Local Agency Guidelines (LAG)

Publication Number
M 36-63
Publication Version
M 36-63.42
Manual Manager
William Wonch
Local Programs
Guidance for the use of Federal Highway Administration funds for transportation projects

The Local Agency Guidelines Manual provides local agencies with statewide policies and standards to follow when using Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds for transportation projects. Guidance is provided on how to accomplish the work and document the results incorporating the flexibility options provided by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act-A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).

Local Programs bulletins

LP Bulletin 2024-01 - Division 1, Special Provisions (PDF 626KB)

LP Bulletin 2024-02 - Liquidated Damages (PDF 985KB)

LP Bulletin 2024-02 - Liquidated Damages (PDF 332KB) - July 12, 2024 Revision

LP Bulletin 2024-03 - Apprentices (PDF 360KB)

Individual chapters

Contents (PDF 197KB)

Foreword (PDF 119KB)

Comment Request Form (PDF 104KB)

Chapter 11 Introduction (PDF 171KB)

Chapter 12 FHWA Funding Programs (PDF 364KB)

Chapter 13 Certification Acceptance Program (PDF 397KB)

Chapter 14 Developing Projects Using the Local Agency Guidelines (PDF 635KB)

Chapter 21 The Project Prospectus (PDF 4.5MB)

Chapter 22 Local Agency Agreement (PDF 2.8MB)

Chapter 23 Progress Billing (PDF 405KB)

Chapter 24 Environmental Processes (PDF 1.2MB)

Chapter 25 Right of Way Procedures (PDF 1.6MB)

Chapter 26 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (PDF 656KB)

Chapter 27 Equal Employment Opportunity and Training (PDF 217KB)

Chapter 28 Title VI Program (PDF 797KB)

Chapter 29 Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF 185KB) 


Chapter 31 Using Consultants (PDF 3.0MB)

Chapter 32 Railroad/Highway Crossing Program (PDF 3.2MB)

Chapter 33 Emergency Relief Program (PDF 590KB)

Chapter 34 Highway Bridge Program (PDF 697KB)

Chapter 41 General Project Types (PDF 768KB)

Chapter 42 City and County Design Standards for Non-NHS Routes (PDF 665KB)

Chapter 43 Design Approval (PDF 367KB)

Chapter 44 Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PDF 4.6MB)

Chapter 45 State Advertising and Award Procedures (PDF 209KB)

Chapter 46 Local Advertising and Award Procedures (PDF 714KB)

Chapter 51 WSDOT Administered Projects (PDF 120KB)

Chapter 52 Local Administered Projects (PDF 726KB)

Chapter 53 Project Closure (PDF 1.4MB)

Chapter 61 Local Agency Force Projects (PDF 243KB)

Abbreviations and Glossary (PDF 308KB)

List of Forms (PDF 172KB)

Revision History

September 2023

June 2022

June 2021

March 2021

June 2020

May 2019

June 2018

March 2018

October 2017

April 2017

October 2016

April 2016

December 2015

October 2015

June 2015

April 2015

166,800 electric vehicle

registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.

87 wetland compensation sites

actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.

25,000 safe animal crossings

in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.