Rest Area Free Coffee Program

This popular program benefits the public, participating volunteer groups and WSDOT.

The Free Coffee Program promotes safe highways by offering free coffee to reduce drowsy driving. Local volunteer groups provide free coffee to the traveling public at designated rest areas. In turn, travelers can learn more about the volunteer group and make a voluntary donation for the coffee service.  

Bookings can be requested and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some locations may utilize a slight variation in booking dates. When submitting your application, your coordinator will reach out if they follow any variations.  

Volunteer groups are booked in the order that they are received. The volunteer agreement should be submitted at the time of the request.  

To ensure that every group can participate, no single volunteer group can select more than one holiday weekend. If a volunteer group has signed up for a holiday weekend, they can request to be added as a backup for additional holidays. If no other requests have been made for those dates, the backup group can finalize the holiday dates.  

How to sign up

Information for the Free Coffee Program is easily available online for our volunteer groups. To sign up, utilize our Safety Rest Area Free Coffee Program Checklist (PDF 226KB).

  1. Download, review and sign the WSDOT Safety Rest Area Free Coffee Program Agreement (PDF 165KB)
  2. Find your local coordinator below and email the completed paperwork: WSDOT Safety Rest Area Free Coffee Program Agreement with three date options and proof of non-profit status.
  3. Look for an email response with next steps, dates or signed permit within 5-7 business days of your initial request. With reopening the Free Coffee Program, higher volumes of requests are anticipated. As an alternative to email, you can choose to mail your information to your local coordinator office listed below. Mailed requests will take additional processing time. 

Rules & regulations

This popular program was set up to improve safety for the traveling public on Washington state highways. Only non-profit organizations are permitted to participate in this program and they must be able to verify their non-profit status.  

For safety rest areas with high volumes of visitors, there is usually a list of groups waiting to participate in the Free Coffee Program and reservations for time slots may be arranged with the local coordinator. Other rest areas with fewer visitors may not have the Free Coffee Program or limit the times when free coffee may be served. 

Each rest area may have specific location provisions such as hours and sign-up methods which can be found in the precheck document provided by reaching out to your local coordinator. 

Participation rules

  • Only non-profit organizations will be permitted to participate in this program. Organizations must be able to verify their non-profit status as requested.
  • Permits and forms shall be in possession of volunteers serving coffee and refreshments.
  • Permits are not transferable and may be revoked for noncompliance with state statute, administrative rule or the terms of the permit.
  • When there is a need to relinquish a permit, the organization must provide advanced written notice stating their request to cancel. Failure of an organization to dispense refreshments or notify the issuing office of the cancellation with one week notice prior to the date of the permit, may result in a one-year suspension of eligibility for permits.
  • Some rest areas will require a precheck at the safety rest area to review specific facility information prior to finalization of planned volunteer date. Some rest areas will provide a checklist for location specific information. Please confirm with your local coordinator.
  • Any activity is to be carried out solely within the safety rest areas, free from any ramp or surface used for the movement of vehicles.
  • Participants under the age of eighteen must always have adult supervision.
  • Harassment or confrontation of WSDOT staff is grounds for immediate denial and future use of rests areas.  


Separate permits are issued for each rest area. No telephone reservations will be taken and no telephone information on available dates will be given. Given the uniqueness of rest area locations, participants should review specific location information on the Safety Rest Area Free Coffee Program Checklist (PDF 226KB). Reservations can be made thru email, by mailing information to your local coordinator office or by setting up an appointment to drop off documents at your local coordinator office.  

Health guidelines 

  • Only beverages including coffee, cocoa, teas, juice, lemonade or water are allowed to be served. No carbonated drinks or food of any kind are allowed. Per The Randolph Sheppard Act 20 U.S. Code §107a, priority is given to vending machines operated by the Commission for the Blind. A similar Mini Randolph Sheppard Act exists for WA state RCWA §74.18.010 thru §74.18.903. 
  • Water for coffee will be obtained from designated rest area taps or brought in as directed by the rest area staff.
  • Pets are not permitted in the kiosk and coffee serving area.
  • If anyone in your group has any signs or symptoms of illness, they should not participate in free coffee program activities. 

Serving guidelines 

  • The free coffee service is to be only in the designated area. The service must not obstruct access to any building or other structure in the rest area.
  • A copy of these rules must accompany the permit. Both must be posted during serving terms.
  • WSDOT may provide limited access to water and electricity in the rest area. The organization shall limit electrical use to 120V 20 AMPS.
  • The organization is responsible for all equipment and supplies necessary for the service and any extraordinary costs incurred by WSDOT because of this service.
  • Volunteer groups are required to clean up coffee service-related debris from facilities surrounding the attended coffee area throughout their shift and at the end of the shift. This includes canopy arch, sidewalks and lawn areas. Coffee grounds, cigarette butts, cups and other debris associated with coffee drinkers are to be put into plastic bags and placed in garbage. Restrooms are to be kept clean of all dispensed coffee-service related materials.
  • 23 U.S. Code § 131 – Control of Outdoor Advertising supports limited signage by nonprofit organizations serving free coffee to individuals traveling on the interstate system. “Free coffee” shall include coffee for which a donation may be made but is not required. Coffee and refreshments are offered free of charge to motorists. Solicitation of voluntary donations is prohibited.
  • The serving area must have at least one (1) sign on the booth showing the free coffee service and the organization.
  • No more than two (2) signs or posters identifying the service and the organization by name only may be used (e.g. "Free Coffee--Served By ______"). The signs are limited to a maximum of 18” x 24” each and placed in the area designated for the service.
  • No other advertisement for any organization, activity or fundraiser will be allowed including additional signs or sandwich boards. Handing out or posting literature is prohibited. Cups or dispensing units may not carry advertising.
  • Signs must be removed when the service is closed.
  • All lost and found items will be given to the rest area staff on-site.
  • Fires are not permitted. Electric heaters plugged into rest area facilities are not permitted.
  • In the event of an emergency, dial 911.  

Local coordinators 

Find your Free Coffee Program coordinator, who can help coordinate your Free Coffee Program Volunteer group participation. The area coordinators are listed below by WSDOT regions.

Northwest Region

Rest Area Interstate/ Route # Direction Email Link Mailing Location Office Phone 
Bow Hill  I-5 Northbound Bow Hill NB Coffee 3920 Airport Way 
Bellingham, WA. 98226 
Bow Hill  I-5 Southbound Bow Hill SB Coffee 3920 Airport Way 
Bellingham, WA. 98226 
Custer I-5 Northbound Custer NB Coffee 3920 Airport Way 
Bellingham, WA. 98226 
Custer I-5 Southbound Custer SB Coffee 3920 Airport Way 
Bellingham, WA. 98226 
SeaTac I-5  Northbound SeaTac SB Coffee 26620 68th Avenue S.  
Kent, WA 98032-7270 
Smokey Point 
Online Calendar 
I-5  Southbound Smokey Point SB Coffee 709 N Broadway Ave, Everett, WA 98201-1247 425-258-8300 
Smokey Point 
Online Calendar 
I-5  Northbound Smokey Point NB Coffee 709 N Broadway Ave, Everett, WA 98201-1247 425-258-8300 


North Central Region 

Rest Area Interstate/ Route # Direction Email Link Mailing Location Office Phone 
Nason Creek  US 2  Multidirectional Nason Creek Coffee 2830 Euclid Ave,  
Wenatchee WA 98801 
Quincy Valley SR 28 Multidirectional Quincy Valley Coffee 804 Basin St. NW Ephrata, WA 98823 509-754-2056 
Winchester I-90 Eastbound Winchester Coffee 804 Basin St. NW Ephrata, WA 98823 509-754-2056 


Olympic Region 

Rest Area Interstate/ Route # Direction Email Link Mailing Location Office Phone 
Elma SR 8 Eastbound Elma Coffee 4801 Olympic HWY, Aberdeen, WA 98520 360-538-8530 
Online Calendar 
I-5 Southbound Maytown Coffee 11211 41st Ave SW Tacoma,WA 98499‐4694 253‐983‐7550 
Scatter Creek 
Online Calendar 
I-5 Northbound Scatter Creek Coffee 11211 41st Ave SW Tacoma,WA 98499‐4694 253‐983‐7550 


Southwest Region 

Rest Area Interstate/ Route # Direction Email Link Mailing Location Office Phone 
Chamberlain Lake SR 14 Multidirectional Chamberlain Lake Coffee P.O. Box 125 Goldendale, WA 98620-0125 (509) 773-4533 
Gee Creek I-5 Northbound Gee Creek NB  Coffee 4100 Main St. Vancouver, WA 98663 360-619-0600 
Gee Creek I-5 Southbound Gee Creek SB  Coffee 
Dismal Nitch SR 401 Multidirectional Dismal Nitch Coffee 103 5th St., Raymond, 98577 360-942-2092 
Toutle River I-5 Northbound Toutle River NB Coffee  1411 Rush Rd.  
Chehalis, WA 98532 
Toutle River I-5 Southbound Toutle River SB Coffee  1411 Rush Rd.  
Chehalis, WA 98532 


South Central Region 

Rest Area Interstate/ Route # Direction Email Link Mailing Location Office Phone 
Indian John Hill I-90 Eastbound Indian John Hill EB Coffee 151 South Bullfrog Road  
Cle Elum, WA 98922-9689 
Indian John Hill I-90 Westbound Indian John Hill WB Coffee 151 South Bullfrog Road  
Cle Elum, WA 98922-9689 
Prosser I-82 Multidirectional Prosser Coffee 1816 N. 4th  
Pasco,  WA 99301-3727 
Selah Creek I-82 Eastbound Selah Creek EB Coffee 900 E Selah Rd  
Yakima, WA 98901 
(509) 577-1920 
Selah Creek I-82 Westbound Selah Creek WB Coffee 900 E Selah Rd  
Yakima, WA 98901 
(509) 577-1920 
Vernita SR 24 Multidirectional Vernita Coffee 900 E Selah Rd  
Yakima, WA 98901 
(509) 577-1920 


Eastern Region 

Rest Area Interstate/ Route # Direction Email Link Mailing Location Office Phone 
Hatton Coulee SR 26/US 395 Multidirectional Hatton Coulee Coffee 1407 Morgan St  
Davenport, WA 99122 
Schrag I-90 Eastbound Schrag EB Coffee 1408 Morgan St  
Davenport, WA 99122 
Schrag I-90 Westbound Schrag WB Coffee 1409 Morgan St  
Davenport, WA 99122 
Sprague Lake I-90 Eastbound Sprague Lake EB Coffee 1410 Morgan St  
Davenport, WA 99122 
Sprague Lake I-90 Westbound Sprague Lake WB Coffee 1411 Morgan St  
Davenport, WA 99122 
Telford US 2 Multidirectional Telford Coffee 1412 Morgan St  
Davenport, WA 99122 
Horn School US 195 Multidirectional Horn School Coffee P.O. Box 150  
Colfax, WA 991111-0150 


Free Coffee Program documents

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.