Planning study news
Thank you for participating in the US 101 Paving Pre-design. The pre-design is complete, and the project will begin design in the winter of 2024. From January to August 2024, WSDOT held advisory committee meetings and an online open house. The pre-design team received 463 survey responses and 411 comments during the public event. Community members expressed concerns about travel time and large vehicles using roundabouts. Survey results showed a preference for separate facilities for active transportation users, and improved lighting.
Two segments of US 101 are scheduled to be repaved. Segment one is near Port Angeles from East Kolonels Way to Shore Road. Segment two spans Carlsborg and Sequim from Kitchen-Dick Road to Simdars Road.
This pre-design study completed a Complete Streets analysis to identify improvements for everyone who uses US 101.
Key elements of the pre-design include:
- Focus on safe travel for everyone.
- Improve accessibility and comfort for people walking, rolling, biking and taking transit.
- Identify potential impacts to overburdened and vulnerable populations.
- Maintain access to the corridor for businesses, transit and freight.
When funding is in place, identified improvements will advance to design and construction.
Information about the pre-design, the recommended roundabouts and feedback WSDOT received during the online open house is available in the Community Engagement Summary (PDF 1.6MB).