State highways cross rivers and streams in thousands of locations throughout Washington. Some crossings impede fish migration. Since 1991, WSDOT has worked to improve fish passage and foster healthy waterways. This is done by removing barriers that keep fish and other aquatic species from moving freely.
Statewide there are 3,976 highway crossings on fish bearing waters. Of those, 2,083 are documented fish passage barriers, including 2,051 culverts. To date, WSDOT has completed hundreds of fish passage barrier connections statewide.
Since 2013, WSDOT has worked to comply with the requirements of a U.S. District Court injunction to correct barriers to salmon and steelhead.
The US 101-SR 109 Grays Harbor, Jefferson and Clallam Counties - Remove Fish Barriers project corrects 29 fish passage barriers on the western Olympic Peninsula. The overall project is being divided into five separate bundles. Construction for each bundle will occur through 2026.
The US 101 – Grays Harbor Creeks – Remove Fish Barrier Project is the first bundle. Crews replaced culverts at six different locations under US 101 between mileposts 98.4 and 111.3.
Funding for this project is among 29 identified streams and culverts that cross under US 101 and SR 109 in Grays Harbor, Jefferson and Clallam Counties.
Spring 2023
Construction begins
Fall 2023
End of Construction