• Contract

SR 516 to S 200th Street Paving & ADA Compliance

Contract summary

Planing bituminous pavement, paving with hot mix asphalt (HMA), pavement repair, upgrading 35 curb ramps, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) work, pavement marking, installation of precast dual faced sloped mountable curb, traffic control and other work. Involves 87 items and 195 working days. Work class 4.

Public Works
Publication Date
Contract status
Pending Award
Contract ID
King County
Submittal due date and time
Estimated value
$7,000,000 - $8,000,000
Funding source
This is a Federally funded contract with a 19% disadvantaged business enterprise goal. Federal On-the-Job training hours: 400
Thomas La Bolle
Project Engineer