• Contract

SR 18, Issaquah Hobart Rd to Deep Creek Vicinity - Widening & Fiber

Contract summary

The Project will widen SR 18 to a four-lane divided highway from just west of the Tiger Mountain Summit near MP 23.04 to Deep Creek at approximately MP 25.68. The project will also construct roundabouts at the SR 18/Issaquah-Hobart Road interchange ramp intersection and provide intelligent transportation system (ITS) improvements from approximately MP 19.26 to approximately MP 21.15. The work also includes, but not limited to: design and construction of fish-passable water crossing and wildlife crossing structures, including all associated stream restoration and wildlife exclusion fencing; acquisition of environmental permits; fiber optic cable installation; ITS improvements; pedestrian improvements; grading; embankment; retaining walls; paving; traffic barrier; stormwater treatment; signing; illumination; erosion control; and planting.

Public Works
Publication Date
Contract status
Contract ID
King County
Submittal due date and time
Estimated value
To be determined
Funding source
A federally funded project with condition of award disadvantaged business enterprise goals to be determined.
Conrad Guadagni
Project Engineer