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Green, yellow, red and white: Some new colors and steps we’re taking to help keep everyone safe on the roads
If you see green and yellow flashing lights on the road don't be alarmed – but please do pay attention. These new lights on WSDOT vehicles are one more way we're helping keep our crews – and all travelers – safe on our roads.
Two month southbound I-5 around-the-clock lane closure in Woodland begins July 15
WOODLAND – Travelers who use the southbound Interstate 5 North Fork Lewis River Bridge in Woodland will need to plan for significant travel delays.
Online open house highlights future improvements to US 101 in Clallam County
PORT ANGELES – Community members are invited to participate in an online open house to learn more about improvements on US 101.
Support beams for new SR 18 bridge near Snoqualmie to be lifted into place July 8-11
SNOQUALMIE – Beginning Monday, July 8, through Thursday, July 11, design-builder Aecon, working for the Washington State Department of Transportation, will install girders for a new bridge on State Route 18 that spans the entire width of the Raging River valley.
New roundabout coming to SR 503 in northern Clark County this summer
BATTLE GROUND – Travelers who use State Route 503 near Rock Creek Road just north of Battle Ground will soon experience a safer roadway that keeps people moving.
SR 92 project rebuilds fish habitat along Pilchuck River near Granite Falls
GRANITE FALLS – A new project beginning Monday, July 8, will help re-establish fish habitat in the Pilchuck River along State Route 92 near Granite Falls. This work replaces previous woody debris that washed away with a more permanent solution.
Track state ferries in real-time using mobile app to navigate July Fourth travel rush
SEATTLE – If travelers want to sail aboard a state ferry a bit more smoothly during the Fourth of July travel rush, there’s an app for that.
First meeting of the Commercial Aviation Work Group set for July 11 in Tumwater: Attendees may also join meeting online
OLYMPIA – The Commercial Aviation Work Group—created by the Legislature last year—will host its first public meeting beginning at 9 a.m. Thursday, July 11, at the Capital Event Center in Tumwater.
Help wanted: Public input sought for Washington’s intercity bus system
OLYMPIA – The Travel Washington Intercity Bus Program is exploring how to improve connections across the state to make service more accessible, reliable, and convenient. Now the program is counting on the public’s feedback to help build both its near- and long-term future.
SR 542 Road to Artist Point will open for the season Friday, June 21
The final 2.7 miles of State Route 542/Mount Baker Highway, also known as the Road to Artist Point, will open for the summer season at 8 a.m. Friday, June 21. The scenic highway is opening a week earlier than 2023.
166,800 electric vehicle
registrations in Washington in 2023, up from 114,600 in 2022.
87 wetland compensation sites
actively monitored on 918 acres in 2023.
25,000 safe animal crossings
in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area since 2014.