walking facilities.

A vulnerability involving a Washington State Department of Transportation system might have exposed personal information stored in an internal database of about 2,249 people, and the agency is reaching out to help notify them of the incident.

We are deeply committed to actively combatting racism and strengthening our anti-racist, diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to guarantee that our transportation system serves all Washingtonians.

Dive into the Gray Notebook, our agency's quarterly performance and accountability report. 

Listing of reports to the Washington State Legislature.

The Maintenance Accountability Process (MAP) is a tool which measures and communicates the outcomes of the maintenance activities. It provides the tools to link strategic planning, the budget and maintenance service delivery.

View financial statements, the Toll Division Annual Report and other toll policy-related documents.

Increasing transparency and accountability through Transportation Performance Management reports.

Find our information technology strategic focus areas and goals, including continuous modernization, cybersecurity & data privacy. 

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.