Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan provides the vision, mission and values that guide the work of the agency. The important work of the agency is focused in three key areas: Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, Resilience and Workforce Development.

WSDOT's Strategic Plan is undergoing updates to improve the way we do business. Our Diversity-Equity-Inclusion efforts ensure we purposefully engage with and listen to our employees, communities and partners as we work together to deliver the program. Resilience inspires us to plan how to preserve and sustain the entire multimodal transportation system into a future of challenges including aging infrastructure, changing weather patterns, natural disasters and other emergencies. Our focus on Workforce Development ensures that we attract, support and retain a quality workforce possessing the skills to meet our legislative, regulatory, service and public expectations.


Washington travelers have a safe, sustainable and integrated multimodal transportation system.


We provide safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation options to improve communities and economic vitality for people and businesses.


  • Safety
  • Engagement
  • Innovation
  • Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Sustainability


  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
  • Resilience
  • Workforce Development

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We each strive to advance our culture of belonging and access so that all feel included, supported, valued and safe.

  • We embed DEI throughout the employee experience to grow our staff to learn to be allies and to create a culture of belonging.
  • We grow the agency Diversity Advisory Groups by increasing membership, expanding learning and creating influence.
  • We develop guidelines and benchmarks that lead to precise and effective decision-making centered on our values.
  • We strive to be a trusted partner of the communities we serve by truly understanding their needs.
  • We create good policy that effectively responds to the needs of underserved communities and creates sound, equitable investment strategies (e.g., the Healthy Environment for All Act, Diverse Business Program, etc.).

Workforce Development

Be an employer of choice by hiring, training and retaining skilled workers to meet Washington’s transportation needs.

  • Employee Engagement – encourage and act on employee feedback.
  • Modern Work Environment – continue building a flexible and mobile work environment through technology and innovation.
  • Talent Development – value our employees through training and other opportunities.
  • Talent Pipelines – analyze applicant pools and use varied recruiting methods to find exceptional talent.
  • Workforce Analysis and Growth – understand market trends and work to offer competitive compensation and ensure succession.


Plan and/or invest resources to improve our ability to mitigate, prepare for, and respond to emergencies; combat climate change; and build a transportation system that provides equitable services, improves multimodal access, and supports Washington’s long-term resilience.

Part 1: Improve resilience of the transportation system

  • Seismic Resilience – prioritize and strengthen the elements of the transportation system most critical to emergency response after a seismic event, such as an earthquake or tsunami.
  • Asset Management – build resilience and reduce vulnerabilities while proactively managing the preservation and maintenance of WSDOT’s assets necessary to achieve and sustain a state of good repair.
  • Climate and Natural Hazard Resilience – prioritize actions that reduce risk and build climate preparedness.
  • Operational Resilience – support and enhance security for all WSDOT staff and properties and improve WSDOT’s Emergency Preparedness for response and recovery from natural and manmade incidents (including cyber).

Part 2: Lead in the development of transportation that combats climate change and enhances healthy communities for all

  • WSDOT Agency Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy – Lead by example by reducing agency GHG emissions.
  • Transportation Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy – Reduce transportation sector GHG emissions by promoting and investing in efficient, equitable and healthy transportation choices.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.