Park and rides
Find information on the location, capacity, and transit agency contact information for park and rides across the state.
Find a park and ride near you
There are over 350 park and rides with nearly 60,000 parking spaces in Washington State. Visit our statewide park and ride webmap, or explore the table below.
Park and rides are organized alphabetically, first by county, then by city within each county. WSDOT cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided below because most lots are operated by other agencies.
Commonly asked questions
Park and ride facilities are a great option for people who have a long commute, don't live near a transit route, or need a convenient place to meet their vanpool or carpool.
Are park and rides secure?
Most park and rides are not staffed by an attendant, but police typically patrol them.
Some park and rides are equipped with enhanced lighting, emergency call boxes and security cameras.
Wherever you park, it's always wise to be aware of your surroundings. Do not leave valuables visible inside your vehicle, and always lock up.
Can I leave my car for as long as I want?
At most lots, signs indicate the maximum allowable parking time (usually 48 hours). Maximum parking periods are enforced by law, and violators may be towed.
How are the rules enforced?
Transit agencies that operate and maintain park and rides work closely with local law enforcement to keep them safe and secure. The Washington State Patrol enforces laws at lots operated by WSDOT.
When will new park and rides be added?
WSDOT and transit agencies are building partnerships to add new park and rides, and increase capacity at existing lots. From asking churches and community centers to share lot space, to working with developers and property owners to include park and rides under new residential and retail buildings, innovation is expanding this commute option.
Questions about a specific park and ride?
In most cases, park and ride lots are operated and maintained by local transit agencies. For questions regarding a specific park and ride lot, contact the transit agencies that serves it:
King County Metro: 206-553-3000
Pierce Transit: 800-562-8109
Snohomish Co. Community Transit: 800-562-1375
Sound Transit: 888-889-6368
Spokane Transit: 509-328-7433
Thurston Co. Intercity Transit: 800-287-6348
Park & rides
Title | County | City | Location | Spaces | Transit Organization | |
Big Y Park and Ride | Chelan County | Leavenworth | SR 2 and SR 97 | 32 | Link Transit |
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.