• Project

I-5/Thornton Creek to Lake Washington Fish Passage

Project overview

This project will remove a fish passage barrier along Thornton Creek under Interstate 5 near State Route 523/NE 145th Avenue in Shoreline. Contractor crews working for WSDOT will replace the two existing 2,000-foot-long, 6-foot culverts with three fish-passable structures. The current culverts are not passable for fish. The new structures have the potential to open more than 1.8 miles of habitat for coho, steelhead, sea-run cutthroat and resident trout.

Summer 2026 - Fall 2029
Project status
$56.01 million

What to expect

On I-5 at 145th Street near Shoreline, contractor crews are scheduled to begin work in summer 2026 and end fall 2029. Travelers can expect one or two-lane closures and traffic shifts on northbound and southbound I-5 to build the new structures.

This project will build structures to allow fish to pass along Thornton Creek under the I-5/SR 523 interchange in Seattle/Shoreline.