Contract summary
This project will remove existing barriers to fish migration at the following US 101 stream crossings and replace with fish-passable structures in compliance with the federal injunction regarding fish passage underneath WSDOT highways:
Mason County (SR 108)
Unnamed Tributary to Skookum Creek, mile post (MP) 5.50
Unnamed Tributary to Skookum Creek, mile post (MP) 5.54
Unnamed Tributary to Skookum Creek, mile post (MP) 7.62
McDonald Creek, mile post (MP) 8.89
Kamilche Creek, mile post (MP) 9.47
Thurston County (US 101)
Briggs Creek, mile post (MP) 357.40
Other elements include, but are not limited to, constructing embankments, creek channel grading, paving and pavement marking, signing, temporary illumination, erosion control, and planting.