Good To Go! customers now have until end of June to prepare for two-week call center and website closure

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Chris Foster, communications

Transition date to new Good To Go! system shifts to July 2

SEATTLE – Good To Go! customers will get a little longer to update their accounts or resolve outstanding bills as the transition to a new account system will move from June 18 to July 2 while the Washington State Department of Transportation works with vendor ETAN to address final system issues.

The change means both the Good To Go! call center will remain open and the website will be available to customers until Friday, July 2. This will give customers extra time to get ready for the two-week closure of Good To Go! During this extra time, WSDOT encourages customers to update their account, add funds and resolve outstanding bills ahead of the closure.

During the normal course of final system testing, WSDOT identified critical issues related to customer billing and accounting that must be addressed by vendor ETAN before the transition to the new system takes place. Previously, WSDOT stated the transition start date may be postponed if issues arose that could not be resolved or mitigated.

“The testing process worked as intended, as we are identifying and working through these issues with our vendor,” said WSDOT Toll Division Director Edward Barry. “Our goal has always been to ensure that our transition is as smooth as possible for our customers, so we are being conservative in these final steps before shutdown.”

Once transition begins Friday, July 2, the Good To Go! website, and the Good To Go! call center will be offline, so customers will be unable to manage their account, pay their bill or reach customer service.

“We’re taking the time to do this right, and the benefit to customers is that they have longer to prepare,” said Barry. “While we work through these issues, the current customer experience is not affected.”

Background on new Good To Go! system
The current Good To Go! system was designed 10 years ago. Both technology and customer needs have changed significantly in that time. WSDOT awarded the contract to design and implement the new system to ETAN and the new contract to operate the call center to Shimmick. These updates will improve the customer experience by offering new payment options, new ways to manage accounts, more self-service features, improved notifications and improvements to

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.