State route imagery collection
Request and view our collection of digital imagery of the state highway system, collected biyearly. Use our state route viewer tool to view the roadway by milepost.
We collect digital (still) images of the state highway system on a two-year cycle. The system is filmed in both directions of travel using a specially equipped imagery collection van. The view that the images display is what a driver would see as they proceed along the roadway.
These images provide a visual record of each highway as well as its immediate environment and allows for a safer and more cost-effective way of monitoring and maintaining our highways. The images are used by our staff for the purposes of asset management, roadway data coding and roadway condition assessment, planning, etc.
We do not retain or record video footage of the roadway from our network of intersection and freeway cameras. Unfortunately, this means we cannot provide videos on specific dates or times for traffic collisions or other events.
View images
Some of our images are available to the public through our State Route Web Tool (SRweb).
This tool provides users with the ability to view portions of the Washington State Highway Log with images at each of the milepost locations. With this tool you can search for a milepost of interest and an image appears for that specified location. The image (milepost location) can then be advanced by clicking the "Forward" and "Backward" buttons, enabling you to 'drive' the highway. The SRweb images database is updated every other year. The SRweb User Instruction (PDF 1.2 MB) guide can assist you in getting started with the application. If you need assistance please email or call 360-570-2417.
Request historical digital images
Copies of available digital images are provided to offices within WSDOT, other state and local agencies and the general public. If you would like to request digital copies, please fill out the Digital Imagery Duplication Request Form (PDF 700KB).
Questions and completed forms may be addressed to the Digital Imagery group. Contact information to the right.
Digital Imagery and Duplication Disclaimer:
Digital imagery is associated with the milepost at which it is collected using a distances measurement instrument in the collection vehicle. This assigned milepost may deviate from the actual location due to vehicle drift, the difference in segment lengths depending on the traveled lane, camera perspective, equipment limitations, etc. These digital views are not created from a driver's perspective and do not reflect how these locations actually appear. WSDOT technology and the PC system setup of the user will affect these views. The images provided are for information purposes only. Unauthorized attempts to alter or modify these views are prohibited.
Slow down on ice and snow.
It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.
Carry chains, practice installing them.
Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.
Pack your winter car kit.
Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.