• Study

US 2 - SR 204 - 20th Street SE Interchange Justification Report

Planning study news

The interchange justification report was completed and delivered to the Washington State Legislature in September 2018. The study will assist the Legislature's plans and decision making for future projects to improve the US 2, SR 204, and 20th Street Southeast interchange.

2016 - 2019
$1.5 Million


The population of Snohomish County has more than doubled since 1980 and is expected to gain another 200,000 residents by 2035. This growth will add pressure to the county’s high-traffic routes, including the US 2, SR 204 and 20th Street Southeast interchange, which already experiences severe congestion during peak commute times. These backups can sometimes spill over onto other highways and surface streets, creating additional congestion.

This map shows the US 2/SR 204/20th Street Northeast interchange at the east end of the US 2 trestle near Lake Stevens.