Active Transportation Plan
Active transportation describes human scaled and often person-powered ways of getting around, such as walking, bicycling or rolling a wheelchair. The Active Transportation Plan provides a foundation for policies, procedures, investments, and improvements to the Washington state active transportation system.
Active Transportation Plan 2020 and Beyond
The Active Transportation Plan 2020 and Beyond (PDF 19.1MB), is a compass for creating the future of walking, biking and rolling on or across state highways in Washington. It is used in decisions to help connect people to where they want to go, whether they use active transportation for the whole trip or just a part of it, such as the walk to a bus stop, the bike ride to work or rolling home from a ferry terminal.
Plan highlights
- Addresses factors most often associated with traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries, such as higher driving speeds and roadway crossing issues.
- Considers ways to correct for the effects of past infrastructure decisions on active transportation safety and mobility, particularly in places where those decisions affected transportation access and health.
- Provides a first-ever needs assessment of the state system for active transportation use.
- Gives a cost estimate for walk and bike improvements on the state highway in population centers.
- Introduces the concept of a statewide bikeways and trails network.
- Uses “level of traffic stress” as a quantitative tool to evaluate the state system with a focus on state routes in population centers and how they affect people's ability to use active transportation.
- Addresses the burden of out-of-direction travel for pedestrians and bicyclists, which was informed by WSDOT’s Multimodal Permeability Pilot (PDF 1.8MB), published in August 2021.
- Sets performance metrics to monitor progress.
- Lists strategies needed for WSDOT and partners to move ahead with the work.
The Active Transportation Plan 2020 and Beyond is based on what we heard from public outreach. It includes both chapters published as Part 1 in May 2021 and the final chapters that received public comment as Part 2 in the fall 2021. The plan is intended to lead our future policy decisions, investments, and improvements.
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- Subscribe to WSDOT Walk and Roll. WSDOT Active Transportation e-news that covers information on a wide range of topics related to active transportation in Washington state, including grants, training opportunities and technical information in addition to news on the Active Transportation Plan.
- Visit us on social media. Use the #WSDOTactive tag to find news you can share.
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.