• Contract

SR 167, I-5 to SR 161 - New Expressway Project

Contract summary

This project proposes to construct the final stage of the SR 167 Completion project from I-5 to SR 161, complete the diverging diamond interchange at I-5 and also at SR 161, builds a new half interchange at Valley Avenue, a large segment of the spuyaləpabš Trail, an auxiliary lane on southbound I-5, wetland mitigation sites, and a weigh-in-motion inspection building for the State Patrol.

Public Works
Publication Date
Contract status
Contract ID
Pierce County
Submittal due date and time
Estimated value
$375,000,000 - $475,000,000
Funding source
A federally funded project with condition of award disadvantaged business enterprise goal to be determined.
Steve Fuchs
Project Engineer