Design Manual M22-01
Chapter 400 - Surveying and Mapping (PDF 570KB)
Chapter 410 - Monumentation (PDF 245KB)
Standard Plans
There are no specifications for this design topic.
Geodetic survey
A consistent controlled survey network is essential to credible data. Geodetic Survey maintains a network of very accurately located survey points that make up the starting point for design and construction project work. By working from a standard survey network, WSDOT project work done at different locations and at different times better align with each other where they meet. Features located using GPS are related accurately in relationship to the roadway. By sharing our survey information with others outside the department, our right of way boundaries are more apt to align with local property surveys.
Survey Monument Database (Text Search)
Survey Monument Map Engine (Map Search)
Monument Mapping Engine User Guide (PDF 3.61MB)
A Practical look at Comparing Puget Sound LIDAR Data to Field Points (PDF 371KB)
3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Video - Bridge Overview (AVI 64.8MB)
3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Video - Bridge Detail
Other monument sites
NGS Data Sheet by State and Designation
NGS Data Sheet by Area
NGS Data Sheet by PID
About the monument database
What is the monument database?
This database is a set of entities and attributes as referenced to individual geographic locations, hereafter referred to as "Point". Each individual Point has a location relative to all other points in the database as referenced to a coordinate grid. The relative location of the points as represented in this database correspond to the physical or determined locations of Survey Control Monumentation.
Attribute values of each point may contain accuracy data, physical descriptions on the monuments, descriptions for retracement and recovery, horizontal and vertical reference datum’s, dates of recovery, determination, origin of data values, and methods used for value determination.
Project reports by hard copy are also referenced by book and contract number and physically archived at Geographic Services. These reports contain all original instructions, maps, schematics, diagrams, existing control, obstruction diagrams, site log sheets, post processing information and copies of the minimal and fully constrained adjustments as well as geoid modeling data. Vertical control project reports contain instructions maps, route schematics, copies of electronic collection of raw data, field book and adjustments. Copies of the existing control used to constrain also included.
Why we have the database
This database has been developed and maintained to provide storage and retrieval capabilities to users for data values associated with Survey Control Monumentation. The database associated with Survey Control Monumentation. The database is an efficient tool that can provide accurate positions to reference and catalog monuments for inventory purposes as well. Originally designed by Geographic Services for Primary Control, the system was expanded to be made available for regions to utilize for Right of Way, Alignment and other secondary control.
Use constraints / disclaimers
The Washington Department of Transportation makes no warranty to the validity of this information and shall not be liable to the user for any activity involving the product with the respect to the following:
- Lost profits, lost savings or any other consequential damages;
- The fitness of the product for a particular purpose;
- The installation of the product, it’s use or the results obtained.
Information contained here in no way replaces the long standing survey practices such as proper research and development of methods and routines of providing data in the field or office.
Users are cautioned to employ this data at their own risk.
Survey Monument Metadata Matrix
1. Identification Information
1.1 PID, Point Identification.
A unique alpha numeric identifier for each database entry. "GS" designates Geographic Services, EA designates Eastern Region, NC designates North Central Region, SC designates South Central Region, SW designates South West Region, OL designates Olympic Region, and NW designates Northwest Region. The number must not be repeated *___________characters
1.2 Designation.
The primary station name used for the purpose of generating a WSDOT network and database. The names in this field may have been generated by multiple agencies/individuals. Preference given to a point name as stamped on a monument, or an originating agency identifier. Additional names or stamping to be listed in description text. General naming convention is as follows. *___________characters.
Example: GP34005-35
- GP represents "Global Positioning"
- 34 represents county #34 in numerical list of counties by alphabetical order "Thurston"
- 005 represents state route 5 (must be three characters)
- -35 represents the actual individual identifying number (name) of station.
Assigned consecutively within each county.*___________characters.
1.3 State.
The name of state in which the physical point resides.
1.4 County.
The name of the county in which the physical point resides.
1.5 Region.
The name of the region (Eastern, Olympic, North Central, Northwest, South Central, Southwest) that the physical point resides.
1.6 Nearest town.
Nearest town. The name of a town that may be identified on a road map. To be used as a quick location identifier during research.
2. Location Information
2.1 T.R.S.
The name of the "Township, Range and Section" in which the physical point resides. In the case of cadastral corners, one is selected. This field will be modified in the future.
2.2 Corner Code For cadastral corners only, other wise to be left blank.
Entry is for the geo-coding method using grid reference matrix for Land Corner Record - recording form as shown in WAC 332-130-025.
Entry as a Geographic Coordinate Database, GCDB, code as used by Bureau of Land Management. This system may be formally recognized and adopted by the GIS community as a whole in the future.
2.3 State Route.
The numerical value given to the state route (highway number) in which the physical point resides along. In the case of an interchange, the higher capacity route will be used.
2.4 MP.
The numerical value assigned to "mile post," as arrived by official incrementing mileage’s from a designated beginning of a route.
2.5 Station.
A numerical value assigned for the purposes of "stationing" an alignment of roadway or right of way.
2.6 Offset.
A numerical value assigned for the purpose of "offsetting." A distance to an object at right angles from a particular "station" on an alignment of roadway or right of way.
3. Archive Information
3.1 Book #.
The incrementing numerical value by region assigned to each project for reference.
3.2 Project #.
An alpha numerical value assigned by each region for each project or portions of projects for accounting purposes.
3.3 Job #.
An alpha numerical value assigned by Geographic Services for accounting purposes. This value increments by the project and on an annual basis.
3.4 Quad.
The name of the USGA Quadrangle map on which the physical point resides.
4. Horizontal Position Information
4.1 Latitude.
A global geographic convention value. The significant figures are related to the assigned horizontal accuracy and truncated accordingly.
4.2 Longitude.
A global geographic convention value. The significant figures are related to the assigned horizontal accuracy and truncated accordingly.
4.3 Northing.
A coordinate value expressed in meters based on the Washington State Plane Coordinate System per RCW 58.20. The significant figure are related to the assigned horizontal accuracy and truncated accordingly.
4.4 Easting.
A coordinate value expressed in meters based on the Washington State Plane Coordinate System per RCW 58.20. The significant figures are related to the assigned horizontal accuracy and truncated accordingly.
4.5 Zone.
Survey and mapping
Bathymetric mapping of waterways
Designing a new SR 520 bridge requires an accurate three dimensional topographic and bathymetric map. Bathymetry is the study of underwater depth, the underwater equivalent to altimetry.
A rubber boat equipped with sonar and a global positioning system (GPS) is used in the deep water of Lake Washington, but something else is required for maneuvering through the environmentally sensitive marshlands near the Seattle Arboretum, Foster Island and the south shore of Portage Bay.
This oar-powered pontoon boat rigged with a GPS and total station tracking was used to conduct bathymetric soundings of the marsh.
The inflatable one-person raft was selected as the best survey platform to allow taking depth measurements and recovery of real time GPS locations.
The boat traveled unobtrusively through lilies and reeds, past herons and beavers, collecting depth and location information.
3D scanning
3-D Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology to produce very accurate, very dense 3-dimensional digital data sets (called "point clouds") used for CAD mapping. This technology is a fast, safe, and efficient way to model and measure many areas where it can provide advantages over traditional survey or photogrammetric methods.
Scanned data sets can be enormous, reaching a billion points or more. WSDOT Photogrammetry uses enhanced computers and software systems to manage these massive data sets.
Photogrammetry produces standard WSDOT CAD files that can be used on regular computers used by project designers and planners.
Survey support and guidance
Sean Simmons
Right of Way Plans & State Survey Manager
Nicholas Weiss
Survey Support Engineer
Survey, mapping and Geodetic survey support
Kurt Williamson
Survey and Mapping Manager
Heidi Miller
Geodetic Survey and Mapping Engineer
The survey coordinator or support person in each region has been selected as a distributor and point of contact for regional interests concerning Secondary Control. The coordinators by region are:
Gerald Hayes, Northwest Region
P.O. Box 330310 15700 Dayton Avenue N
Seattle, WA 98133-9710
Fax: 206-440-4803
Todd Emerson, Eastern Region
2714 N Mayfair St
Spokane, WA 99207-2050
Fax: 509-324-6005
Vince Brown, Southwest Region
P.O. Box 1709 11018 NE 51st Circle Street
Vancouver, WA 98668
Fax: 360-905-1533
Kevin Carlascio, South Central Region (Yakima)
P.O. Box 12560
Yakima, WA 98909-2560
Shipping: 2809 Rudkin Road
Union Gap, WA. 98903-1648
Cell: 509-949-6688
Fax: 509-577-1749
Farhad Vira, North Central Region
1551 North Wenatchee Ave.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Fax: 509-667-2855
Brad Berry, Olympic Region
P.O. Box 47440
Tumwater, WA 98504
Phone: 360-357-2754
Fax: 360-357-2688