• Project

SR 14 - E of Bingen – Port of Klickitat Access Improvements

Project overview

This project will increase safety and connectivity between Bingen Point, the Port of Klickitat and State Route 14, in Klickitat County. Currently, travelers and emergency responders use a railroad crossing to access the Port of Klickitat and Bingen Point from W. Steuben Street (SR 14). When train traffic occurs, it affects all travelers and slows emergency response times.

To reduce delays and connectivity issues, WSDOT in partnership with BNSF and the City of Bingen, are working to design and construct a new rail crossing that will reduce backups along SR 14. Once this project is complete, travelers will have an improved multi-modal intersection that provides a safe and reliable trip between Bingen Point and SR 14.

Spring 2015 - Fall 2025
Project status
$34.25 Million
Project hotline

What to expect

This project is currently in the design phase while WSDOT works with public and private partners in Klickitat County. Construction is not yet scheduled. 

This project will provide reliable and uninterrupted access between West Steuben Street (SR 14) and the Port of Klickitat/Bingen Point, in Klickitat County, WA.