Contract to finish the final stage of the SR 509 Completion project near SeaTac awarded

SEATAC – The Puget Sound Gateway Program is celebrating a significant milestone on the road to completing State Route 509 in south King County. On Monday, Dec. 4 the Washington State Department of Transportation awarded the contract to Guy F. Atkinson Construction to complete the final stage of the highway.

SR 509/24th Avenue South to South 188th Street New Expressway – Stage 2 builds the remaining 2 miles of the tolled expressway that will complete the connection between Interstate 5 and SR 509’s current end near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

"Finishing SR 509 will improve freight mobility to and from our ports and provide an important north-south alternative to I-5 between Seattle and south King County," said Gateway Program Administrator John White. "Atkinson Construction has a long history of successfully delivering complex highway projects for WSDOT. We’re looking forward to working with them to complete the design and construction of the final 2 miles of SR 509."

Atkinson Construction was awarded the contract for $478.8 million, less than 1% over the state engineer’s estimate of $475.4 million.

The second stage of SR 509 construction

The SR 509 Stage 2 project includes two lanes in each direction of the future expressway. It rebuilds the interchanges at South 160th Street on the existing portion of SR 509 in Burien and South 188th Street in SeaTac, where SR 509 currently ends. It also builds a southbound I-5 auxiliary lane between SR 516 and South 272nd Street in Kent. In Des Moines, the project will improve 14 acres of land near Barnes Creek off Des Moines Memorial Drive.

Stage 2 is a design-build contract, which combines project final design and construction into a single contract. Atkinson Construction will spend most of 2024 completing design and planning work. Construction is expected to begin in late 2024 or early 2025, with the new expressway scheduled to open to traffic in 2028.

SR 509 Stage 1b – I-5 to 24th Avenue South

Stage 1b of the SR 509 Completion Project is underway after beginning construction in 2021. It builds the first mile of the new expressway between I-5 and 24th Avenue South. Stage 1b also includes a northbound I-5 flyover ramp to SR 509, a reconfigured I-5/SR 516 interchange, a new Veterans Drive tunnel under the interstate and a new South 216th Street bridge. This stage of construction is expected to be complete in 2025.    

SR 509 Completion Project information

The SR 509 Completion Project builds a new four-lane, 3-mile-long tolled expressway. Completing this long-planned connection will help reduce congestion on local roads and highways by providing more direct access to Sea-Tac Airport from the south for both passengers and air cargo and the Port of Seattle for marine shipping. Project visualizations and photos are available on the SR 509 Flickr page and an interactive map.

Puget Sound Gateway Program

The SR 509 Completion Project is part of the Puget Sound Gateway Program, which also includes the SR 167 Completion Project in Pierce County. Together, these two projects will complete critical missing links in Washington’s highway and freight network. Both projects have multimodal benefits and create more than 18 miles of sidewalks, bike lanes and shared-use paths.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.