• Project

SR 525/Mukilteo Bridge Over Railroad - Bridge Replacement

Project overview

This project will replace the SR 525 bridge over the BNSF railroad in Mukilteo. The new bridge design will include improvements to multimodal connectivity between points south of the bridge and the waterfront, including the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal.

This project includes a Complete Streets assessment for SR 525 between 3rd Street and the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal - milepost 8.30 to 8.47. This process will include community engagement and outreach to understand the needs of tribes, multimodal users, ferry passengers, people living in the area, as well as other interested parties in the area.

The intent of the SR 525/Mukilteo Bridge Over Railroad - Complete Streets assessment is to create a corridor that accommodates all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motor vehicle drivers) as well as provide improved connections to key destinations including the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal, Sound Transit's Mukilteo Sounder North station, parks, businesses, and neighborhood services. The public and stakeholders will have opportunities to give input on the design of the new SR 525 bridge and adjacent roadway within the project limits.

This project is also subject to Washington's environmental justice law, known as the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act, which requires WSDOT to conduct Environmental Justice Assessments when considering significant agency actions. WSDOT significant agency actions are those that initiated after July 1, 2023, are projects and grants of $15 million or more, new grant or loan programs, or agency requested legislation and rulemaking.

Environmental justice in Washington state, as provided in the HEAL Act, addresses disproportionate environmental and health impacts in all laws, rules, and policies by prioritizing vulnerable populations and overburdened communities, the equitable distribution of resources and benefits, and eliminating harm (RCW 70A.02.010)

2024 - 2028
Project status
Not started
$46 Million

What to expect

The Complete Streets pre-design phase is scheduled to take place between Summer 2024 - Spring 2025. During pre-design WSDOT will meet with stakeholders and the public to receive input on the design of the new SR 525 bridge and adjacent roadway within the project limits. 

The SR 525 bridge over the BNSF railroad in Mukilteo, WA will be replaced.