Parcel number: 2-09-16712, Douglas County

Minimum bid


Zoning information

Douglas County, (509) 884-7173

Zoning description

The parcel is zoned (AC-5) Commercial Agriculture by the City of East Wenatchee.

Tax parcel number

Ptn. of 23202240000

Location and size

A .98+/- acre rectangular, but slightly trapezoid that is located west of the abutter at 5009 NW Cascade Ave in East Wenatchee.

Abbreviated legal and acquisitions information



Topography and cover

The disposal site area is generally level.


All standard utilities are available in the area, but will need to be extended to the parcel. Domestic water is available in the area via the East Wenatchee Water District with a 12” mainline indicated to be in Cascade Avenue east of the subject abutter. There is no sanitary sewer system available in this vicinity, and sewage is typically processed via onsite septic tank and drain field systems.

Special conditions

For land usage requirements/restrictions, contact the local jurisdiction. Subject to City of Wenatchee Waterline Easement. The property is landlocked from vehicular access.

Map of parcel #2-09-16712, Douglas County