Work to open fish habitat under US 101 in Grays Harbor County begins in May

Plan for extra time to navigate six work zones north of Hoquiam

HOQUIAM – Work to improve fish habitat in six streams and tributaries under US 101 in Grays Harbor County is starting this spring – and travelers should prepare for reduced speeds and detours in multiple work zones.

Work is scheduled to begin Monday, May 1, with crews working on the shoulders of US 101 north of Hoquiam and will then continue throughout the summer and early fall.

Plan for reduced speeds, detours and multiple work zones

A 14-mile section of US 101, from mileposts 98.4 to 111.3, will be under construction through the fall. The six culvert sites will either have one-way alternating traffic or a detour in place, depending on location. The work is part of the US 101 – Grays Harbor Creeks – Remove Fish Barrier project. Here is what travelers can expect:

At the three most northern work zones, from July through September, travelers will see one-way alternating traffic controlled by a signal. Travelers will use a single lane bypass road around each work zone with speeds reduced from 60 mph to 25 mph.

At the three most southern work zones, crews will close approximately 2 miles of US 101 up to three times to remove and replace three culverts. Travelers will see:

  • Around-the-clock closures after July 4 through August.
  • A 23-mile detour using East Market Street, North B Street, Wishkah Road, East Hoquiam Road and Youmans Road.
  • The detours will be in place for up to 12 days at a time. While the detour is in place, crews will work 24 hours a day, seven days a week to replace culverts.
  • Alternating one-way traffic on Youmans Road at the East Fork Hoquiam River Bridge.

All detour routes and bypass routes include a wide shoulder for pedestrians and bicyclists. 

Once the highway reopens, periodic lane closures will be in place through October.

First of a multi-year effort to improve fish habitat

This project is part of the US 101-SR 109 Grays Harbor, Jefferson and Clallam Counties - Remove Fish Barriers project, which corrects 29 Washington State Department of Transportation culverts that impede fish movement on the western Olympic Peninsula. The overall project is being divided into five separate bundles. Construction for each bundle will occur from 2023 through 2026.

Improving fish passage

The creeks and tributaries under US 101 have undersized culverts that act as barriers to fish movement through the waterways.

These waterways are home to native fish species including Chinook salmon and chum salmon. Coho salmon, sculpin and coastal cutthroat and steelhead trout are also found in the streams. The construction is part of WSDOT’s program to remove barriers to fish under state highways.

Real-time traffic information is available on the statewide travel map and the WSDOT app. Additional information is available on the WSDOT regional Twitter account.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.